Chapter 1

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A/N: Same story, just fixing chapter length. Enjoy!

   Rain poured down on me, as I sat on the roof of his house. Music hummed through the air, making things even more depressing. He was gone. My boyfriend of five years, dead. Because of me. Tears rolled down my cheeks, my dark, soaked hair caked on my face. People kept coming in and out of the house, not noticing me sitting outside of what used to be his bedroom window. I couldn't take the emotional pain much longer, I should've been the one who died. It was my idea to sneak out, my idea to go to the club, my choice of staying when the drunks started arguing. Suicidal thoughts went in and out of my mind as I began to doze off.

  I awoke to Drake's, well was Drake's, alarm clock blasting from inside the house. I pulled myself up and made my way to the open window. As I neared, I noticed writing on the foggy window. "Kayla, don't blame yourself for what happened to me. Its not your fault. Love, Drake." Did he really write that? No, he couldn't have, he's dead. But why would someone do this? Haven't I been through enough pain? Tears were threatening to escape my glassy blue eyes as I wiped away the writing and entered the room. The clock read five, time for me to go to school. It was too late to head home to change, so I grabbed a T-shirt out of Drake's dresser and put it on over my tank top.

   I arrived at school, and people began surrounding me, apologizing for my lose. I told them I was fine as I pushed through the crowd, and ran to my first class of the day, Reading. The halls were filled with students standing at their lockers and talking to each other about either Drake's death, or a party they went to the night before.

   "Kayla, wait up," a familiar voice shouted from behind me, I didn't have to look to know it was Ali. My best friend since the fifth grade. Her blonde, perfectly curled hair flowed behind her as she approached me. "Sorry I couldn't make it last night, I had way to much homework and I had to babysit my sister."

   "Its fine, don't worry  about it," I replied, trying to sound convincing, "we should probably get to class before the bell rings."

   We walked into class together, barely making it in time. Sadly, the only open seats were in the front of the class. I suppose I will have to pay attention so when I get called on I won't make a fool of myself. As I took my seat, I noticed that Mrs. Dawson wasn't here yet. Everyone was sitting on their desks, talking to one another. Then the door slammed.

   "Class, be seated," she shouted as everyone scrambled to find their chairs, "We have a new student, his name is Jace Campbell, and Kayla, you are to show him around and to his classes. You will get a pass so you are not counted as late to yours."

  "Whatever," I muttered as Jace took a seat next to me. Great, another emo kid. In about a week, he will probably have enough and cut himself to his death.

    "Class is dismissed," Mrs. Dawson announced as students began to file out the door. I waited as Jace shoved his papers and books into his bag.

  "So wheres your next class," I asked, trying to make him feel rushed.

   "Its in room 205," He answered, looking an his schedule. I could barely see his eyes through the dark hair the hung in front of his face. He wore a dark dress shirt, with a bright blue tie, and dark washed jeans. He was actually kinda cute. Kayla, shut up! Your boyfriend just died, you can't move on that fast. He coughed awkwardly, knowing that I was staring.

   "Oh sorry, uh, I actually have that class next too, so this will be easy. Do you need to stop by your locker?" I curled my hair around my finger nervously. Hopefully I don't make myself look like a fool.

   "It's alright, I know that's I'm irresistible," he chuckled, "you don't need to be nervous and stare at the floor, I'm not Medusa."

  "If you think I'm checking you out, I'm not. My boyfriend recent died, and I'm not some you know what that struts around with a new guy every two hours. Plus, I'm not going to date some emo boy because they have death wishes that I don't want to be a part of," I growled.

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