The Date

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| Annie POV |
Beep! Beep! Beep!
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing, it was just another day, i did my usual routine and that was eating my breakfast,taking a shower and putting on jeans,white shirt and a jacket. As i was brushing my teeth i suddenly realize something....Armin....she remembered that she had a date with him,well maybe not a romantic date just a normal hangout....i started to rush and i ran to school so i can speak to Armin about their date. Suddenly while i was running i bumped into someone "Sorry" the stranger replied with a familiar voice "Don't be sorry i was the one who bumped into you" i said while i was trying to get back up and then i felt the stranger take my hand pick me up and then i realize it was....Armin!
"Hey..." I said
"Hello" Armin said with a big smile on his face "Wanna walk together to school?"
"Sure" i replied and then we started walking back to school
"So...Armin...where are we gonna go again" I said with a shade of pick on my face
"Hmm...what about we get something to eat?" He replied still with his smile
"That sounds nice" i replied quietly
It was a awkward walk to school without anyone of us speaking but Armin still had his smile for the whole walk, we finally were at school so we continued to our class, we walked in the class together in the same time.
"Oh look, Armin and Annie together ha" Jean said with a smirk
I blushed a bit just quietly walked to my chair, for some reason everyone was whispering to each others
I started to hear my name and Armin pop up in their conversations.
"So you guys dating" Connie said
Me and Armin blushed a bit "No were just friends...for now" Armin said in a nervous voice,Connie was about to say someting but then Levi walked in and everybody sat down and didn't say single word.
| Annie Thought |
Wait what did Armin mean by "were just friends for now?" Does he have plans to ask me? Is this the reason why he wanted to hang? He wanted to ask me to become his girlfriend? No...No...Im not that lucky to have such a guy like Armin.
|End of Annie Thoughts|
School ended nothing much happened but for Eren and Jean fighting again, and after that they worked together to fight Reiner and Bert but they were stop by Levi....hmmm...Levi my first teacher crush but it was just little crush i had more feelings for Armin.
I started to search for Armin and i found him being bullied by a guy named Frank he was bully as well, he always wore his leather jacket and shades because he thought he was so cool....but really he isn't his just big jerk but this time im going teach him a lesson for bully Armin.
Frank pinned Armin on a locker and ran behind and tapped his shoulder when he turned i kneed him right in the gut and when he was down i punch his eye, he got an black eye and he was dragged to the clinic and then i turned to Armin who was still shocked cause what just happened i helped him up from the ground.
"Thank you Annie" Armin said "Its okay so now where do we go?"
"Well theirs this fancy restaurant where we can go" He said with a smile
"Okay" i replied and then we went to the restaurant, it was beautiful place and yep it was fancy but too fancy.
Me and Armin tooked a sit on a empty table and then we ordered,we talked to each others about each others day, we shared Laughs,Smiles and this is love huh...i thought to myself.
"Annie" Armin said with a nervous voice "What"
"I wanted to ask you if you would want to my gi...." He was interrupted by Eren who just suddenly just appeared he was followed by his gang of friends.
"Hey guys" Eren said excitedly i stayed quiet "Eren do you mind" Armin said "Nope" i just rolled my eyes and started to think what he was about to say. "Annie i didn't knew you were having date with Armin" Krista yelled, when i heard what she said my face turned red, "No it isn't a Romantic Date its just a normal date" i said with a voice crack in the end "Don't deny it Annie you like Armin, besides their is no such thing a non-romantic date between a couple" Mikasa said with a grin "Haha yeah true" Ymir said with a big smile on her face "Guys please can you guys just leave us alone please" Armin said "okay but you guys wanna finish this fast its getting late" Mikasa said while she was leaving and everyone else followed, Me and Armin turned to the window seeing that it was already night, "i didn't realize we were here for so long" Armin said while rubbing back of his neck "I think its best that we go home" I responded coldly "Okay".
Me and Armin was walking home and then it started to rain, Me and Armin ran to his house cause his house was the closes, we finally reached his house and he invited me into his house and i responded with a nod and we just walked in his house well actually it was his and his gangs home.
I saw the gang watching movie and me and Armin just ignored them and walked to his room.
"Im gonna call a taxi" I said "Don't You can sleep here" Armin said with a big smile "Fine...thank you"
"Where will i sleep?" I added
"On my bed" Armin said i blush at the thought of me and Armin sleeping together.
"I mean not together i mean you sleep on my bed and I'll just sleep on the couch" Armin said with awkward laugh and a small blush.
We talked and again we didn't realize we were talking together for hours again, when i looked at the clock it said 12:56am i let out a little yawn "Haha i guess we lost track of time again huh" he said with a small laugh
"Yeah" i simply replied "Well goodnight" he said while walking to the door out "Wait" i said quickly before he left "What is it?" He replied i was playing with my hair and had a small blush on my face "why don't you just sleep beside me tonight" i said with red covering my whole face "Are you sure" Armin said with a unsure tone "Yeh" i replied.
Then Armin started walking up to me and sat on the other side of the bed while i just laid on the the end of the bed. It was quiet for a few mins but then Armin broke the silence "Annie"
"Would you like to be my..." He said nervously
"Cmon Armin speak up"
"Would you wanna be my girlfriend" i blushed and stayed quiet "its just that i liked you for some time and i feel like" he leaned in closer to me "I love you" and then he kissed me. We kissed for a long time breaking the kiss couple times to take a breath but we just continued, we didn't realize we were kissing for half a hour. Then we finally broke the kiss and i said "Armin Of Course ill be your girlfriend i liked you too for a long time" he pek my lips and then said "I love you" "i love you too".
He laid his head on his pillow and i laid on his chest while my arms was around his waist and his arms were around my hips we kissed for the last time before falling asleep.

Hey i hoped you guys and gals liked it. I know i have some grammar issues and thats cause i write fast and i know i promised a Levi and Petra part in this chapter but i decided it will be better if i just put it on another chapter but don't worry ill make a new chapter tomorrow!
Love you all and goodbye!

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