Having problems with your book cover? Or having problems about editing? There's no need to worry! Just click the read button above and learn anything you need to learn about Picsart and StickIt and making book covers~
Tutorials and advice from a boo...
Well! I'm officially back~ Sorry for being so inactive but here's my thoughts for a chat-styled Book Cover (simple style). I wish I still have my readers. So, please let me know if you're there.
This is the way I do a book cover based on a chat or text story:
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Why? Well, most of you might be used to seeing book covers this way:
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(This is from the net. Please excuse the manners) But I don't do that. Because it looks... err... cheap and unwanted, isn't it? I'm aware that most of the authors want their book cover to look realistic. I respect your decision if you think the same way.
Let's go back to my way.
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How I did it: 1. Open background and add cellphone PNG. 2. Add your text. 3. Add movie text. 4. Add light rays. 5. Add border. 6. Add halftone texture.
Why I prefer it this way: 1. Because it looks catchier. 2. This style:
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... can better be used as a MULTIMEDIA, not a book cover. Doing this advice will make your book's quality better and realistic than adding it on the book cover. 3. The text style looks like you doesn't care enough about your story to drop just a random screenshot for a book cover. 4. I just think it's better.
Everything is based on my opinion, becauseasIalwayssay, it'sallaboutperspective. And for being inactive, here are some resources to rely on.
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