Love Bites (Vampire!Hibari Kyoya)

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It was just another evening in your not so different life in this mediocre and cruelly pressumptive world.

*pant* 'I gotta get away from him!' *pant*

It was the same evening save for the fact that a vampire suddenly took interest in your blood.

*pant* 'Who is he? Why's he following me?' *pant*

You swallowed your fears for a solid second and shouted at the top of your lungs. "Who are you?! Why're you following me?!" no one answered but you knew he was still there. You came upon a dark alley and there you made your biggest mistake yet. You turned and entered the dark alley.

A smirk played on Kyoya's lips. You were running and panting. Your legs were about to give in. You knew you were in trouble. You thought you could escape him now but for your desperations and prayers unanswered you were met by a dead end. Tears started forming at the corners of your eyes.

You were panting harshly.

You fell to your knees as exhaustion took it's reward leaving you feel numb and heavy. You felt yourself suddenly struggling for conciousness. Your eyes slowly shut and you forced them open when you saw the silhouette of your pursuer. You edged yourself to the wall at your back as your breath hitched.

"Get away frow me... Go away..." you said almost in a whisper. You found your pursuer in front of your fragile state. Tears started rolling down your cheeks as you begged for your life. Your breath hitched when his breath touched your neck. Your clutched your hands and readied for attack but he held them down making your heart and mind to panic.

'I'm gonna die I'm gonna---' your thoughts were interrupted when you felt his fangs sink on your neck. You were about to howl in pain when your perpetrator muffled your scream with his hand. You struggled free but he wouldn't budge. When he took his fangs out you were about to pass out. You looked up and saw red orbs filled with lust peer through yours. You blacked out.

You woke up and thought of everything as nothing but a dream before you realized that the room you slept in wasn't your room at all. You also noticed that your clothes were nowhere to be found. When someone spoke you instinctively pulled the blankets up to hide your body and looked for the voice's host.

"Good. You're awake." the person who spoke had raven black hair and eyes. He had a smirk on his face. He wore a white buttoned shirt and a black jacket draped on his shoulders. You looked at him closely and realized it was Hibari Kyoya! The discipline committee's leader. You felt your face burn red as you realized you were still naked. He walked towards you and you backed up too much that you almost fell off. Hibari pushed you down leaving you to blush even more.

"W-What are you doing?" Hibari smirk turned into a grin as he threw the only piece of fabric that prevented you to be naked. You got wide eyed and your mouth went agape. Hibari's face looks satisfied as he took the chance to kiss you. He forced his tongue into your mouth and danced with your tongue. You tried to put distance but you failed and soon enough you melted in.

Hibari threw off his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt. He trailed his kisses down your neck and you winced as you felt Hibari's tongue touch your open wound. Hibari smirked in delight. Your eyes popped open when you realized it wasn't a dream. "What the..." you managed to speak in a shocked tone. That was when Hibari sat up and looked below you. You covered yourself with a creeped out face.

"It seems you remembered." he said with a chuckle. He licked his lips making you shudder in fear. He leaned forth again. His breath tickled your skin. Goosebumps spread all over your body. He licked your neck's wound along with kisses. You shivered and trembled as your arms slowly went to Hibari's well toned torso. You held onto his shoulders and pulled him in. Hibari liked it. It was as if you begged him for a lot more.

After a few more kisses and goosebump giving actions, Hibari bit down to your shoulder. It wasn't with the fangs like last night's. It was more gentle and ticklish. He trailed down to your torso. After a few moments of pleasure you were filled with love bites from Hibari. He licked your lips and kissed you again. He bit your lower lip asking for entrance which you gave happily. Your tongues swirled and danced into a tango.

After a few love filled actions made that I am too embarrassed to write, you and Hibari lied down on the bed. You snuggled with him and he seemed to be pleased. Blankets covering both of your bodies. You looked at him with a smile making him ask what you were thinking.

"I didn't know you were a vampire," he looked away from you and gave an ambiguous answer. "You don't know me." he said making your mood hit the floor. You turned away and he looked at you surprised. After all you both did, you gave him a cold shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you and asked what was wrong.

"Why'd you did that with me? Do you even like me?" you asked in a way he found cute. He pulled you close and gave you an answer that pleased you. "In vampire tradition, when a virgin woman's blood is drunk by a vampire man, he and she will be owned or in other ways of telling, the woman will be the vampire's property. I wanted you. I'm not so generous as to give you away. So I bit you last night." you looked up at him and asked if it was true. He nodded with a smile and you blushed pink as you saw an expression not everyone sees.

He asked you if you liked him too and you tackled him into a hug and smiled as you looked at him. "I love you too. Very much Kyoya!" Hibari's face turned red as he saw your cuteness. You got shocked when he buried his face to your neck. His breath was hot and haggard. It was as if he was panting. "W-What's wrong Kyoya?!" you asked in a panic.

"(Y/n) I wanna do it again," he whispered making you think what he was talking about then you figured it out. He was talking about 'that.'

"A-Again?! But we just finished earlier!" he grabbed on your hands and started kissing your cheeks. "Don't complain it's your fault why I got hard again." he whispered blaming you.

"W-What are you talking about?" you asked worriedly.

"It was you were too cute." he said as he licked your ear lobe. "I really want to do it again..." he said.

"Wait! Time out! Again! Just a-- ah!"



Hi there dear readers! I can't believe I just wrote that.... I know it was bad and I do think it was missing something but this isn't a lemon book. I don't think I can even make one! Well if there are some of you who prefer lemons then maybe you should ask for one. And I think I'd fail miserably at it too. Oh well. I do hope you enjoyed it though.


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