Chapter Two: I Have... Friends?

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  -one year later-

Scorpius Malfoy is afraid of his father, and in an extended sense, afraid of himself. For he is very similar to Draco. 

Scorpius is small, skinny, and blonde (of course), with a constantly frightened expression and splintered grey eyes that are nonetheless beautiful and not nearly as broken as his father's.

He watches as Draco Malfoy, tall and silent, loads what little luggage Scorpius is bringing to Hogwarts into their tiny Muggle car, and wonders how long it has been since his father last smiled.

Draco hands Scorpius the cage in which his new owl, Screech, sits. Scorpius continues to watch as his father gets into the drivers' seat of the car.

Scorpius gets in the passenger seat. According to Muggle Law, Scorpius really shouldn't be sitting there, but his father says nothing.

Neither does Scorpius.

Scorpius casts sideways glances at his father as they drive along the dusty road that leads away from Malfoy Manor. Draco has been silent and stiff ever since Scorpius's mother, Astoria, was killed by a misfiring Secrecy Charm two years ago, and has acted as if his mind is as half-healed as his heart.

Scorpius is hurt as well. But he has internalised his pain as his father has not. Scorpius has moved on, but his father seems still to live in a world of grief.


Scorpius looks up. "Father?"

"I have to tell you something. Before you go to Hogwarts."


Draco looks at Scorpius. In his mind, a tiny voice echoes. 'You said you had a son.'

"When I went to Hogwarts," he tells Scorpius slowly, "I was a bully and a coward and I thought I was above everyone. You must never feel that way, Scorpius."

Scorpius frowns. He has never been one to feel that way. Growing up in the shadows of Malfoy Manor as he has, he has always felt rather lower than others, not above them.

Realising that his father expects an answer, he nods.

They don't say anything for the rest of the ride.


Platform Nine and Three Quarters looks slightly less crowded this year, and Draco can't help but look around to see if that little girl is here again.

And she is. She's slightly taller, but her hair is just as vibrantly red and her cheeks are just as covered with freckles. This year she looks a little upset, no doubt at having to stay behind and say goodbye to her brothers.

She's standing surrounded by her family, who are all laughing and talking to one another, and she is looking a trifle out of things, gazing wistfully at her older brother, who is looking happy to be going to Hogwarts.

Then Weasley sees Draco, and after muttering something, turns back to look at him again. The rest of the family does as well.

Including Lily.

The little girl's face lights up as she sees Draco, and ignoring her family's protests, she runs over.

"Hello, Draco."

"Hello, Lily."

She turns to look at Scorpius, eyes wide with curiosity. "Is THIS your son?"

"He is," Draco says, and smiles slightly. "Scorpius, this is Lily Potter."

"It's nice to meet you," Lily says shyly. She holds out a freckled little hand.

But Scorpius doesn't take it. He mutters something unintelligible and moves closer to his father.

Lily looks at him for a moment, head tilted to one side. She doesn't look sad or angry. She looks at him with something very like pity- and a bit of disappointment.

And then, without another word, she turns and skips back to her family, her hair floating out behind her as if it defies the laws of gravity.

Draco, who notices that the entire family is still watching him, nods curtly and turns to his son.

"Scorpius," he asks, "why didn't you shake her hand?"

Scorpius turns red but says nothing.

"She's just a little girl."

"She made you smile," Scorpius mutters, watching Lily hugging her elder brother Al out of the corner of his eye.


"She made you smile. I haven't been able to make you smile for two years and she made you smile." Scorpius grabs the handle of his trolley. "I have to go, Dad. But I'll see you this Christmas."

Draco blinks. Then he hugs his son suddenly, which surprises the boy, to say the least.

"I didn't think you needed a smile to know I still cared," Draco says. "But I promise, Scorpius, I love you."

Scorpius blinks. Then he smiles and hugs his father back. "I love you too, Dad."

Later, on the bus, he actually meets Lily's older brother- Al- and her cousin Rose- who's QUITE pretty, he notices. They become fast friends almost in an instant.

Maybe that Lily Luna isn't so bad after all, Scorpius thinks as he listens to Al's anecdotes from home, in every one of which Lily makes an appearance- stealing all the cookies from Grandma Weasley's jar, or marching around the house banging tin pans at three o'clock in the morning in her father's clothes. After all- she's gotten me what I couldn't get for myself by running over to talk to me.


I hope you lot like this as much as you seem to have liked the first chapter! I was worried people wouldn't... but you do!


Thank you all so much!! 

Next update is on Wednesday. 

Love you all, 


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