Great or Bad?

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Amy's POV:

,,Amy that is not t.." said my Mum and then we flew forwards.There was a hugh crash,lights everywhere and screams.Really loud horrible screams.

I fastly opened my eyes.I was shaking and sweated.Every night i have the same horrible dream.Well it isn't a dream since it really happend.

3 days I was in this car crash were my parents died and i lost my leg.Since then i havent spoken at all and i'm in a lot of pain.The doctors told Christina its normal,the shock and all the pain is just so overwhelming.

Ouch.Something is hurting really bad in the stomach area,i looked up and saw Christina sleeping on it. She hasn't left my side since the accident and i really wanna tell her its fine,i'm fine but i just can't for some reason.I slowly started moving so the position would be more comfortable but accidently i woke her up.

Christina's POV:

I woke up from a slight moving.Amy,she looks like she's in pain.Well i'm pretty sure she is,she is always. My little baby is so hurt!I wanna protect her and be there for her but its all so hard.Mum and Dad are dead.Because of Amy,I couldnt take time to realise it.I still think they will come out of the next corner and help me with her.But that is not gonna happen.Somebody needs to be there for her.

,,Are you in pain honey?"I asked her softly,striking her forehead.

She just nods as an answer.Amy doesn't talk.Its weird because she used to talk sooo much that it could be really annoying but now i just want to her one word,one single word.Even tough she is in pain there is nothing i can do,she already gets very much medicine and thats all they can do.

,,I'm going to get some breakfast for us,right?" I said and she nodded again.

~10 minutes later~

,,Amy you need to eat something!You havent eaten in 3 days!" I said destroyed.

Amy just starred out of the window.

,,Amy,please.." I got interrupted by Dr.Torrez.

,,Hey guys,how are you?I'm here for the physical therapy!"

,,Alright,but she still doesnt talk!"

,,Okay lets see"

Dr.Torrez lifted up the blanket.Amy hates it,she doesn't like the stumble.I think she's mad because i let the Doctors take it off but she is alive isn't that all that matters?Dr.Torrez started massaging the stumble and looked after the stiches but Amy still just looked out of the window.She looked painful,it hurts me so much to see her like this,so I went outside for a second.

~A couple minutes later~

Dr.Torrez came out and stand next to me.


,,Please don't call me this!I'm Christina,just Christina!" I interrupted her.

,,Well fine,i'm Callie,only Callie!" I kinda laught at this.

,,No i mean it serious.What i will tell you now is something very important and then we may spent a lot time together so its just Callie" She said and shocked me a bit.What will it be?

,,What is it?"

,,The hospital got an offer for something really special and very modern.The Klon and Bard company made us a very expensive offer.They will give one of their new products to the hospital for free to promote it and the hospital can decide who will get it and the company pays for everything!"

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