Chapter 14

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Hiro's POV
I finally managed to get Baymax out of the ruble. That took way too long. I get up on Baymax and we fly in the air. I see the team getting up, yelling Y/n's name in panic. I turn to Krei to find him carrying her, being limp in his arms. No. Not her. She can't be! I see him put a chip on the back of her neck before hiding her in a case made out of microbots.

"Hurry Baymax!"

I ride on Baymax to get the guy and suddenly he sends a wave of microbots, launching me towards him. I tackle him, falling down the stairs in the process.

The mask fell of his face and I grabbed it.

"It's over, Krei. Now let Y/n go."

But it wasn't Krei. It was my role model. My brother's role model. Who shouldn't be standing here at this moment.

"Pro-Professor Callaghan?"

I stared at him for seconds? Minutes? Unaware of what was happening. It can't be.

"The explosion. You died."

"No. I had your microbots."

Tadashi. He went in there and got killed. He ran in there for no important reason.

"Tadashi. You just let him die."

"Give me the mask, Hiro."

He didn't care. He didn't care about my brother, his best student, getting killed because of him.

"He went in there to save you!"

"That was his mistake!"

Wrong answer.

I was full of fury and anger. He felt no sympathy for Tadashi. He's dead because he tried to save someone who doesn't give a single fuck about him. He didn't even try to take the blame. He blamed Tadashi for his own death.

I hear Baymax land behind me and see the pile of microbots, that was once a case for Y/n, move. I ignored it and focused on Callaghan.

"Baymax. Destroy." I command.

"My programming prevents me from injuring a human being." Baymax says.

"Not anymore."

I open his slot and take out his nursing chip. I threw the chip to the side, not ripping my glare from Callaghan.

"Hiro this is not what-"

I didn't give him the chance to finish and I slam his access port closed.

This is not what Tadashi wanted.

"Do it Baymax! Destroy him!"

Callaghan gives an evil smirk.

"Not on my watch. Y/N!" He calls.

I look over to see the white armored figure appearing next to him. Her visor pitch black, hiding her face.

"Take care of them." He orders.

She doesn't respond as Baymax aims a rocket fist at the two. He shoots as Y/n creates a force field blocking the hit. She doesn't even struggle. He shoots over and over again, Y/n blocking and attacking back. She's throwing the debris from the fight at Baymax. My best friends were fighting each other, but that didn't matter. Killing Callaghan was priority. For my brother.

Baymax finally threw Y/n at the wall, making her unconscious, and he starts advancing towards Callaghan. The team runs to him and blocking every shot he takes.

"No! He's getting away!"

Why do they have to interfere?! Baymax grabbed Fred and threw him at my direction. I was hit by him, loosing my grasp on the mask. Callaghan grabs the mask and used the microbots to escape. Baymax was about to finish the job until Honey put his chip back in, Callaghan gone from the scene. Why? WHY?! I WAS SO CLOSE!

Someone to Hang On To (Big Hero 6 x Reader)  Where stories live. Discover now