Waiting Forever

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Former SSR agent and the director of the newly formed SHIELD, Peggy Carter glanced at the clock for the sixth time in the past hour. One of her high-ranking agents was missing and he was supposed to be back four hours ago. Now normally, the SHIELD director would wait the standard length of 24 hours before sending a search and rescue party, especially for only one agent. However, the agent missing was not just some agent. That agent was Daniel Sousa, former SSR chief of the California office and husband to one Margaret Elizabeth Carter.

Pacing from wall to wall, the female director ran all the possible situations through her mind. She knows her Daniel. He would not rush blindly into a situation. He was smart enough to get him out of capture. He was one of the best, if not the best, agent at SHIELD. Even despite the fact that the woman knew he was probably okay, Peggy could not stop the doubts from flooding her mind.

Hearing a knock on the door, she raced to it and flung it open with great fervency. However, she was soon met with disappointment.

"Hello Ana," Peggy said, barely able to conceal the slight waver in her voice.

"It is good to see you Peggy," Ana said in reply, quickly seeing her friend's distraught manner.

Still caught up in her thoughts, Peggy invited Ana Jarvis into her house and watched as the woman sat on a sofa in the living room. Remembering her manners, the female director asked her friend if she would care for a cup of tea.

"Oh sure!" Mrs. Jarvis said before repositioning herself so that she could be able to talk while Peggy made the tea.

"Is chamomile fine?"

"Most Certainly."

Standing on the toes of her sock-clad feet, Peggy reached into a wood cabinet for the box of tea. As she began to boil the water for the tea, Peggy heard Ana clear her throat, as she was going to say something.

"So, my dear Edwin told me that something wrong was happening at the agency. Do you have any clue what it could be?"

The director's hands froze mid-air with kettle in hand at the words. Slowly, she turned around to tell her beloved friend the horrible news.

"Well, unfortunately, I have not received any news about a mission that Daniel is on and to make matters worse, he was supposed to be back a little over four hours ago. What am I supposed to do?" Peggy asked with a short quiver in her voice.

Upon seeing her dear friend in such a sad state, the fiery redhead got out of her seat and wrapped her arms around Peggy.

"Do not worry, I am sure that everything is under control," Ana said to the distressed woman.

"I suppose your right, but what am I supposed to do ? What if he doesn't come back? What if something happened?" Peggy said, a sob escaping from her lips.

Peggy watched as her friend pulled away from the hug, but still held her hands.

"Peggy, please don't think that way! We both know that Daniel can handle himself and that he is too smart to let something happen. He will come back to you, never doubt it. You and Daniel have a relationship just like me and my Edwin. As long as you hope and cherish each other, you could never be pulled apart."

The female director didn't know how to respond and as soon as she found her words, her beloved redhead continued on.

"Because that is a funny thing about love. Love is like stars stretched upon an open sky. Love is like the dawn of a new day, refreshing and reviving. However, most importantly, love is something that we cannot see, but we know is there. And most often, love is stronger than us."

Peggy felt her breath taken away by the passion in Ana voice. She knew that what Ana was saying was very true. She herself had felt the power of Daniel's love. Whether it was when Daniel pulled her off the rebar, so very long ago, or when he simply cooked her dinner, the female director could feel his love emanating from his very soul. Their bond could never be truly broken, because if it had already withstood many terrors and destruction, it could withstand now.

"Thank you Ana. You are a gracious friend. I have no idea how you manage to do it," managing a smile for the redhead.

As they separated and sat on different sofas, Peggy heard a knock on the door. Carefully, she rose form her seat and approached the door, weary that it might not be Daniel.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the wooden door and was met by an eager Mr. Jarvis.

"Hello Mrs. Sousa, I have great news for you. Daniel has just called me and said that he will be home in ten minutes," the beloved Edwin Jarvis said.

Upon hearing his voice, Ana Jarvis came to the door to see her beloved husband. Peggy watched as the two exchanged glances, practically having a conversation between the two of them without the use of words. Suddenly, they both turned towards her and bid there farewells and regards for Daniel.

The female director thanked them both and closed the door, quietly sliding to the floor, her back against it. She slowly drew her shaking hands to her chest.

He was coming back. He was safe. He was okay.

Peggy spent the next minutes just trying to focus on calming her breathing. Of course, her attempts were soon demolished when she heard the sound of a car pulling up.

Not caring to determine if the person was really Daniel, she flung open the door and stepped on the porch. Anxiously she glanced at the car. A door opened, and out popped a familiar dark curly head.

She took a step outside and gently closed the door, her sock-clad feet cold against the welcome mat. The woman tried to stay calm, she truly tried. However, she could not contain herself when Daniel made his way up the porch steps, metal clinking against wood.

One word escaped from her mouth in a soft whisper as she raced to shorten the distance between them, flinging her arms around her beloved Chief.


She heard Daniel drop the bag and lean his crutch against the rail, as he wrapped her in a full embrace.

"I missed you so much. I was sick with worry," the woman said, pulling away slightly to look at the bruise on his face.

"I'm sorry. Being captured and tortured wasn't on the itinerary," her beloved husband said with a short chuckle.

Peggy pulled him tight against her again, leaning her head on his shoulder and face tucked into his neck.

Not wanting to move from her position, the woman's words came out as a mumble.

"You know you're still in trouble for this."

"I know."

She had know idea of how long they had been standing there wrapped in his arms. However, she did know that she would do anything for him to know the extent of her love for him. Because love is something that can't be destroyed or broken. It can be hidden. But she was not going to let that happen. The female director slowly broke away, leading him into the house so he could rest.

As she closed the door behind them, Peggy knew that she was going to be beside him in everything and every way. She was never going to leave him. She was going to love him for all eternity.

Because love was timeless, love is timeless, and love will be timeless.

I finally got a chapter up *pats back*. I really enjoyed writing this one. Thank you so much
for all the reads. As always I am taking requests. Comments are also highly appreciated. They are like gifts too me and bring joy. So, please feel free. Thank you guys again!

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