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First off, for people who actually are enjoying this story. Thanks for ACTUALLY sticking around to read the A/N. I know only like 2 people are probably reading this but, i'd just like to explain what is going on. Im not making a Chapter 2. Atleast not yet anyway, Im just suprised anyone was willing to read my story at all. Im just a girl just bored writing about her favorite superhero and writing it in a way so anyone can end up smooching him that are crushing on him. Just like you im also waiting for stories. I am seriously waiting for 10 stories, I like to think that's ALOT.

 I am seriously waiting for 10 stories, I like to think that's ALOT

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And usually i write to fill that void. But recently i've became distant of this story and started just constantly reading everyone else's stories. (Which is how i am waiting for 10+ stories.) And i wanted to say that i might not finish this story, im just really bored and almost not inspired at all. Im not very good of a writer, and not too many people are intrested in reading this, (Including the first chapter) so therefore i've just been reading like crazy. I finally have considered making a chapter 2, i don't know which Robin i should use though, the Teen Titans, Young Justice or just playing old, Batman and Robin, and i just can't make myself write it. So if you REALLY want me to write feel free to ask in the comments.  I seriously don't care, it actually encourages me to write! It makes me feel like someone is actually reading my book and enjoys it. Making someone's day by reading what im writing i actually feel kinda honored (Cliché i know,) to write to make someone not completely bored.

So yeah. I just put this up to say im not sure which Robin from which series to use and let you guys know, if you want a part 2, ask me. If i get three people to ask i'll make a part 3, i might even sneak one of the three people into the next chapter. It all depends. So thanks for reading and stayed tuned my lil birdies!

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