Chapter 10 - Part 1

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A/n: This is dedicated to AnimeLoverof2003 thank you so much for supporting this book like you just made me want to update for the sake of not disappointing you so thank you and i hope you enjoy this.


It was getting hot, hotter even.

I knew this was a packed place where everybody is moving and bodies make up most of the room but i didn't realize it could keep getting hotter and hotter than it did 2 minutes ago. I was dancing, swaying, moving to the beat. My feet were aching and my world was spinning but i didn't care.

Okay, fine. I might've had a lot to drink but hey, this is letting loose. It wasn't my idea to come to this party in the first place. I don't even remember why i came.

Hearts thumping, music beating, bodies grinding, this dance floor was almost an orgy of hormonal teenagers. Almost. I was dancing with someone, i think i know him i think i don't, all i know is that i'm dancing with him. His hands were on my waist and my back was against his chest and we were swaying to the music in sync.


Just a few hours ago...

"No way" Becca said. I just shrugged and ate another scoop of the cheesecake flavored ice cream. "No fucking way!" She yelled. I flinched but scooped another spoonful and shoved it in my mouth.

I told her everything that happened since the parking lot thing and Becca looks like she was ready for the kill.

"He did not just- he is so- how dare- he did that?" She said. I sighed in sadness.

"I mean, yeah it was insensitive, but-"

"Of course it was insensitive!" Becca said. I frowned and looked at her. She shut her mouth and ate a spoonful of her ice cream.

"but it got to me. Like, after Jacob dumped me there was a whole month of moping and wallowing in my own self pity, and then it was gone, and i was different. I changed. Before i was just "that girl who was never really noticed". I was invisible, hidden, out of sight, and i changed so much that no one would even dare to think i was that girl." I said. Becca stayed silent, and stared at my grey duvet. I lied down, and stared at my ceiling.

"But i cant help but feel, that deep inside i'm still that shy, quiet, scared, and lonely person. I cant help but think, i may have changed outside, but inside I'm still me, that nothing has changed. So i'm afraid that someone would show me who i truly am. I'm afraid someone would tear my walls down and show me who i am on the inside. I'm afraid that someone would expose that weak and vulnerable me. Someone..." i struggled to continue. I looked at Becca, and saw her playing with her half-empty tub of ice cream.

"Someone like Tyler." Becca mumbled, and I stayed silent. Knowing damn well that Tyler is the one i'm talking about.

I got up to look at my window. Through my curtain, I noticed the silhouette of Tyler, putting a sweater on, probably for the party he's attending later.

"Wait, i thought you didn't like him?" Becca asked.

"I don't" i said. Becca looked at me and raised both brows. "I don't know!" I reasoned.

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