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"YOU CAN'T RUN FROM ME!",I ran and ran not sure how long I can keep running. my legs already began to feel numb, I tried to push myself but no matter how fast I ran I couldn't seem to lose him. "OOO PRINCE, COME OUT AND PLAAAAYYY!!" The voice called, I hid behind a dumpster praying to every god I knew to let me live through this to at least let me see Sam one more time before I died. I was a block away from my house but it seemed like I was a world away. the shadows of the night danced around me the moon shining a protective glow, but I knew I wouldn't last long. I haven't trained yet and they were sure to kill me at my weakest moment before I could reach my potential instead of me becoming a potential threat. The half beast, half human monster hunting me started following me when I was 5. from then on I knew I would never be normal, they killed my mom right in front of me and I can still hear her blood curdling screams and see the blood pour from her body as she was decapatated. My dad and I have been on the run ever since, he always told me I needed to live that I was going to be the world savior. I didn't believe him and when I moved to Chicago I thought my life was finally gonna be normal. especially after meeting Sam. My mind stops day dreaming as I heard snarling and snapping. I began to really see the danger I was in, I held my breath and waited for them to find me. "prince?!" I hear a familiar voice call. "Prince were are you?!" are you ok?!, "it's me Sam!" Sam!!! I thought oh no I couldn't put her life in danger. I stepped from behind the garbage can and at the end of the alley was Sam. "SAM!!" I yell, "PRINCE!!" "omg I was so scared I thought you where hurt or someone was after you, and I didn't know where you were. " It's ok Sam, I'm fine." or at least I think I am I thought to myself my eyes scanning my area wondering we're the creatures went and why the suddenly disappeared when Sam came. "Sam we have to go"I said trying to sound normal and not let her see how scared I was. we walked backed to my apartment building, I cautiously stepped into my apartment scanning the area completely in one swoop. "dad!?" I called are you home. I heard a grunt and a moan from behind the couch. I ran behind the couch and my dad layed there a bloody mess. I didn't know where he was bleeding all I knew was that he was losing to much blood. "DAD!!" I screamed Sam came behind me her eyes wide in horror and shock. my dad opened his eyes and it got wide with shock as he saw Sam "you found her" he said " can.... stop this" he said breathing shallow and his heart barely being able to withstand so much. "find jared, he will help you." my dad said knowing this was gonna be his last time ever seeing his son. "dad it's gonna be ok well get you a doctor and you will be ok again trust me." I say with more reassurance than was possible for my dad who was lying on his death bed. "you have find....him, I love you." his eyes slid close and I knew he was gone. "NOOO!!!" I Scream "NOO!!, PLEASE dad wake up, please I whisper." Sam put her arms around me and hugged me telling me it was gonna be ok. that's when the door flew and in walked the beast, the murderer. at that moment I could rip anything apart and kill anything in my way. Sam looked at me horror in her eyes. "your eyes" she whispered "there glowing red".

To be continued

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