Please don't die

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Amy's POV:

I opened my eyes.People are running hecticly around me,shouting medical words at each other.They are talking about me,i must be in a hospital.I looked straight in the doctors eyes.I remember what happend,why i'm here.


,,Mum,please let me go to that party on Saturday!You know you can trust me!"

,,I know honey,but you just have to let me think about it!There will be alcohol and all this stuff and i don't know if i want that!"

,,Oh Mum,you know i wouldn't drink!"

,,Amy,that is not t.." She got interrupted by a huge crash.Like in a movie i flew forwards and then everything went black.

We got hit by another car.

~Flashback end~

Yeah right,my parents picked me up from my friend and then we got hit but that leaves me with one question:Where is my family??

I started to panic and the woman infront of me,who must be my doctor starts to notice.

,,Guys,she's awake!" She shouts at the others.

Suddenly i started to notice how bad my leg hurts.It feels like it's exploding every moment.I tossed around.

,,Hey,psht,its alright!I am Callie,I'm your doctor.I know it hurts but we will give you something against the pain!we have to get you in surgery now!Okay?" The woman says and stroked my head and i nodded slowly.

Then they opened a big door with a sign:OR and i passed out again.

Christina's POV:

I'm in the hospital with my siblings,well besides Amy.She's in the OR.I can't believe what just happend.We were home,just watching TV when we got a call from the police.Our parents and Amy were in a car accident,they are all in hospital.Quickly as we could, we rushed into the hospital.

What those people told us still seems unreal.Our parents are dead.My Mum already died on the accident spot,she bled out.Our Dad had a heart attack on the way to the hospital,also dead.And Amy,well my lovely little sister isn't dead,not yet.I know i shouldn't think like that but she looked so bad,from the little look i got.They told us,she has a lot of internal bleeding and a concussion,also her leg is pretty bad,like really bad.

There are so many things that come to my mind right now like How will i care for all those kids who need their parents,How will they cope with this massive loss,How will life go on,How much does Amy remember and most important Will Amy overlive?

-4 hours later-

Joey and Nick lay in my arms sleeping.They are so exhausted,of course their parents are dead.Lauren and Dani sat in the corner,giving each other comfort,They should also be asleep but they want to know whats happening with Amy,they don't want to lose her too.I can relate,i sent a prayer to god,for my parents and for Amy.

Lauren's POV:

I can't believe my parents are dead.What should i do without them?I need them,i don't know how to carry on with my life.But while i'm thinking like this my sister is in this OR,fighting for her life.I'm so scared she might die too,i love her so much.

Dani lays on my shoulder because i told her to try to sleep,the surgery might go on for another 4 hours,we don't know.I let out a big yawn.

,,Lauren,you should also try to sleep!It won't help Amy or anyone else!" Kath said with her motherly voice.                                                                                                                                                      ,,I know but i just can't!What if she will also die?I can't sleep Kath!"                                                        ,,Okay" She said and pulled me into a hug.

Its also tough for the older ones,they are now the ones who have to take care of the family.Especially the boys still need parents.So does Dani and me too.

Callie's POV:

I walked out of the OR to tell this children what happend with her sister.Its horrible between one day they lost their parents and the olders have to take care for everyone.I don't know how to tell them about their sister.

I walked into the hall were they all sit,10 people waiting for news.I walked to the one who introduced herself as Christina to me earlier.

,,WHats going on?How is she?Is she alive?" She bombared me with questions.The two younger boys on her lap began to move and the other siblings came closer.

,,Your sister...Amy,she is alive.." 

,,Oh my god,she really is?Amy is alive?" A slightly younger one shouted

,,Lisa,let the doctor finish,maybe she's in coma or something like this!" A tall boy said.

,,Yeah well,your sister isn't in a coma but she's in a very critical condition.We could fix the internal bleedings altough she needs to rest alot."

,,Yes,Yes of course,thats great!" Christina said smiling tiredly.

,,I'm sorry but that isn't all."

,,Well tell us,what is it?"The tall boy said

,,Your sister..We needed to cut her leg off..Otherwise there would have been no chance of surviving for her.There was an infection in her leg caused by the metal in the open wound and it got really bad...I'm really sorry!"

,,Oh my..You,you cut her leg off?"

,,Yes that was the only possiblity"

,,Okay,I guess..Can we see her?" Christina said.

Christina's POV:

I can't believe they needed to cut it off.How will she deal with this?How will I?Things will be so much harder.As wouldn't losing your parents be enough..

,,Yes,of course.But she's still weak and i think it wold be the best if only one of you will go in there!" The doctor said.

Mike looked at me.I guess that would be the best idea but i'm afraid what i will see in there..

,,I willl,Mike take the others home!Guys try to sleep,this was an horrible day!I love you,see you tomorrow!"I said gaving everyone under 15 a kiss.

Then i walked with Dr.Torrez to Amy's room.There she lays,pale as never before,cabels all around her and in her body,a monitor which shows her heart beat.I walked towards her and my eyes were filled with tears.

,,Can I,..Can I see the leg?"

,,Yes of course"Dr.Torrez said.She lift the blanket up and there it was,her leg,well a stumble.It looked weird but i guess i need to get comfortable with it.This is Amy.This is her leg.She is alive.That is the most important.

Helloooo Guys!I'm back!Well i hope you liked it and please COMMENT OR VOTE!♥ Dr.Torrez is obviously Callie from Greys Anatomy but it doesn't matter if you don't know her,it wont play any role!Its just that her wife lost her leg in Greys Anatomy,so i could relate with this story a lot.


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