Log Entry: #A4

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"I'm alive! I was able to outpace them. Looks like one of the landing lights took a bit of damage. Nothing of too much importance though. Thank goodness. Had to leave my tracker behind. So that stinks.
"Alright. Guess I'll head near the moon of the ice world I'm naming Euroria. The moon shall be....Polemous. See if there are any new trade vessels. Huh? Is that a ship? Off the starboard side, another God dang pirate.
"Great, I've got to lose this one too! I'll cut past Polemous. Just gotta hit 200 meters per second. Done. 300. 400. 500 seems excessive, slow down. We're about to enter the gravity well, slow down! Crap!
"Wait a sec, keep speed. We can use that to push us out of it. The pirate is long gone, so that's good. Alright, .07gs, .10gs...now .18gs. Back to .15gs. Wow. That was close.
"Now that I'm out of the grav well, time to check on the ship for damages. Oh...crap. Well, no missing sections, but armor has taken some hits. Hey Emer- aw crap! The panel that shows our conversation from the cockpit is damaged. There's more armor damage than I thought, too. And there's damage to the cockpit, and the O2 generator. Fantastic.
"Well, I guess I'm working on finding a ship to raid. Maybe I'll find another pirate, and blast him to bits, and use that. But first, I'm gonna try to land on Euroria and gather some resources, should I happen upon another trade vessel.
"Alright, down to .15g and I can still slow down. Now at .2 and still able. Ok, .25g and can slow down. Oh. Nope. Can't. Alright, rotating for maximum effect. Slowing. Stopped. Aaaand now falling a bit. Alright, not gonna land, just gonna take off. Dang. Angling up at 20 degrees. Gathering speed. 30 degrees, and good. Just got to get up to 200, and I'll angle up to 45-60 degrees.
"Made it. Bad luck for some drone. I need to salvage some pieces. Oh! Good! Just in time. A weird cargo vessel. Time to pillage! And also in time, a Helios Wheel Trader. Maybe I can sell the rest of the junk after I make my repairs. I'll just carry this over onboard. There we go. Locked in. Now to lock in the Alabas and begin repairs. Gonna sign off for now."

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