chapter 4

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Harry and I have been hanging out a lot. Throughout the last couple weeks I've learned few details about him that are literally the cutest things. He will only drink cold coffee, he reads pretty much all day everyday, and he has the most adorable laugh I think I have ever heard. Whenever he laughs, he throws back his head and claps. When he laughs it just makes me want to laugh.

We've been hanging out not only at school, but even after school at his house or at mine. I have also learned that he lives alone. At first I felt bad, and still kind of do, but he says he loves it. The reason he lives all alone is that he absolutely hates his parents. He says he moved out of his parents house at sixteen.

We've been walking to school together everyday now since we started hanging out. I suggested car pooling but Harry insisted on walking. He says it's good for the economy.


As we were walking to school, he grabbed my hand. It was weird at first, but he just smiled at me and kept walking without saying anything.

Sure we have been hugging and we even held hands before. Hell, we even cuddled on his could while watching 'The Last Song' a couple nights ago, but it was different when we were in public. It wasn't a bad different, it was a good different and I liked when he did cute stuff like this in public. It never accord to me until now that maybe I'm falling for him. Oh I hope not.

"What was that?"

Apparently I was thinking out loud. I have a tendency of doing that.

"Oh, um nothing" I smiled at him to assure him it was nothing even though it actually was something.

"Whatever you say love" Harry said while chuckling.

He squeezed my hand tighter as we walked to school.


As we made our way up the stairs to the front doors of hell, someone came up to us.

As I was looking at him I realized he was the same guys that hit on me in the cafeteria a couple weeks ago. The same guy that Harry beat up.

"I want to talk to your girl Styles" he said looking at me.

I squeezed Harry's hand tighter.

"Never gonna happen" Harry snapped at him.

Michael kept staring at me. It's like he was staring straight threw my soul at it scared the hell out of me.

"Leave me alone" I said to him.

"Fine" Michael said and walked off.

I turned to Harry.

"Who is that and what does he want with me?" I asked.

"He just wants you" he said smoothly.

He was obviously a lot calmer and I was glad. I don't like seeing him all mad. It kinda scares me.

"Um okay.. What is that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly what I said. He doesn't want anything from you, he just wants you,"

He paused and I waited for him to continue.

"He wants to call you his. That's why about killed him when he hit on you a couple weeks ago" he explained.

"Well I'm glad you did, he scares me" I said.

"Good, I'm glad he scares you. Just promise me that you'll stay away from him?" he asked.

"Promise" I said.

I give his hand a small squeeze as we made our way into school.


The school day went by pretty quickly. Nothing major happened other than Niall puking all over Zayn at lunch from, what the school nurse said, food poisoning which resulted into the both of them going home for the rest of the day. Harry, Liam, Louis, and I were all dying laughing while the whole thing was happening. It was the highlight of our day.


As Harry and I were walking home together, we talked. First, we talked about him and what he liked to do for fun. His answer was simple,

"Either lay at home and do nothing other than lay on my lazy ass, or go to a small café near my house and read a book while enjoying a cup of cold coffee" he emphasized the word cold.

Then, we talked about me and what I like to do for fun. My answer was simple as well,

"Either lay at home and watch movies all day, or read all day while drinking cold coffee" I mocked him and emphasized the word cold.

He looked down at me and smiled.

"No matter how different we look, we are actually quite similar, personality wise" I said while looking up at him since he is like a giant.

"Mmhmm.. I agree" he said.

He kissed the top of my head.

"Hey Mickey, I've been thinking about this a lot," he began.

"Um okay" I said nervously.

He continued, "I think I like you."

"And whatcha gonna do about that Styles?" I asked while laughing.

"Take you on a damn date" he said.

I laughed harder, "Is that your way of asking me on a date?

"Erm, I think it is."

"Well, then it's a yes, I'll go on a date with you Styles" I smiled up at him.

"Oh thank God!" he yells.

"What?!" I'm about to pee myself I'm laughing so hard.

"I though you were gonna say no!" he exclaimed.

"Well, honestly I was going to, but I decided to be nice for a change" I said.

"Screw you" he smirked.

"I think I like you" I said looking up at him.

His arm was now around my shoulder and mine around his waist.

He smiled.

"So when is this date gonna be?" I asked.

"Tomorrow at six?"

"I can't, I'm busy" I smirked.

"Oh yeah? Doing what exactly?"

"Obviously doing something more important than going on a date with you" I laughed.

He shakes his head, "Ha, ha very funny Mickey, but for real does tomorrow work?"

"Yea I guess" I said smiling.

"See you tomorrow then" I said while walking up to the door of my house.

"See you tomorrow beautiful" Harry said while waving.

Then he walked off, leaving me smiling, at nothing, on my front porch, looking like a complete idiot. But I didn't care, I was starting to be happy again. I hadn't cut for awhile, and all because of a cheesy, English boy named Harry Styles.

(Hiii :) well first of all I want to thank you guys for being so patient with me. I haven't updated for a long time, but school has been a living hell for me. this chapter isn't the longest, I know, but I hope you like it :) where should Harry and Mickey go on their first date? and who do you picture Mickey as?? comment and vote!! Love you guys xx :))

follow my Instagram @kissmehaarry

and my twitter @marcelsdimplesx

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