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Filler chapter, getting a feel for his family.
Someone asked me how long this story is going to be... I average about 40 chapters a story. So let's go with that. It's a two week project so I only have two week timeline. That's still surprisingly a lot to fill seeing as my chapters are pretty small.

Anyway. Thank you again to Vorsaska. This is the second cover/banner she sent me. Isn't she wonderful?


Chapter Twenty-Three

"Hey big brother!" A voice called out as we tried to slip inconspicuously from his room. "Oh wow," I turned to see a scrap of a girl in tight leggings and tiny workout top standing in the corridor, with her hand on the handle of another room. Her dark hair was up in a bun and she had a post exercise glow to her bare skin.
"Hey Jules," Taylor greeted. "Meet Lucy," He offered and I gave her a wave with the hand that wasn't in Taylors.
"Hey," She grinned, looking me over. "I thought he was lying about bringing a girl home, but look at you. You have boobs and everything," she laughed and I felt Taylor tense beside me.
"Expecting him to bring a guy home?" I asked, smiling and her face dropped for a minute second before bursting into laughter.
"Shit," Juliet laughed. "Mum was right, you would be keeping this idiot on his toes, hey?" she asked, and Taylors face grew stormier.
"I do my best," I assured, looking back at her with a smirk.
"You guys keep going, mum has lunch ready and I just need to change real quick," She told us and opened her bedroom door. Taylor glared at her as we passed and she gave him a giant grin that told him she knew she was pushing her luck.

