Having problems with your book cover? Or having problems about editing? There's no need to worry! Just click the read button above and learn anything you need to learn about Picsart and StickIt and making book covers~
Tutorials and advice from a boo...
Hello~ This is a PUBLIC render making tutorial (asacelebrationfor 100+ followers) Why is it public? Well, I think making this public is the best choice.
Let's move on to my tutorial~ I want you to know and to believe that everything here is very easy. I'm not saying this because I'm used to editing but because, it's really easy.
•Open the picture. •Click 'Tool'. •Click 'Free Crop'.
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•Choose between 'brush' or the 'lasso tool' •Use them to mark the parts you want to keep
Tip: Thisisthemostcomplicatedpart. Thismighttakealotofyourtimebut be patient.
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•And then click the check button below. (I apologize for the blur effect)
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