| Chapter Fifteen : Answers |

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The next day - Sunday - I got a visitor. The visitor, if you know what I mean. The dirty blonde haired, crystal blue eyed boy walked up onto my porch and rang the door bell. My mom answered it.

"Hello there!" She exclaimed, smiling warmly at him.


I tried to run out of his sight, but to no avail. He saw me scurrying away.

"Hi, Mrs. Green...and Joce..." He said, pausing a second while watching me try and sneak away. He chuckled lightly to himself, but something seemed weird about him.

"Oooh, hey there Alex." I replied, almost in a mutter.

"Can I come in?" He asked, his jerky self wasn't nearly as bad as usual, and his smirk wasn't there. I even think he was fiddling with his fingers as if he was nervous about something.

"Sure!" My mom exclaimed, smiling and stepping aside so he and his leather jacket could walk in and musk the air with his cologne. He looked at me, and I knew. I instantly knew.

He was here...because I've been avoiding him...yup.

He gave me a weak smile as he nodded slightly and motioned for us to go to my room. I took lead, climbing the stairs. My gut ached. I still didn't know, even though for the past day Alex has been replaying in my head, his name...his voice, his face...

It is freaking annoying, but every time I think of him I just stop and stare dreamily at the wall as if he were standing right there. Every time I seem to get a feeling in the pit of my stomach, each time it grows. Like a candle would. At first it's flickering, about to die out, but soon it grows larger and grows hot. The flames wisp in the wind as it stays strong.

But just like every candle, it can get blown out. A few times the wind has knocked the flame almost out...but it comes back again, almost stronger than the last time. I know I am falling for him, but a part of me doesn't want to believe it.

I closed the door to my room as he stared at my wall solemnly. The quiet was killing me, I couldn't take it.

"Say something... I can't stand quiet..." I finally muttered out as I slid my right foot beside my left food and stood at an angle. I held onto my left arm with my right as I stood there... Just kind of... There.

"No, you say something. I want to know, Joce...do you actually like me or is this me losing now? Losing at my own game..." He said, muttering the end as he frowned lightly.

"I-I don't know, Alex...I-I think..." I stuttered, not trying to give into his innocent... Adorable... Cute...--I MEAN his stupid innocent face that I could just rip o--okay, okay... So maybe he is making me fall for him faster than I thought...

"Please, Joce! I want to know... Do you like me, or is this still some game and we can never be... Real?" He asked, as if it were nothing. But at the end you could tell he was getting nervous, he was fidgeting more, his voice dropped almost to a whisper, and he bit his lip harder than I've ever seen him bite his lip.

"Alex... Don't bite your lip that hard, you'll make it bleed..." I piped up, frowning and walking closer to him. I slid my hand into his strong one as I continued, "I think I do like you. I... I'm falling for you... But..."

"But what?" He asked, for I trailed off, biting my own lip. This is so cliché and stupid and kind of awkward.

"But... I-I don't know if you'll be there to catch me..." I almost whispered, blushing. I tried to hide my face in my hair, but Alex's masculine hand reached up and tucked it behind my ear gently.

"Joce," he started, lifting my head up so we could both look at each other directly, "I'll always be there to catch you. I'll protect you, too... Give me a chance?"

My heart throbbed. My mind flashed. I tried to not show it, but inside I was dying of happiness. Butterflies swarmed the pit of my stomach as volts of emotion swept over me like a raging ocean. The waves of emotion crashed against each other as I bit my lip and nodded, trying to not squeal.

Alright, alright, so maybe I just over reacted and stretched that a little.

...Or a lot...?

But one thing was for sure... I did have butterflies swarming the pit of my stomach.

Especially when I found Alex's lips only centimeters away from my own lips.

I closed my eyes and leaned in the rest of the way, enclosing our lips together in a synchronized movement formerly known as a kiss.

It was different than the drunk kiss. It had more feeling, more power in it. Pretty soon I felt arms clasp around my waist as my hands absentmindedly found his hair and messed it up a tad. The jolts of emotion rushed through my veins as I kissed him back with affection and want. He returned it with need and love.

I knew he was acting different, I thought to myself before I lost my mind completely.

About five minutes later - which felt way longer than that - we pulled away not wanting to, but we had to catch our breath at some point. I panted harder than him as we gently touched our foreheads together, looking into each other's eyes.

I never thought I'd fall for Princess Popularity...


We held each others hands as we walked along the sidewalk, enjoying the fresh air and scenery before the leaves all fell off. The vibrant colors gave me a sense of happiness... Alright, so maybe Alex gave me a sense of happiness too...

The crisp air tickled my skin and sent goosebumps up and down my spine. I shivered lightly, trying to not ruin the moment... But really, I kind of - in a way - made it better.

Alex drew me closer as he let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I slid my hand under his jacket and held onto his side gently as I leaned into his other side. We walked along, not speaking a word. But doing nothing with him... Means everything to me.

The cars drifting by was like music to my ears as the gentle breeze swished past my ears and giving it a sense of nature. The train whistle in the background added to the mix.

This was truly amazing.

And yet, this was Alex's idea.

No matter how wrong this should be, it feels so right. I just hope he's not playing around... Because if he is, I'll get him back. I'll make him pay.

But let's not think of that, for this is now. The present. The future is so far away, it's like another galaxy. Another planet. Another dimension...

But there was still questions left unanswered, and I wasn't about to let him get away without answering them. I would get to the bottom of this if it was the last thing I do. Ironically, I tripped and almost fell...good thing Alex was there...

Maybe it will be the last thing I do...huh...


Whoop whoop! New update. :D Sorry it took a while - I couldn't figure out how to end this. :\ Well, sorry it's also probably short and choppy, but hey! It's an update, is it not?
Hopefully I can update sooner since I have a Thanksgiving break! :) Thanks for reading this. ^_^

Oh, yes! And! I was wondering... Do you think I should have like a "filler" chapter with Alex's point of view? What do you think, hmm? ^_^ Telll meee!

Finish this sentence below:

I'm thankful for ____.

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