We stepped into the kitchen and Taylors hand dropped down to my lower back, as he ushered me into the room. His mother smiled up at us as she sat the salad bowl in her lap and started moving towards the door in her chair.
"Be a darl, and grab the cold cuts out of the fridge, please Taylor?" She asked over her shoulder. "Lucy, you come with me," She ordered as she made her way towards the dining room. I followed behind her and took the salad from her to place on the table as Juliet came bounding into the room, changed into a cute little sun dress, her hair down around her shoulders and freshened up.
"So," Juliet begun as Taylor entered the room and placed the meats down by the salad. "You know he's a grade-a a-hole, right?" She asked me and Taylor retorted before I could.
"And you're a grade-a community door knob. Shut your mouth, Juliet," He snapped and glared at her as she grinned. She was trying very hard to piss him off. I laughed at the both of them and Taylor turned his glare to me.
"What?" I asked him and he continued to glare at me. "You are an a-hole, you called me feminist lesbian the first conversation we ever had because I didn't agree with you," I reminded him and grinned at Juliet when she laughed loudly.
"He what!" She demanded and he turned his glare back to his sister. I nodded with a shrug and she almost cackled with laughter.
"Taylor," His mother admonished him. "I raised you better than that." Although her face showed a crack of amusement under her stern look.
"Alright! Everyone shut the hell up about what I do," He demanded, snatching a roll from the basket and tore it apart like he probably wanted to do to me and his sister right now. "Stupid women," He muttered under his breath and I whacked his arm while his sister glared at him.
"Fine, let's talk about me then," Juliet sat up a little straighter and cleared her throat. "I'm taking the girls to the junior dance championships again this year, and I've decided that the theme will be Alice in Wonderland," she informed us all and Taylor rolled his eyes.
"That's excellent, Jules," Judith grinned. "I look forward to seeing what you and Maya do with the girls this year. They looked absolutely darling as a little street gang last year."
"A street gang?" I asked before I could stop myself, imaging a group of privileged well trained, obnoxious little girls pretending to be tough and street wise.
"Well yeah, there had been a spate of crimes linked to gang activity in that part of town around the time that was constantly in the news and we had made the mistake of showing them West Side Story and Honey, that movie with Jessica Alba? They were all obsessed with the two and wanted their own little part of gang activity inspired dancing. Took me weeks to convince the parents," She sighed, putting salad onto her plate. "Paid off in the end though," She assured me, nodding. "We took out third in the championships for their age division and Maya and I got a choreographing award."
"How old are they?" I asked, the view of little rich dancing girls changing as she continued to talk.
"There are about twelve of them at any given session we run and they range from six to fourteen in age," Juliet told me. "When we organise them for the championships though, we have to cut anyone older than twelve unfortunately, for the group." She frowned to herself. "It sucks because the older girls are fantastic and we've been working with them since Maya and I started running the classes, but I can only enter them in solo or paired events."
"You run the classes with someone else?" I asked and she nodded.
"Well, yeah." She shrugged modestly. "The classes started because of Maya. She was kicked out of my dance classes, because she couldn't afford them anymore and wouldn't let me convince Mum to pay for them for her. She still wanted to dance and I was pissed off that my dance company was so shallow about that sort of thing. So we both quit and went to the community centre on Maya's side of town and looked into how we could use their rooms to dance. Word of mouth through Maya's little sister at school and Maya's friends saw girls from around the area that wanted to dance but couldn't afford the lessons come along and yeah," Juliet shrugged again. "Maya got to dance, I got to dance with Maya and we're helping little girls do things they wouldn't normally get to do. I make Daddy use his business connections to donate to the community centre to pay for things like costumes for any events and things like that, and everyone feel's they've done some good karma." I glanced at Taylor questioningly and then back to Juliet and she laughed loudly. "He told you I'm a bitch, didn't he?" She asked, directly and I felt the blush rise up my neck. "I am," She nodded at me with a grin. "Just not about dancing. Everyone should get to dance, whether they can afford it or not."
"Didn't stop you from going back to your dance company," Taylor snorted and she glared at him.
"I want my girls to learn what snotty little rich brats get to learn in their classes," She bit at him defensively. "They know what I do and are fine with it, as long as we don't take their routines and themes to championships. They're doing a 'Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe' theme this year for the under twelve age division. Not fair, considering they have more resources to splash around, but we'll make do. We're dancing at a fundraiser Daddy has helped organise for us to be benefitted by in two weeks to raise money for the group, so least that will be something."
"That girl's mother, what's her name? The one with the gorgeous red hair that was one of the leaders of the gangs last year, Jules," Judith prompted.
"Teresa," Juliet smiled warmly at the thought of her dancer.
"Yes, Teresa. Her mother did such a good job on the costumes last year." Judith told me. "I should find the photos. You wouldn't believe how cheaply they were made, either. The amount paid out for Juliet's costumes while she did them with her dance company was incredible in comparison considering in some aspects the home made costumes were better made."
"April did such an amazing job," Juliet agreed with her mother. "She's doing them this year too with the help of another girl's mother, this time. We spoke about them today. They're nearly as excited about it all as the girls' are."
"Let them know I'm happy to help, should they need another set of hands," Judith grinned and Juliet nodded.
Watching Taylor's sister talk about her dancing and helping kids because she felt it was the right thing to do was right in line with what I knew about Taylor and it seemed to all stem from their mother. Judith, her home and her children showed they didn't come from lower class society, but there was a spark in each of them that showed they weren't ignoring what was around them. Taylor was a jerk at the best of times, but his goodness shined through when he helped someone without wanting anything in return. Juliet refused to stand by and let her friend suffer and sacrificed her privileged position dancing at an expensive dance school to keep the friendship and loyalty Maya obviously showed her. I knew what Taylor meant now by his mother being an angel, because a lot of people didn't show the enthusiasm for helping that Judith currently was with her daughter and her dancing troop from the 'wrong side' of town.
I was yet to meet the father, but I was sure he was where Taylor's arrogance came from, whereas Judith was who humbled Taylor and kept him realistic. As the girls chatted on about costumes and routines, Taylor grabbed my hand that was resting in my lap.
"You haven't eaten much," He spoke quietly.
"I'm still full from breakfast and brunch," I replied to him, just as quietly with a smirk.
"Brunch?" He asked, looking unsure.
"When you filled me up just before in the bedroom?" I chewed my lip to hide the grin and his face broke out into amusement.
"Yeah, I remember that," He smirked at me, as he chuckled under his breath. "Why weren't you wearing a bra, anyway?" He asked, and I shrugged, giggling quietly.
"Got uncomfortable while I was sitting in the car, so I took it off when we stopped for petrol and you were paying inside the store," I told him and he grinned at me, shaking his head. "You'll find it in the side compartment in the car's door."
"You'll be the death of me, girl," he murmured to himself. I smirked at him and looked back at his sister and Mum to find them both staring at us. His mother looked delighted and his sister was awestruck. "What?" Taylor asked and Juliet shrugged, with a wry grin.
"Just never seen you around a girl you actually like, before. It's like watching a baboon being fed at a zoo." His face dropped to a defensive glare. "You are the baboon, Taylor, just to clarify." She sent a conspiring wink my way while she grinned, which made me laugh.

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