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You were picking firewood outside of your cabin that you shared with your beloved husband, James Howlett. Also known as, logan.

Logan was inside tending the fire as he had just brung firewood in the house. It was evening and getting dark but it wouldn't be completely dark until a few hours.

You were humming softly picking up some sticks and twigs for the fire. You were walking back towards the cabin when you heard a light chuckle.

You froze in place as your eye's widened at the sound of his voice "my how you've developed my lovely (y/n)". You shivered in fear as you felt a claw lightly drag across your right shoulder.

You looked straight ahead towards the cabin that held your lover and savior. The claw continued towards your collarbone and the dry leaves crunching beside you told you that he was coming in front of you.

Soon, you saw the face of Victor creed with his canines out and his lips curled into a dark smirk that chilled you to the bone. He caressed your cheek softly and you closed your eye's looking away "get away from me" you said shakily.

He covered your mouth shocking you as he whispered into your ear " You know I've always wanted you (y/n). You brought this on yourself. Now, because of you I'm gonna have to kill my own brother" he chuckled at the last part while your eye's widened in horror.

You sneered "don't you touch him".

He smirked his canines showing once more before he circled you once more and then he came behind you with an arm around your neck.

"Well your definitely not going to stop me" he said with a chuckle. You suddenly were starting to lose oxygen and you tried crying out "logan..." you cried hoarsely but it was to low he wouldn't hear you.

Victor chuckled and said "I'm gonna kill him just for us my love. And then we can live a life worth living....together". Your eye's widened in terror and disgust "your mad".

He chuckled "well that is true. It happened when I was 13".

Victor than brought his arm holding you up which tightened his hold on your neck making you gasp for breath and immediately pass out from lack of air.

He caught you before you fell and placed you on the ground softly with a smirk "I said I would take everything from you little brother and I'm keeping that promise".

He then walked into the cabin coming face to face with a very pissed wolverine. Logan growled at his brother "I knew I smelled something".

Victor smirked "mice to see you to little brother. How is the wife treating you? Greatly I presume".

Logan seemed to snap back and his eye's widened and his claws came out from his knuckles "what have you done to her?! Where is Y/N!?" He yelled grabbing the collar of Victor jacket.

Victor only gave a dark chuckle "She's going to be with me. When I'm done with you". Then, his nails grew painfully and his canines once more came to show itself before he swiped upwards towards logan's mid section.

Logan winced before letting him go and charging at his brother with a battle cry. He swiped at him his claws barely grazing his shoulder as he moved to the side. Victor jumped up into the air above his brother and his hand came up. Wolverine brung his claws up to plunge them into his brother. Victor had his claws caught in logan's claws making him sneer.

Logan then took his other clawed hand and plunged it into his brothers abdomen making him gasp shocked. Logan glared down at his brother and backed him into a wall making the claws sink into him making him cry out.

Logan then said "I'm gonna kill you for what you did to her".

He brung his hand up his claws aimed to go straight through his brothers skull. Until, he heard "I wouldn't do that if I were you logan".

He knew that voice all to well and glared at the person standing in his doorway "Stryker" he sneered and then his eye's widened as he noticed Stryker holding you by the collar of your shirt unconscious.

Logan dropped sabertooth his claws coming out of him painfully making him gasp and take a knee. Logan looked at your unconscious form sorrowful and then looked at Stryker with a look that could kill.

"Let her go Stryker!"

Stryker chuckled "I'm afraid I can't do that James. You see I need you to come with me, there is something I'd like you to do for me. Of course, she'll be coming with us for...scientific purposes" he said as he looked down at the girl in his hand.

Logan growled and moved forward to kill the man that dared touch his beloved "ah ah ah. You wouldn't want me to accidentally hurt the girl. Would you. But of course this is your choice". Stryker took out a knife holding it at your throat to prove his point making logan stop in his tracks.

Stryker smirked and held you higher "who knew a woman would make you cooperate" Stryker said with a chuckle.

Victor then chose to get up and walk over to Stryker picking you up bridal style and glaring at logan "make your choice logan. Come with us and Y/N lives. Or don't and she stays with me and we both know you don't want that".

Logan sneered at the two before looking at your pained face "fine. But, you don't hurt her".

Stryker seemed uncertain "only when you follow through with the plan".

Stryker then turned and started walking out the door. A dozen of soldiers then came and took logan to the aircraft they landed moments ago. Victor smirked at his brother who glared at him in digest and pure mlice.

They went into the aircraft taking off in minutes. Logan took you from victor's arm's harshly and glared at him when he moved to take you back.

Logan looked down at your face and whispered pain filled "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. Forgive me Y/N."

With that the aircraft flew through the clouds coming upon a huge building that logan remembered well. And it held no good memories.

Logan (Wolverine) X Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now