Chapter CUATRO

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A/N: 609? Six-hundred-and-nine reads!!! You people are absolutely freaking amazing. I can't even function right now. I would write more but I'm in class and have to put my phone away. Once again, thank you! Cookies for everyone 🍪 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

"So, what do I do again?" You asked for probably the third time in the past fifteen minutes.

"Say, five, four, three, two, and then point at me and start the camera. It couldn't hurt to do a little intro, as well," Mettaton instructed.

"Okay, five, four, three, two, and then point at you and press record, then I'll say, 'Presenting, the one, the only, the fabulous, GLITTERBOT!!!'" You shouted the last part playfully.

"It doesn't need to be that exactly, you can especially leave out the Glitterbot part," Mettaton advised.

"Sure thing, Glitterbot," you smirked evilly. You'd been calling him that for a little less than a week now.

"Okay, here we go," you announced, "Five, four, th-"

A phone rang, cutting off your words. You checked your own, to see that Toriel was calling.

"Hey, can you keep going on your own? I've gotta get this, it's Toriel. She probably needs to talk about Frisk.

"Of course, darling. I am a star after all!" Here he posed, making you roll your eyes and giggle.

You left the room and put the phone to your ear, hoping nothing bad had happened to Frisk.

King Asgore and (government leader) had come to an agreement that monsters would be able to live within the country. Since there were only a few thousand of them, there was room around the Barrier and Mt. Ebbott for the monsters to make their own communities. They would also be allowed to have the same benefits as humans have. So far, things were looking up for the race of monsters.

Since the monsters began to establish their own communities, Toriel had been watching Frisk after school. She'd only done it for the few days Frisk had gone to school after the plan was made, but it was still working well. Neither of you had to give up Frisk from your life, and that was what you needed to make you happy.

In addition, most of the monsters in your home moved out, so your house was much calmer and less crowded.

Of course, one robot decided that he was perfectly fine where he had parked his bedazzled bottom, and refused to leave. So now you were roommates with Mettaton. It wasn't all bad, just not ideal, per say.

It was kind of hard to deal with both a young child that required most of your attention, and a dramatic robot that demanded all of your attention.

"Hey, Tori. What's up?"

"Well, I just retrieved Frisk from school, and it appears that she is feeling quite under the weather. You wouldn't terribly mind if I brought her home to you, would you?"

"Of course not! You can bring her over right now, if you want," you replied, concern lacing through your voice.

"Alright. Goodbye, until then."

She hung up the phone, leaving you to your own devices. In preparation for Frisk, you pulled out a pair of her softest pajamas, made hot chocolate, and put her favorite show on the television. Toriel lived relatively close by, so she would be there in a few minutes.

As you walked past Mettaton's door, you heard him saying, "That's all for today, beauties and gentle-beauties! Toodles!"

Hoping that meant he was done recording, you poked the door open silently. You held out a "thumbs up" and he replied, "I'm done, darling."

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