Pre-Emptive strike.

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I wake up, and look at the ceiling. I turn to look at the digital clock to my left. It tells me it's 4:58.
Why do I bother with an alarm clock? I wake up everyday by myself anyways...
I get up to start many daily activities. I get in the shower, get dressed, and am back to my computer to look at the global news.
Headline: May 13, 2034: South America in all out war. Mexico focuses troop movements on their southern borders.
"Looks like even more of the world is going to shit." I mutter.
Better go wake up my father...
A little insight on him: he is a man who thinks the world is going to end soon, and that someone is going to launch nukes at us, aliens, yada yada. So, he has trained me in firearms handling and self defense in case everything goes wrong.
Rudely enough, I didn't even introduce myself. I'm a male, my name's Vincent, and I'm 14. My hair is a whitish silver, and my iris' are red. Doctors said it was a birth defect, like a type of albino. My skin is normal, and my eyes aren't pink, so I'm really just... different.
Anyways, luckily, the government is building bunkers for our community. I'll get back to that. We got one. We stocked it up with more than what the government put in it, so that the food would last the two of us ten years, two meals a day. Now, onto communities. So, there are multiple communities, some racially divided, others divided by wage, etc. We're in a place once called 'New York.' Our community is 'average,' and isn't racially divided. That was one thing you have a choice for; racial division. So, they have communities where you move to based on your income and racial choice. The government wanted to keep everyone happy, I think, so that racists wouldn't radicalize.
Anyways, I go to my fathers room, where I find him lying awake, in his bed, looking at the ceiling.
"Hey, it's time to get up." I say.
"Sure thing, kiddo. Anything new?" He asks me.
"South America joined the rest of the world in world war."
"Shame. Real shame." He shakes his head. "I'll be down in a second. Go start eating."
I go downstairs to eat. I grab a breakfast sandwich MRE- Meal Ready to Eat. We started eating as if the world already ended because it is healthy, and we'll be used to it when shit does hit the fan. I pour out the contents: a bag containing the sausage and egg, another with the bread, a jelly packet, crackers, spoon, matches, a coffee packet, and a two time use water filter.
I smirk to myself as I pour some water into the outer bag containing the eggs and sausage. It begins to steam as I put the coffee into a cup containing hot water. I mix it in with the spoon, and then use the spoon to spread the jelly on the crackers. I eat them, and then make the sandwich. My father enters the room, I give him a short "Bye dad." As he leaves to go to work. What he does, I don't know, but he still checks in with the guard at the end of our driveway before leaving, so it can't be bad. It's six by now, and which gives me an hour before I head out to school. I get take out my phone, and call one of my few friends. I forgot to mention, I'm very introverted.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Bee-
"Who is it?" A familiar voice says.
"Remember Nora, check the caller ID." I say, sarcastically.
"I was in the shower, I didn't have time to check." She, however, took it to heart.
"Still an excuse, Nora."
"Oh, c'mon. What's the big deal? What, is someone going to attack me through the phone?"
"I don't know, maybe the government put tiny bombs in these that are apparently easily hacked, and they could defeat modern America with a single call. Or so my dad says."
"Yeah, and aliens gave Hitler the technology to win WWII, but the power of America defeated the them when we joined the war." We both laugh at that.
"So, did you do your homework?" Nora asks.
"Yes, mom."
"Good. Remember to eat your veggies, too."
I chuckle.
"Hey, have you heard from Tyler?" Tyler is another one of my friends.
"It's, what, six-thirty? No, 'course not." Pause. "Vincent, is something wrong?" Good 'ol Nora. Caring to the very end. That would be her downfall...
"No. Just wondering."
"OK, you scared me for a sec..."
"Well, I gotta go. See ya in school." I don't really have to go.
"See ya."
So, I'll describe my friends, I guess. Shouldn't be rude, right? Nora has dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and the same age as yours truly. She is also very caring. She's nice to everyone, unless they are complete jerks. Even if they don't want her to be their friend. So, here I am.
Tyler, he has jet black hair, with green eyes and, once more, the same age as I. He's the jokester, the class clown. He was with us in a group project and Nora befriended him, and I became his friend without knowing.
Another one of my friends is Ryan, and he is my friend because of our parents. He is a year older, and other than Geometry, we have completely different classes. He is a Sophomore, while I'm a mere Freshman, one of the many 'new' kids. We're both survivalists, because of our parents, and we have much in common so we decided to let it be. He's just as introverted as I. He has brown hair and same goes to his eyes.
I begin to head out to school. I show the guard my ID. He waves me off with a smile. He's one of the nicer guards, in my personal opinion. The other just stares at me. I walk off to school, where I meet Ryan outside.
"Hey, did you see the news?"
"South America. I know."
"Damn... The world is turning into a giant shit hole..." I smirk at his vulgarity.
"Watch it, we're in school, and you don't want to get in trouble." You may have noticed, but I am a sarcastic person, with my friends at least.
"Yeah, yeah."
I meet up with the others in the courtyard. We're all class B-3, except Ryan, who has to start class. So, Nora, Tyler, and I have study hall first thing in the morning. We always meet up here so we can all find a place to work together.
"So, where are we going today?" Nora asks.
"I don't know. Why not where we go everyday?" Tyler responds sarcastically.
He was referring to the tables in the school courtyard. You see, the school is like a big rectangle. In the center, there is a garden, some trees, and some metal picnic tables. Why they didn't just fill it in? I don't know... But it is convenient for club meetings, I suppose.
Before I know it we're, there.
"Vincent, did you finish the work on that George Bush guy?" Nora asks me.
"Yeah... I did." Why is she asking? We're not partners or anything...
"Well, I think he's a jackass." Tyler remarked. 

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