Chapter Eleven: Second Year

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In their second year, Lily, Roxy, Hugo, and Louis end their age-old Pranking War, instead becoming sworn friends and starting a new band of Marauders- Lily insists on being Prongs, like her granddad, since her Patronus is a stag, and Roxy, as Lily's best friend and a great dog lover (who produces a dog Patronus), wants to be Padfoot. Louis, who has loved fierce carnivorous animals since babyhood, decides he wants to be Moony (yes, his Patronus is a wolf), and Hugo, who refuses to be Wormtail, as he's not a traitor and hates rats, becomes Slinker (his Patronus is a weasel, and Ron doesn't like this at all). Moony, Slinker, Padfoot, and Prongs have their headquarters in the Shrieking Shack, which is now even more formidable to the people of Hogsmeade because it's said that Headmaster Snape was killed by Voldemort in there.

The band goes out pranking every Friday, explores the castle by night on Saturdays, and makes pranking itineraries on Sundays. They're very organized, and since no one but themselves know about their alliance, their pranks are usually unqualified successes. Now one can hardly ever see Lily's red head without seeing Roxy's black one, Hugo's brown one, and Louis's golden one, too.

Scorpius doesn't know about the Marauders, and this year he rather neglects his relationship with Lily. He and Rose begin to date in October. They do everything together, and during the Christmas and Easter holidays he prefers to spend time with his girlfriend rather than with Al and Lily. Lily actually spends more time at his house than he does.

Meanwhile, Lily seems to have figured out what Draco's problem is. After seeing his altered looks at Christmas, she spends every spare minute she has in the library, looking up magical illnesses, and consequently gets all "O's" in Herbology. During the Easter holidays, she goes to spend time with Draco every day, and shows him her findings.

"You could be in the early stages of internal spattergroit," she says one afternoon in his study, clutching a large leather-bound book from Hogwarts Library underneath her arm. "Or it could be chartal fever. Or dartline syndrome. The symptoms are all here."

Draco smiles kindly at her. "Lily, to hear you talk one would think I'm going to die."

"You could, if you have internal spattergroit or dartline syndrome!" Lily insists. "Draco, it's not funny. You need to go to Saint Mungo's. You've had whatever this is for some time. I don't want you to wait to find out how to cure it!"

"Lily, I'm only tired." Draco pulls out a chessboard. "I understand you're concerned, and I'm touched that you're concerned, but you're thirteen. Thirteen-year-olds have a natural tendency to overreact; I remember when Scorpius was that age. Want a game of Wizarding Chess?"

Lily sighs and gives up her crusade for the moment, and they play on uninterrupted until Scorpius himself enters the study, banging the door.

"Dad, can I have Rose over for the aftern- oh, hello, Lily."

Lily nods to him and smiles, but says nothing. She goes back to looking at the chessboard and trying to decide whether to sacrifice her queen or risk getting checkmated by checking Draco's king. She's not being petty. Scorpius clearly isn't interested in cultivating their friendship, and she's not going to put in any huge efforts to maintain it and waste her time. She has more important things to worry about, like Draco's illness and winning this game, though perhaps she's just the tiniest bit hurt that Scorpius didn't remember her birthday or get her anything at Christmas when he gave Rose an elaborate gold bracelet.

Scorpius looks closer at her, surprised at her lack of enthusiasm, and finds himself noticing the look of intense concentration on her face, the way her brows scrunch together, and the light in her starry hazel eyes. He finds himself noticing the rich hue of her hair, and then marking that she's still wearing his bracelet, the charms tinkling like fairy bells whenever she moves. He's thought her beautiful for some time, but now his chest gives a queer little twist at the sight of her, and he finds himself flushing at his father's questioning gaze, accompanied by a slight smirk.

You have a girlfriend. She's only just thirteen. What on earth are you thinking?

Partly to distract himself and partly because he wants to see her look at him again with those amazing large eyes of hers, he gestures to the bracelet. "Glad you still wear that, Lils. I forgot- what charms have I added to it this year? There's the lily- and the snowflake, but they were from a while back..."

Lily looks up at him contemplatively, but doesn't answer.

"Well? Which ones have I added this year?" he repeats.

"You haven't added any this year," Lily says finally in a quiet but matter-of-fact tone. "Not since we won the Quidditch Cup."

"No, that's- that's not true! I did- on your birthday, and on Christmas. I must have!"

Lily shakes her head. "You didn't remember my birthday, Scorpius," she says in the same voice. "And you never gave me a Christmas present."

Scorpius flushes. He feels an overwhelming sense of shame, especially when he looks down at the gold watch he still uses every day, and remembers the sneakoscope she gave him for Christmas and the never-fail Spellcheck Quill she got him for his birthday. She's never forgotten him.

But he's neglected her shamefully, and he owes so much to her!

"You can invite Rose," Draco finally says, looking a trifle confused.

And Scorpius leaves the room as quickly as he can, unable to face Lily's gaze any longer.

If she was resentful, or angry, it might now be easier to bear. However, her kind manner, the complete lack of bitterness in her tone- it's too much for him. He doesn't invite Rose, and spends the rest of the day out somewhere- no one knows exactly where.

And that night Lily receives a small, hastily wrapped package. And when she opens it, she finds no less than seven beautiful charms- a lilypad to go with her lily, a little songbird because she loves to sing, a scorpion to remind her of him, a cherry, which is her favourite fruit, a little lion because she's a Gryffindor, a little gold snitch charm because she's a seeker, and a silver sickle moon charm because of her middle name.

There's also a note, which causes Lily to smile when she reads it and write him a very nice reply.

In the postscript she tells him to remind Draco to think about what she has told him that day.

So, what did you all think of this chapter? 

Scorpius did act like a right little prat this year, but don't judge him too harshly. Also, whoever said they thought his feelings would change at thirteen, you were almost right!

Love you all,


P.S. Do you think that Draco will take Lily's advice?

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