Chapter Eight

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The Butler plunged his knife downwards, the serrated blade easily accomplishing its task. Fresh blood oozed out all over again. Ossie closed his eyes, disgust gripping him. It was all so wrong. The man grinned with delight, as he went in for another taste. The phrase rung in his head once more, "Pop goes the weasel". The goose bumps crawled over him again, the new injury he had sustained throbbing. That play room was a dangerous death tarp.

"That was the song of choice here back in the day." The butler said as Ossie waded deeper into the room, giving the blocks a kick to jumble up their ominous spelling game. "A lot of play was conducted here, I'd very much like to see it restored. This mobile for instance." The butler waved a gloved hand for Ossie to come join him under the gently swaying ceiling appendage. It was odd that it moved he thought. There's no wind blowing through the windows, or running in the rooms up above. It simply seemed to move of its own free will. Swinging as if sentient.

"It threatens to crush the life out of anyone who strays beneath it."

Than as if on cue a metal twang rebounded through the air and into their ears. Stimulating their sense of sound, alerting the pair to the new threat. Unfortunately, it wasn't registered quick enough for Ossie to avoid. Jupitar dislodged itself from its cable. The gas planet dropped to the floor, its weight somewhere around ten pounds, the size equivalent to an extra-large beach ball. The sudden loss of Saturn's partner caused it to catapult towards Ossie. The intricate rings now elegant blades, seeking his flesh. The sixth planet careened towards him, Ossie thrust one arm out to try and deflect Saturn, its circular disk catching him in the palm. Why the rings where sharpened to a lethal edge was beyond him. All he knew was that he was in pain, and the butler summoned him just in time to experience it. The heavenly body rolled on the floor, a layer of blood added to its coat of dust. Ossie could only hope it wasn't rusted or metal, tetanus was something he'd like to pass on. Though he was sure some kind of infectious disease would result from that much debris in his system. He turned to stare at the butler his hand wrapped in his shirt.

"I did warn you." He shrugged as he turned, limping out of the room, any care escaping him. "Come on now, no use crying over spilt blood. We 've only just begun." He passed by as he said it, a shiver running down Ossie's spine, had he imagined it, or had the butler licked his lips at the mention of blood.

As Ossie now sat in his chair, staring at the dead body on the table in front of him there was now doubt that he had. The butler caught him watching and smiled at the discomfort he was causing. "Are you a vegetarian Mr. Godwyn? Its not often fresh meat comes our way." He took another bite. "You look like a man who could use some protein."

"I mean no disrespect, but I prefer a more... Cooked steak. Besides I'm actually not so terribly hungry."

The butler frowned, setting down his knife and fork; straightening them to align perfectly with the bottom of his plate before he spoke. "No, just terrible. It's okay, nobody worked too terribly hard to prepare this for you. Cooking is simple after all. Anybody could do it. Mr. O'Riley didn't have too hard a time tracking that boar for us to enjoy either."

Ossie looked at his plate, the vegetables appeared delicious at least. Cooked to perfection, unlike the pig meat that was so raw it could still be considered alive. However, the aspiration that he would be eating safely tonight was ruined by the murder scene on his plate. The vegetables laid in agony, once fresh and perfectly crisp now pooled in blood, drowning. They lost their ability to present how appetizing they were, lost in the puddle of red.

Truth is he hadn't really thought about eating, food was the last thing on his mind. Now the confirmation that the undercooked food in front of them was in fact wild game, it was out of the question. If it had reached a disease purging temperature than maybe he'd succumb and entertain his palate. The butler had warned him that certain parts of the house had become unsafe, after the solar system almost killed him; but he hadn't imagined this extended to the preparation that took place in the kitchen. Although it was on the butlers lists of priority renovations, joining the ballroom, nursery, certain bed rooms, and the house exterior. The rest was said to need a simple fresh coat of paint, however Ossie was pretty sure it'd take a lot more than that too make this condemned building desirable.

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