Mine (Obsessed!Orihara Izaya)

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Izaya walked past the cafe where you first met and thought about things that would happen if he popped up there again. He knew you still worked there. He knew that you stayed on the apartment where he used to barge in on a daily basis. He knew that you dyed your hair back to how it was before you met. He knew a lot about you. What he doesn't know is if you still loved him.

He decided to mess around with you again and opened the door. He entered the cafe and saw an amazingly unbelievable scene. Some random guy was proposing to you and you were crying with joy. You said yes and everything that Izaya thought he'd never take back came. He looked at you with a blank expression as you hugged the man before you.

"(Y/n)-chan," he said in a cheerful tone. He was good at that. Masking his pain. Your eyes fluttered open and saw him directly. You got over him and like how you treated everyone who left you and came back, you smiled at him sweetly. You were like the flower he and you used to watch in the meadows. Basking under the bright light of the sun. You were his only piece of sanity left in his dark and desolate world.

He wasted you. He tainted your innocence with his malice and when you seemed lost he left you like trash at the side of the road. "Oh. I see you're getting married how wonderful!" he said cheerily with a smile. You were never good in reading him so you didn't know what he was feeling. You looked at him delighted, "Isn't it?! We met five months ago. A month after we broke up!" You said in a very optimistic tone that made Izaya's heart ache.

He looked at you surprised. Why didn't you show any sign of pain at all? Don't you still love him? Was what he thought. You dismissed everything and gave him a cup of coffee and a cake you knew he liked. You stood up and excused yourself.

"You know I can eat and run, right? You'll lose your job if you do this, you know~" he joked and you just giggled. How he loved hearing that. "Don't worry! It's on me!" you said as you left. He didn't want you to leave yet but what could he do? Ask for you to stay? He had more pride than that.

When you came back to take care of the dishes he used he was still there and asked for a chat. You looked at him surprised but happily accepted it. "So? When's the wedding?" he asked as you took care of the plates and cups. You gave him a grin, "Why are you asking me? Aren't you the famous informant, Orihara Izaya?"

He looked at you with a sarcastic smile. "I'm asking you as a friend. Can't I do that?" he said and you silently laughed. "Next Tuesday at 8 in the evening."
"So soon? Why?" you turned your back to bring the dishes to the kitchen.
"Well, unlike you Izaya, he made preparations. Just a few weeks ago he took me to places that was essential for weddings and stuff. He took care of the venue of the reception. Venue for the wedding. Invitations, my wedding dress, the food. Even the theme and honeymoon venue. He was thinking of marrying me since last month. I'm really lucky to have him. He has a steady job, good income, he's  very kind, caring and my parents like him. What else do I like about him? Hm... maybe untimely humor. He laughs at my jokes even though they're not that funny. He. He's just a great man." you said making Izaya guilty. You walked towards the kitchen and left Izaya alone.

'That does it. I'll never hand her over to anyone. (Y/n) is mine' he thought and left.

It was Monday the day before your wedding and you were going for your girls night out with your friends. You were running late because you had to bring lots of things you had to bring. You took a cab and told him where you wanted to go. You realized something was wrong when you passed through different buildings that wouldn't take you to your destination.

"Uhm... mister? Are you sure this will lead me to Wines and Sweets? I think you had a wrong turn. See it's that way." you said as you pointed at the window. A snicker played on the driver's lips. "We're on the right track, (y/n)~" he said and you got wide eyed.

'This voice...' you thought.

"Izaya!?" you shouted and he looked at you from the mirror. "Hi (y/n)-chan~!" you doubled as you tried to open the door. It was stuck. It was locked and you were terrified. You couldn't open it. If there was anything that you learned from being Izaya's girlfriend, it was that when he had that smile on his face something bad was gonna happen.

The car pulled over in front of a hotel building where Izaya was now staying. He opened the door lock and you hurriedly opened the door and ran outside not caring if you left your things back in the car. You wore jeans and sneakers though you guys were planning on swimming. You wore a white jacket that was long enough to be called a short dress. Izaya didn't even make an effort to stop you. He just let you run. He was enjoying how panicked you were. Little did you know that Izaya had already prepared for a runaway.

You were stopped from going out by guards and carried you back to where Izaya was. Izaya had a grin on his face. "How was your jog, dear?" he asked and you looked at him frightened. You were brought to Izaya's apartment and they made you sit on the bed. Hands and legs tied up. You were screaming but it seems nobody could hear you at all. "It's pointless, (y/n)-chan. This room is sound proof." he said as he sat in front of you. "Why are you doing this?" you asked desperate for an answer. He stayed silent.

"Dammit Izaya! What do you want?! I was already happy! I was finally having a man who loved me! Why would you ruin it? Do you hate me that much?!" you shouted at him. He just looked at you with a smile. "You're so cute (y/n)-chan. I could never give you to that ugly human. Did he ever tell you that he was the next CEO of an internationally recognized company? I bet you didn't know that. He never told you did he?" he said as you began to become furious.

"I don't care if he's a CEO of some company or not! I don't care if he didn't tell me that! I  love him! So let me be with him! Get out of my life Izaya!" you shouted but the next thing you knew he was on top of you. His red orbs peered through your  (e/c) ones and he smirked devilishly. "You're mine (y/n)-chan. Remember that. I'll never let anyone have you." he said. He buried his face on your neck and breathed your scent in. He missed it.

He couldn't stand the thought another man was gonna take you away. He wasn't gonna take that chance. Hot tears fell from your eyes as Izaya started kissing your neck. He licked your neck as he slowly slid your jacket off of your shoulders. "I'm never gonna lose you. After all, you're my favorite human. I just love you." He said as he started doing things he did to you the first night you stayed together.


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