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"Sierra! Get up! It's time for school!" I yelled up the stairs. She hasn't been wanting to get out of bed lately for school in the morning and quite frankly, it terrifies me. She's not wanting to talk to me about anything either. I think she's being bullied at school or something. I don't know, she just won't talk to me.

The triplets were already awake and were currently eating breakfast. They love school and I'm so glad. I loved school when I was a kid, I just, didn't like the kids that went to school.

"Mommy, I'm done." Hunter said, getting my attention. I looked towards him just as Sierra appeared from the hallway. She grabbed a granola bar from the cabinet and sat down at the couch. She was dressed in sweatpants, converse, and a tank top with a big jacket. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she wasn't wearing makeup.

I grabbed Hunter's plate and told him to go and get his shoes on. I put his plate in the sink and rinsed it off real quick. I did the same thing for Elijah and Delilah once they were done.

Nate (Skate Maloley) walked in shirtless and wrapped his arms around my waist. My arms wrapped around his neck and I kissed him quickly before pulling away.

"I'll take the kids to school today, okay?" He said to me. I smiled.

"Thank you." I said.

"You're welcome, babe. I'll bring back some McDonald's for breakfast, okay?" He smiled.

"Okay, but before you leave, I need to talk to Si." I got out of his arms and walked into the living room and sat on the couch beside my daughter.

"Sierra? Are you okay?" I asked her. She looked at me. She looked so unhappy and sad, it killed me inside.

"Yeah, Mom. I'm fine.." She lied.

"Sierra.." I trailed.

"Mom! I said I'm fine! Why can't you just stop bugging me about it!" She yelled.

"I don't understand why you're pushing me away like this. I'm your mother and you push me away. I'm just trying to help you." I said, calmly.

"Well, I don't want your help." She whispered, quietly then went and got her backpack. I was completely shocked and wasn't expecting that. I didn't move even when she slammed the front door.

"She'll be okay, sweetheart. It's probably just a phase." Nate said, rubbing my back as a tear fell down my cheek.

"I'm gonna call Kian while you're gone to see if he can figure out what's wrong with her." I said, standing from the couch and hugging him tightly. He hugged me back.

"Okay, princess. I'll be back in 30 minutes, tops." He kissed my forehead then walked out the front door to take my kids to school.

Nate and I have been together for about a year and a half now and he's so sweet. Once they left, I grabbed my phone and went to Kian's contact.

I clicked the call button and waited for him to answer.

"Hello?" He said once he answered.

"Hey uh, something's wrong with our daughter and I was hoping you could talk to her because she told me she didn't want me to help her." I explained.

"Wait, what do you mean 'something's wrong with our daughter'?" He said.

"She doesn't want to get out of bed for school in the morning and then when she comes home, she stays in her room and doesn't eat. I'm scared so I was wondering if you could talk to her."

"Yeah, I guess I could talk to her. I'll pick her up from school then bring her home around 6."

"Okay." I said. After that, it was silent.

"Okay.." He whispered. I hung up after that.

You see, Kian and I got a divorce about 3 years ago because he was cheating on me with his now wife, Alexis Coleman. But just because we got a divorce doesn't mean that I don't love him because goddamn I still fucking love him. But he's moved on and I kinda have. I know I love Nate but not as much as I loved Kian. I'm just so confused. I haven't talked to Nate about this either. He'd be heartbroken.

Nate is everything Kian isn't. He's sweet, caring, and offers to clean the dishes without being asked. He treats me like a queen. He gets me everything I need and surprises me with gifts too. He's just not Kian. You get what I'm trying to say?

I just hope that my daughter is okay...


Oh and you see how there's a 1% at the top? Yes, this will be 100 chapters when it's completely done so yay. (It's actually 78 + epilogue but)

Also, this won't be updated daily or weekly most of the time because I haven't wanted to write for awhile but I'm gonna try!


- makayla

After Change (Kian Lawley) {BOOK 4}Where stories live. Discover now