the signs at the park

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Female Virgo ^^^^^^^^^
I'm so confused 😕, I thought England was supposed to be cold or at least have a breeze, but no, we have to have like 30 degrees whether, I know it doesn't seem like that hot but, when you've been through an England winter, it feels like a heat wave, please send help I might die in this weather, but enjoy the chapter
- Destiny

Aries: the slide hurts my ass omg I'm suing!!!


Gemini: is it illegal to take pictures of these kids? 

Cancer: * falls off swing* that's OK because I'm no wimp

Leo: beat it kids my turn next on the see-saw * beats kids *

Virgo: omg Leo wtf there're like 10

Libra:* throws kids in the air* fuck kids get money

Scorpio: no dogs allowed in the park Hmmm SAG GET OUT OF THE PARK

Sagittarius: *stabs Scorpio with an ice-cream cone*oops I triped :)

Capricorn: there's no chill in this park

Aquarius: * wipes fake tear from eye, and claps * I'm so proud of you sag

Pisces:* swims in a puddle because fuck you*

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