| Chapter Twenty-Two : I Don't Know What To Think |

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The next day in school Logan came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder as he spoke up.

"Wanna hang out today cutie?" He asked softly in my ear.

I rolled my eyes and just stood there, "I guess..."

"Mm...don't sound too convinced." He replied. I could hear the frown on his lips as he spoke.

Then suddenly, Alex came into view. I smirked to myself and decided to get back at him for breaking my heart. I was going to do this, and hopefully not fall for another ding bat. Hopefully.

"Oh, I am. What do you wanna do babe?" I asked, mentally smacking myself for calling him "babe."

"Ooh, babe...sounds adorable when you say it," he smirked and kissed my neck, although it was more of a peck, and continued, "I don't care. Your place? My place? Somewhere else? The mall? I don't care."

"Mm...I suppose my place. Hopefully we can get past the "guards"." I replied, smirking to myself.

"Guards?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Duh...parents..." I replied matter of factly.

"Ooh right, knew that." He replied and lifted his chin so he was only holding onto my waist gently.

Alex was watching from a distance, frowning and shaking his head.

Well, ya know, you snooze you loose, mate.

After a few more seconds of Logan holding me and kissing my cheek once...or twice...he finally let go of me and walked off with a bunch of other guys I've seen Alex hanging with.

"I wouldn't stick around him, Jocelynn." Said the jerk himself.

I turned around to face him as I spoke, "Oh and like I'd really listen to you or believe you. You arrogant little selfish...idiotic jerk..."

"Yeah well... I warned you." He said as he clenched his jaw and turned around and walked off.

I frowned as I slammed my locker door shut and walked off to my first class. Trinity was no where to be seen, Serenity wasn't here again, and I knew why Serenity wasn't always here. But Trinity...that was a whole other story. Sometimes she's here, sometimes she's off doing something...it's hard to tell what's going on with her. But usually Serenity's abusive dad would hurt her so bad she literally could not move. His abusive state caused him to sell illegal drugs, smoke pot, and drink. Drink all hours of the day. Worse than Alex's dad. Worse than Amber's dad... Just all around worse.

As I sat at my desk in the hard and cold metal seat I grabbed a piece of paper and started drawing. I don't consider myself an artist, not nearly as amazing as Trinity's artwork or Serenity's by like a mile and a half, but I enjoy to do it as a side thing. I can get into detail, but sometimes it just looks like a blob of ink in the middle of the piece of paper. Or sometimes I get lazy and draw little stick people.

But this time I was drawing eyes. A pair of blue eyes. Usually eyes are easier for me, so soon it became detailed. Very detailed. I frowned as I stared at my drawing, pausing in my process as I sat there, staring.

The eyes I had drawn were looking exactly like Alex's eyes did. The way their blazing blue color dragged you in and played with you, the way they were smirking slightly...no matter what...the way they were gentle but fierce drove me crazy. It was as if I was looking in his eyes at that moment. And somehow I just got lost more.

"Alright, class, let's get started." Mrs. Peppi said, strutting away from the black board and staring at everyone who was not yet graduated.

I swiftly covered up the drawing by closing the notebook and putting it back in my bag as we began.


"Hey sweet thing." Logan said as he strode over to me, winking and half smirking his face off. I rolled my eyes slightly as I smiled back at him, hoping he didn't notice the rolling of my eyes, and answered.

"Hey hottie." I replied, mentally throwing up. I never act like this.

What is my problem?...and his too...


"Mmm...nice come back." He smirked, soaking the "compliment" up and holding himself with pride.

"I know." I replied matter-of-factly as I leaned against the lockers and twirled my hair a little. I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw Alex frowning as he shook his head at Logan. His hand seemed to clench into a balled fist as he walked away.

Well, if you didn't want me to be with him...duh...do something about it. ...Whatever.

He smirked more before he spoke up and kind of nodded his head up a bit, "Wanna go to your place now?"

"Hmm...sure." I replied, nodding lightly. I pushed away from the lockers since I had already gotten stuff back into my locker and had my back pack slung over my shoulder.

"Kay." He said before he slung his arm around my shoulder and walked out of the school building with me. We walked towards his car and got in before he started the car and drove off. I gave him directions to my house, hoping mom and dad wouldn't be around. I don't know what they'd think if I brought home a different guy...

We got to my place, no cars to be seen. Maybe they're out...or maybe at work...

Well, I mean...we only have one car, so maybe mom was at work and dad was here? I don't know. I'm talking to myself again. Nothing new.

We walked in and sneaked up to my room, closing the door as soon as we got in. I put my back pack on the bean bag that was off in the corner and sat on my bed. I crossed my legs in an Indian style and watched as Logan looked around my room.

"Sit somewhere." I finally piped up, smiling lightly at him. He smiled back and looked around a bit more then sat down beside me. In a few seconds he was laying down beside me, resting his head a little on the head of the bed.

