Chapter 5

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     I bolted from the class to the bathroom with Sara behind me. I collapse in the far corner stall of the restrooms and Sara walked in and sat next to wile to vomited from the anxiety. After I finish she sat with me in a tight hug for 5 minutes.
"Come on we'll be late "
We walked out and I saw Cole standing there waiting for us.
" Cole! " I jumped up and hugged him he is my best guy friend.
"Hey you ok know "
"Yeah "
The three of us walked to second block together. Reading ugh !!!And I started thinking about him.
' Adrian '
That's all I thought about for the next block. Then it was our lunch period. Ugh food.
< time skip: P >
We got to the cafeteria and got in line. We got our food and Sara showed me were our class row was and we sat down with Cole. I didn't eat much of my food but I did drink all of my milk of course. I looked around and saw Adrian sitting with Tom and Sara's boyfriend Bob.
And then I felt a pull on my tail. Need less to say I was pissed. I spun around and the guy from first period was standing in front of me.
"Fuck off !"
" Awe,  is kitty mad "
"I said fuck off"
"The names Brian"
"Well Brian,would you please fuck off and leave me alone "
"Maybe "
I stood up he was the same height as me. I Steeped closer to him and kneed him in the crotch he feel to the floor and I sat back down in my set and continued my lunch will Cole and Sara laughed till they couldn't breathe. And I noticed Adrian looking over and laughing.
"Damn it "
I got up and ran to the restroom get ready to vomit again and I did for a good 15 minutes.
After lunch was the 8th grade free period. Which is basically middle school recess. I followed Sara as she walked to the group from this morning.

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