Chapter UNO

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A/N: Okay, I've been dying to do this for a very long time. I had two other ideas, but this is the only that actually developed in a way that I am happy with. This is my first x Reader, so please don't freak out too much if it's not good. To be honest though, I'd love to hear your criticism about it!

___________This story is brought to you by Popato Chisps.

You hadn't seen Frisk for months. She had gone missing while on Mount Ebott, and when she hadn't returned, you assumed that Frisk had fallen down. You had given up hope long ago of ever seeing her again. So, you often spent your evenings in the same manner, no longer having the playful child to entertain you.

You had adopted the habit of sitting on your back porch, staring at the dusk sky. You would watch as the stars covered the blue velvety sky. As you looked on, you hoped foolishly that Frisk was still alive somewhere, looking at the same stars at you were.

That was a lie. You had done that all of three times. More often than not, you would only sit on your couch in your pajamas and binge on (favorite show) while shoving your mouth full of (favorite junk food). When you immersed yourself in the problems of people that didn't exist, it made your problems seem more trivial. You could almost forget you had any problems other than when to pause to take a pee break.

However, tonight was a rare night that you were actually sitting outside. The sun was beginning to set when, suddenly, a large tremor shook the ground. You also heard a loud explosion to accompany the shake.

Could it be? You turned to look at Mount Ebott's silhouette against the sky. A glaring light was being emitted from it. In fact, the light was encompassing the entire landscape. Then, it stopped. The barrier.

Monsters were going to come to the surface. You couldn't quite tell what you were feeling. Were you excited? Anxious? Or were you terrified?

__________________TIMESKIP BY DEM

For the past few minutes you had been watching the hordes of monsters crawl, walk, slither, and fly out of the barrier. Even though the battle between humans and monsters and the surrounding events were taught in history classes, you didn't really believe any of it.

But now, here were monsters, pouring out of a barrier that you never thought existed. A thought entered your head, "If there ARE monsters, is Frisk alive with them, too?"

You walked out of your house, wanting to get closer to see what was happening. As you strolled down the sidewalk, you saw something-or someone-come running from the barrier.

You heard a screechy voice coming from this person in the form of a shout of, "HUUUUUMMMAAAAANNNSSS!"

The figure continued to sprint before coming to a halt in front of you. Only when it stopped did you realize that it was a skeleton. He was wearing a white t-shirt with some sort of symbol, blue shorts , red boots, and a red scarf or cape tied around his neck.

"Hello human! I am the great Papyrus!!! I'm here to make a good first impression! Do you like spaghetti?" He said, rather loudly. He looked as excited as a little kid on their birthday. You however, only stood still in shock.

A skeleton was talking to you. A skeleton could talk. A skeleton could be alive. What the heck was happening?

However, before you could further question what was happening, another, shorter skeleton emerged from behind a building. He was wearing a blue hoodie and had his hands stuck in his pockets. A big, cheesy grin was plastered on his face. His mouth didn't move as he said, "Hey, Paps. You don't wanna scare the humans, do ya? Why don't you come back with the rest-"

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