"How long have you lived here?" He asked before he put his hands behind his head.

"Mm..." I muttered out softly before I laid on the bed and looked at the ceiling as I thought for a bit, "About ten years now."

"Ah..." He said as he nodded his head lightly. He lowered one of his hands and slid it behind me so I was laying on his arm. He rubbed my arm lightly beofre he spoke up again, "I see."

"Yup." I said and nodded.

We talked a bit more before he spoke up again, "Wanna have some fun?"

"Hmm..sure." I answered, thinking it'd be a stupid little game he had in mind.

He smirked to himself as he leaned towards me and started to kiss my cheek lightly. Soon he trailed kisses towards my lips, and before I knew it... His lips were pressed against mine.

His hand slid from out from under me and he put both hands on my hips as he propped himself up and kissed me more.

Oh crap oh crap ...what the freak man.

I didn't kiss back. I pushed against his broad chest as he slid his hands up my shirt. He kissed a bit harder, but then I flinched away as much as I could and pushed him away faster and harder. Of course he didn't budge, but he stopped kissing me and pulled away.

"Not that kind of "fun"...!" I squeaked out, panting. My heart thudded in my chest as I shook. That was too close...

"Why not?" He asked as he stared at me and dragged his hands up my shirt more.

"N-no, just no!" I exclaimed.

Then he slid his hands out of my shirt quickly and sat back fast.

"Wait...are-are you a virgin still?" He asked, pursing his lips slightly as if into a duck face.

"I-I...you....it...ma....it's none of your business!" I stuttered out, finally able to finish it at the end. I quickly backed up against the head of the bed as I hugged my legs to my chest and stared at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"You are, aren't you?" He snickered out then chuckled lightly.

"Shut up." I hissed back, frowning.

He kept chuckling as he shook his head lightly and crossed his arms so his hands were under his armpits.

"I-I'm...just...too innocent." I replied as I stuck my tongue out, trying to loosen the mood a bit.

"Yup, I guess....and you're pretty hot, too..." He stated, staring at me...his eyes started drifting towards my chest.

I quickly jumped up and patted my back jean pockets before I spoke up, "So um want-want me to get some pizza or...?"

"Yeah..." he cleared his throat and shook his head before he turned around and laid back down in my bed. "Sure, if you want to. I don't care. Go ahead."

"Alright." I said before I walked out of my room and to the phone.

"Wow...he is a jerk...maybe I should have listened to Alex." I whispered to myself as I walked downstairs to the phone and phone book. I dialed Roma's pizza and ordered a pepperoni and sausage pizza.

After they told me the time they'd deliver it I hung up and took a deep but semi shaky breath. Boy oh boy is Logan a douche bag...almost worse than Alex, if anyone can believe it, which right now...I can.

I stared at the stairs and hesitated for a few seconds, but it felt like a really long time. It felt like me just standing there staring at the stairs for what was probably only around five-ten seconds was actually a life time. I finally took a step up the stairs and went into my room, closing the door quickly.

Turns out mom was at work and dad was in his "office" which was mom and dad's bedroom. Thank God too 'cause otherwise I'd be dead meat. And I don't think I'd taste too good.


"What'd you get?" He asked, sitting up and fiddling with his fingers.

"Pepperoni and sausage. Hope that's okay..." I said, walking over to the bed again and hesitantly sitting down.

"Oh yeah sure that's good." He said, grinning lightly and nodding.

"Kay, good." I replied, nodding.

We kept talking for a while until the pizza came; about fifteen minutes later. As we stuffed our faces with pizza and talked, I couldn't help but wonder what in the world I was doing. I was hanging out with Logan, probably one of the most horrible jerks in school, topping Alex. Somehow I always find the jerks.

I guess it's true for a lot of guys, right? The whole they want to get into your pants, they think of sex 24/7?

Yeah, for most guys I guess, but...Alex showed me different.

But he blew it. And we both knew it.

I just wish he would have done something about Logan and I.


WHOOP! UPDATED! YAAAYYEEE!! Okay, so of course Logan's a ding dong and we gotta get him and stuff and Joce's stupid to go with him yada yada yada...BUT! SOON! SOMETHING SHALL HAPPEN! AH YES, YES IT WILL. Trruuuuuusssttt me on this. No, seriously you have to trust me, I'm the author. Duurrr.

OH! On the side is a song that I thought would be appropriate for Alex. ;)

I hope you're enjoying this, and sorry to say but I'm thinking soon LPaG will come to a close. Not right now, but soon. Maybe get to 30 chapters? Less? I dunno, you can tell me. Actuallyyyy....how about that be the sentence. BUT! THERE IS RULES;

No 100 chapters, nothing horribly long, and nothing too soon.
So here's the sentence that needs finished;

I think that LPaG should have ___ chapters.

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