The Leg

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Christina's POV:

,,Okay bye have a good day!You can do this!" I said and gave everyone down from Lauren a kiss.Today is there first day in public school.Mum used to homeschool them but i just can't,i need to do so many things and i could tell that they are scared but they said it will be okay.But still my heart ached a bit when they left.

But I don't have too much time left I need to head home again,pick up Kath and Lisa and then we need to quickly rush into the hospital because today Amy will get the leg.We haven't seen it before and are really excited.

~In the hospital~

We quickly walked to Amy's room.I haven't seen her for pretty long because yesterday morning i just quickly brought some clothes and then i was busy doing housestuff.

,,Hey honey,how are you feeling today?" I asked her,sitting next to her.

,,Fine,I guess." She said looking scared.I looked at her to comfort her,i would be scared as well.Its 9:28,they are supposed to come at 9:30.

Amy's POV:

I'm so nervous,i can barely bear it.But today is so not my day,i vomitted the whole night and when i finally fell asleep i had the same horrible dream as every night.Why are they dead?Why am I not?Who killed my parents? All this questions are in my head.Well the last one isn't really a question because i know his name,John Mayer,but i wanna know who he is and why he has nothing and my parents are dead and i have no leg?Why John?

,,Amy,why are there so many clothes in your wash bag?I just cleared it yesterday?" 

,,Well,tonight,I didn't feel to well" The weird look from Christinas face goes away,she knows what i mean and just nodds.

Dr.Torrez entered and behind her 2 very serious looking guys.

,,Hey Amy,this are Mr.Klon and Mr.Bard.The guys who made your leg"I smiled at them.I try to be polite.

,,Hey,I'm Christina her sister."Christina introduced herself.

,,Hello,we are very happy to test our new product on you and hope you will like!Its very high technic and is the best thing out there right now.Its exactly made for you,height,weight,shape.SO lets show you ,your new leg" One of them said.

The other one,opened the box he was holding and slowly we could all see the leg.My leg.I have no words.It looks very technical.This doesn't look like my leg.I can't imagine how it would look on me.I looked anxious at Christina.She also looked a bit worried.

,,Amy,you wanna try it on? Dr.Torrez asked me softly.

,,Uhm i guess so?" More like a question than a statement.

Dr.Torrez lifted my blanket and i noticed the looks of those men.If they produce prothestes how can they never seen a stumble?! Lisa took my hand and i gave her a smile. Dr Torrez helped me sitting up and then she put it on.It hurted a bit but she said that will go away with the time.It feels weird,but i will get used to it,they say. I feel so pressured right now because i know the next question.Standing up.I can't do it with all of them looking at me,i will fail.

,,So now we will try if you can stand on it,kay?" I knew it.

I shook my head and every single one of them looked shocked,beside Dr.Torrez.

She turned to the others.

,,I thought this will happen.She is scared to do it in front of all of you because she thinks she will fail.She never stood on a prothestic leg." My sisters nodded,they knew me.But the men looked confused.Dr.Torrez sent all of them out.

,,Chrissy?" I whispered.My older sister slowly turned around and i didn't have to say a single word,she understood.

,,Alright,Amy so lets do it!I know you can,right Christina?" Dr.Torrez said.

,,You can" She confirmed. I swalloed and then I stood up with the help of Dr.Torrez and Christina.

,,I..I'm standing" I said.

,,You are!" Dr.Torrez said smiling.

She asked me if i wanna walk around and i said yes.So now we are walking through hospital corridors.Slowly and with alot of help but i'm still walking.

Christina and my sisters went eating,i said i will wait here in the lobby,because i need some time alone but i was so long stuck in my hospital room that this room is a nice change.

I sat there in thoughts when a boy sat down next to me.

,,Hey,I'm Chris."

,,Amy." I said shyly.

,,Whats the matter with you?" He asked directly.

,,This." I said and lifted up my hospital dress a bit.

,,Oh,I'm sorry.Are you the girl everyone is talking about?The one that overlived this horrific accident and now gets the new leg?"

,,I guess so.What about you?"

,,Oh kidney failure.Nothing special"

,,Actually my kidney is in a bad shape as well.Are you in Dialysis therapy,because i've never seen you there?"

,,I just changed to this hospital,but from now one every two weeks."


,,Yep.Are you alone?"

,,My sisters are in the cafeteria.YOu?"

,,Yeah my Mum is there also."

,,Do you think the leg looks disgusting?"

,,I think it looks pretty cool for a prothese."

,,Really?" He nodded.

,,WOuld you help me standing up?"

,,Of course" He took my hands and lifted me up.Then we walked together to the cafeteria.

~Later that day~

I layed on the chair,so exhausted i could barely hold my eyes open.Lisa and Kath went couple minutes ago to pick the others up from school. Chris was really nice and I had a great time with him,the best since the accident.He made me smile.But now I'm just tired thats all.I'm sitting in the cafeteria waiting for Christina to get me a wheelchair.I can't walk anymore today.Finally there she is.She helped me get into it and then slowly rolled me to my room.I closed my eyes just for a second.

Christina's POV:

Me and Amy were on our way to her room,just 5 minutes walk but she still fell asleep.I guess she's really exhausted.I don't know what to think of the leg,its cool in some way but i wouldn't wanna be Amy.So now i'm sitting in her room as always,watching her sleep.I should really get some as well.Even if I'm not here i have no time for sleep.But thats okay,I'm the oldest well Mike is older but he needs to work so we have money.I'm in charge of 6 kids,1 Injured and also a bit of Kath and Lisa. 

Amy started tossing around and she sweated.She began to cry and I was really scared.I softly shook her.

,,Amy,Amy wake up.Its okay.I'm here" She opened her eyes and looked so scared.

,,WHat was happening sweety?"

,,Nothing,nothing..Don't worry." She said,slowly calming down.

,,It didn't look like nothing.Please tell me.This whole thing will only work with trust!"

,,I just dreamt of the accident,its nothing big.." She said looking down.

,,Wait,you have this often?"

,,Yeah"She said and i hugged her.When we both calmed down i turned the TV on.

,,This Chris seems like a really nice guy." I said after a few minutes.

,,He does," She said and layed down in my arms.


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