Caught you.

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I awoke in a room that certainly wasn't mine. My eyes glowing faintly in the dim light of dawn that was showing through the crisp white curtains. I sat up, and realized the pounding in my head. I was an entity, I didn't or at least I shouldn't get headaches. 

By entity I mean I am an entity of Sean's mind, I was manifested by all of the negative energy and depression that he had. I am the definition of sadness. Namely Sean's sadness, its what I fed off of, along with murder of course. 

I looked around the room, the new light of a new day danced, causing new shadows and corners of darkness to form. I looked to one of those corners. There, standing in the far left corner of the room by the second bed was a tall figure that was now so familiar to me. 

"Aww Dark, you do care." I said with a cruel smile. He looked at me. Black and red eyes full of hatred as he approached. I looked up at him, and he grabbed me by the throat, cutting off my breathing in a mortal body I needed air and food. I needed to keep the form strong (Besides, its been awhile since I had inhabited Sean's body). But now my air was being cut off. 

Dark lifted me up off of the bed and into the air, taking a few steps he then slammed me against the wall. His hands still clutching my throat as my own hands gripped his arm clawing at the bare skin with my nails. Causing long scratches to form, ones that were deep enough to bleed. He looked me in the eyes, glowing green and blue colliding with the black and blood red pits, the universe should have shattered, but it didn't.

"D-Dark! Our little game isn't finished my friend you know that, we still have a wager." I choked out.

"If we let them take over again they will interfere with the fun, would you want that to happen?!" His voice deeper than normal, full of rage and resentment. 

"I-I know,  but Mark got through too! So you can't blame me dammit!" He let me go. I dropped, coughing, and trying to catch my breath. 

He turned away, his hands clenching and unclenching, no doubt a nervous habit. After catching my breath I stood up. Gritting my teeth, I had new bruises on my neck that would heal quickly thank goodness, but now I was pissed.

"Thank you major asshole. I needed new bruises, now, if you'll excuse me," I said grabbing my knife that had fallen onto the carpet sometime during our predicament the night before, "I have a new victim that needs to die." 

He turned, about to say something but I was already at the door and slamming it into his face. I started walking down the corridor when I heard Dark's room door open.

"Anti!" I heard him scream, "This conversation isn't over get back here you filthy piece of shit!" I just rolled my eyes and sprinted down the hallway. Avoiding him.

I got to the lobby and looked around, looking for Bob. I finally spotted him next to Wade, both of them talking in hushed whispers by the lobby doors. My eyes changed back to Sean's and I made my way over to them. A fake smile plastered across my face. 

"Hey guys!" I said cheerfully. They both looked at me, giving me small smiles, their fear was beautifully tragic. 

"Hey Jack." Wade said Bob just smiled and gave a little wave. I smiled. 

"So I think that we should go out. All of us, out to lunch, just to get out of here for a few hours and just chill." I stated, placing my hands behind my back. Wade and Bob both looked at each other as if mentally checking to make sure it was safe. I frowned a bit.

"Come on guys, all of this tension, all of this murder and now Felix's disappearance, we all need some time to go and be friends again. To forget about this, even if its for a few hours." Their expressions seemed to soften. 

"Jack your always one for a smile, alright, I'm up for it." Wade said nodding and looking at Bob. 

"You know I'm hungry and if its food then I'm in." He said I smiled and opened my arms out wide.

"Yay! Lets go!" But what Bob said next stopped me.

"Will Mark be joining us?" I stopped, dead. 


"Will Mark be with us?" He asked again. 

I shook my head, getting out of the trance, "N-no, hes not feeling well he doesn't want to be disturbed." I said, trying for pity when it probably just sounded desperate. Bob and Wade nodded. I let out a sigh of relief thinking I was scott free. I smiled, "Well come on then lets go!" I said pushing them towards the lobby doors, when I heard a voice and winced. 'Dammit!' I thought.

"Actually Jack, I'm feeling a lot better. And yes Bob, I would love to join." Dark said, stepping towards us with a grin on his face. I forced a smile. 

"Great." I muttered as we made our way out of the hotel. 

'Fuck my life.' I thought. 

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