chapter 3

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I parked my cn in the driveway of my house, got out, got all of my crap, and walked to the front door. Noticing my parents weren't home and that the door would be locked, I grabbed my keys out of my bag and unlocked the door.

My parents work late pretty much every night, and whenever they're gone they always lock every single door to our house.

When I got inside I threw my stuff by the door and walked straight to the kitchen. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I started looking for something to eat. I settled on leftover cold pizza.

I got my laptop and sat down at our dinning room table. I ate my cold pizza and went on tumblr for about an hour till I realized I should probably do my homework. So I went to my room and started doing my homework. I didn't have too much to do which surprised me because it was a Monday and usually I have tons of homework, but today I only had history.

After finishing history homework, I took a shower. A very long, hot shower to be exact. Then I got ready for bed. Taking off any extra make-up, putting moisturizer on my face, brushing my teeth and putting my hair back into a french braid.

I got into my cozy bed and turned on some music to help relax me. I never really got a chance to think about Harry's big explosion too much until now. I don't really know what happened but for a boy, he's has some major mood swings.


I guess I fell asleep thinking about Harry because the next thing I knew, my annoying alarm clock was ringing right in my ear.

I got out of bed unwillingly, and went to the kitchen. My parents weren't there, I guess because they left me a note saying, how they got called in early to work and wouldn't be home till late at night.

"Great" I said to myself. My parents are always gone. They are both doctors. I don't mind them being gone all the time because I like being alone, but I never get to see them very much. Even on the weekend they work.

After eating a waffle with nutella, I put my plate in the sink and went back to my room.

I decided to just wear face make-up and a little but of eye liner. For my outfit I wore black leggings, a white tank top, my flannel shirt, and my black combat boots. I took it out of the braid I put it in last night, put some hairspray in it, grabbed my phone and bag, and walked out of my room.

My drive to school mostly consisted of running red lights because as usual, I was late.

When I arrived at school, I did my normal routine. I went to the office, got a tardy slip, went to my locker, got my science book, and started walking to the classroom.

As I was walking to the classroom I was silently praying to myself that Harry wouldn't be there, but he was.

I glared at him as I took my seat.

"Hey" he said to me.

I ignored him. He acted like nothing happened yesterday. What a bitch.

"Erm.. I said hello" his English accent interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes I know, I heard you" I said.

"The polite thing to do is say hello back, love."

"And when am I polite?"

He didn't say anything to me. He just starred at me.

"Never" I answered for him.

I went back to "reading" my science book.

I felt him stare at me.

"Can I help you Styles?" I asked, not looking up from my book.

"Actually, yes you can, meet me infront of the boys bathroom after class" he smirked.

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