chapter 2

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Harry's P.O.V

As Mickey walked into the classroom, late as usual, I smiled to myself. God, was she beautiful. She was different. Good different of course, but different. She didn't look like a model. She had freckles all over her cute face, braces, and long brown curly hair. I guess you could say, she was perfectly imperfect.

While we were doing the lab, I noticed something on her wrists. They were scars. "No they can't be scars." I said to myself. Why would such a pretty girl harm herself? Was she not loved?

"Mickey I need to talk to you after class." I told her.

She looked terrified, but I need to know. Through the rest of the period, my palms were sweating like crazy. I just wanted this class to be over with. I needed to talk to Mickey.

As soon as the bell rang, I ran for the door. I think I might have tripped a couple people. I stood outside the classroom, waiting for the slowest girl on the planet to come out.

When she finally walked out, I grabbed her by the wrist. I turned them over and examined them carefully.

What I saw crushed me inside.

On her perfect, small, delicate wrists were scars. Some where even fresh.

"What is this?" I asked.

She looked at me like she didn't know what the hell I just said, like she was deaf. Then she turned away from me, and ran.

I called after her but she wouldn't stop running. I started to chase after her, but I couldn't catch up to her.

Damn was she fast.


Mickey's P.O.V

I heard him call after me, I heard him start to run after me too, but I wasn't stopping.

Now, I had no where in the world where I was running off to, but I wanted to get as far away from Harry as possible.

I didn't want him asking me a bunch of question that I wasn't in the mood for answering.

So I kept running. I guess I had to pee or something cause I ran to the girls bathroom.

When I got in there, I ran to the furthest stall and locked myself in there.

Then, I broke down and cried. Hard.

I don't know why, because I wasn't upset with Harry, or with anyone or with anything. But I cried harder than I have in a while.


Harry's P.O.V

She ran into the girls bathroom. At first I was hesitate to go in, but I went in.

I heard crying. The last stall door was the only one shut so I went to that one. I knocked on it.


"Leave." she said faintly.

"Mickey open this door now!" I demanded.

"No! Get out of here!"

That made me even more pissed than I already was.

I really didn't know what to do at this point. She wouldn't open the door. So I really had no way to get in there. It took me about 5 minutes till I realized that I could just easily crawl under that stall door.

As I crawled under the door, I hit my head.

"Ow! Fuck that hurt!" I cursed.

Apparently she thought this was amusing because I heard her giggling. Normally if I hurt myself and someone laughed, I would be the beating living shit out of them, but not with Mickey. It just made me happy that I would make her laugh instead of cry.

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