| Chapter Six : Nightmares and Nice Jerks? |

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I was walking along the streets, minding my own business and feeling the brisk air sweep past my face as it tickled the hairs on my skin and sending goose bumps through out my body. The street lamps dimly have me light to be able to see where I was going as they flickered softly. The moon peeked from the dark clouds shining more light for me to see as I walked along the curb.

As I was making my way through the small neighborhood, I heard soft footsteps pitter pattering behind me. The soft click of the shoes hitting the pavement startled me. I turned around hastily to see if I could see someone following me, or even getting back to their own house, but nothing was to be seen. I felt a pair of eyes boring into my scull none the less as I turned around hesitantly and continued walking along.

After a few more seconds of lingering along I heard the footsteps again. They walked faster than my pace, catching up to me. My head flew around like a bee trying to maneuver himself back to his hive and avoid the huge raindrops that tried to catch his wings and falter his destination. My breathing hitched as I tried to snap myself out of it. I twisted around quickly to see if I could see the person, but again... No one was to be seen. I laughed humorlessly as I talked to myself trying to calm down.

"You're just paranoid... Th-that's all..." I whispered and turned around, picking up the pace.

Suddenly, out of no where, the black figure of a person appeared. The black hoodie covered his face - the ski mask covered the rest of his face that was see-able. He jerked forward, and in a laugh at the back of his throat he stared at me with golden brown eyes that seemed to turn dark - almost black - as he grabbed my neck and held onto it tightly.

I woke up, panting hard as little beads of sweat riveted their way down my forehead. My eyes widened in shock as I panted harder. I stared into the dark, trying to calm myself down. As I tried, I only panted harder - I was to the point of hyperventilation. I turned on the light that was on my night stand and stood up quickly as I paced back and forth by my bedside.

I had a nightmare. A nightmare that was worse than I've ever had. Ever. I tried staying calm and ignoring my stupid brain, but it only made it worse. Part of me wanted mom - but seeing as though she was at work that was hard - but another wanted dad. Dad was known for his heavy sleeping and snoring loudly; so that basically wasn't an option.

So I grabbed my cellphone.

And texted Alex.

To: JerkBoy | 1:27 am
Can u talk rn? At least let me text u...

From: JerkBoy | 1:29 am
Ugh! Do u not realize SOME of us r tryna sleep?

To: JerkBoy | 1:29 am
Yea... But... Oh damn it.

From: JerkBoy | 1:29 am
Wow, miss goody 2 shoes knows how to swear. ^.^ What's wrong baby?

To: JerkBoy | 1:30 am
I had...a nightmare...it was horrible...

From: JerkBoy | 1:30 am
Why? Watch a scary movie?

To: JerkBoy | 1:31 am
No... Can I call u? Please...?

From: JerkBoy | 1:31 am
I guess...

I sighed and sucked it up, calling him. Waiting for him to answer was aggravating. The rings kept going until he finally answered.

"Yeah?" His sleepy, husky voice rang out; clearly annoyed from being awakened by his slumber.

"I-I...oh geez..." I barely said above a whisper. The sweat that was trickling down sent shivers up my back as I sat down on my bed and hugged the sheets with one hand and held my phone to my ear in the other.

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