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~ Melissa's POV ~

What the hell. I thought after Harry asked to take my shirt off. Who does he think he is?! After 4 years of fucking bullying me all of a sudden he starts being nice and now wants to take my shirt off?! Ugh! This makes me so mad in the inside but I only could squeak a few words,

"What? Why? What if someone comes?"

"Don't worry. I'll only pull your shirt high enough so I can see your bruises. And we'll hide in the stalls,"

"Harry.. I don't want-"

"Shhh... Just trust me this one time. I swear I won't do anything."

I nodded giving him permission.

WHAT? Why the hell did you nod Melissa?! Can't you see what he has done to you? How foolish of you!

I sighed loudly. Half of me screamed no, while the other had a little hope in Harry.

Before I knew it, I was picked up bridal style, and was sat down on a toilet. I sat on the centre of metal walls that protected privacy. My cheeks started to tingle. I knew I was blushing. Harry on the other side had a soft smile on his face. As soon as he closed the door, he crouched down so he was facing my chest. His warm hands clenched onto the hem of my shirt and he waited for me to approve once again. I felt the warmth of hands making my skin tingle. I nodded once again.

The cold air hit my bare skin hard and I could feel bumps starting to appear. Harry's eyes shot open and his mouth formed an 'o'.

"W-what have I done?" he says while running is warm hands against my bare skin. I gulped. Once again I felt my eyes sting. I kept my eyes closed shut not wanting to see what Harry's face expression was. My tears demanded to flea from my eyes but I kept them closed. The demands became stronger and stronger until.  I. Lost. Beads of tears rushed down my face.

"Why Harry? Why me?!" I whisper yelled.

"I-I don't know." He stuttered.

"You should've chased after anyone else but you chose me! Why?!" I demanded.

"I-I h-honestly don't know!" he repeated himself.

By now I was clenching onto his shirt in a threatening kind of way. Who was I kidding though. I couldn't threaten him. No one could. Suddenly I gave up. Harry officially broke my walls. I can't believe I'm saying this but yes. He broke me down inside out.

I didn't notice I had my forehead on his shoulder but I didn't care now. I sniffed and croaked for the last time.

"Why me..."

"I'm gonna fix this. Just trust me. I will. I promise to fix you lov-"

"No. Don't call me that. I hope your happy now. You have broke me inside out. And even if you did fix me. I would never forget the terrible things you did to me Styles. Never." those were the last words I said to him before leaving him. I walked out the bathroom doors not even caring about classes now. All I wanted was to go home. I wanted to fall into deep sleep and not wake up until people changed. Until. Harry. Changed.



Sorry that was kind of a short chapter but I've been busy! I will promise to update before this coming Monday!


<3 Alina

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