Everything about you (A Niall Horan Fanfiction)

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Everything about you (A Niall Horan Fanfiction)


Rebecca and Niall are almost inseparable, and when One Directions  tour comes around ,while they are dating. Rebecca finds it one of the hardest things, being away from Niall, their relationship is breaking down due to trust issues but then Niall finds a solution that may just work...

Authors note: Hey guys this is my first Fanfiction so I'm really sorry if it's bad :/

please don't copy and paste my story

thank you!

Chapter 1

Rebecca's P.O.V

I wake up to the unearthly sound of my alarm clock. Today was the day; the (any sport you want)

European Championships had finally come to the UK, London. I got up out of my bed and slowly walked over to my wardrobe. I opened it and pulled out the awful shade of green top we had to play in. I pulled the shirt over my head and pulled on some shorts. I walked over to my dressing table and brushed out the knots in my dark straight hair. I pulled my hair up into a pony tail revealing the white letters on the back of my shirt that spelled out IRELAND. I pulled on my tracksuit over my kit and checked my phone.

I had 2 new messages

One from my mum: Hi Bex good luck will see you at the excel, don't be late ;) x

And another from my oldest and dearest friend Eleanor: Hey Becca I got you text don't worry I will be there, I'm in London anyway the boys are playing at the O2 the next couple of nights. It is at the excel isn't it? Xxxx

I smiled at the fact that the closest people would be there to support me today as I was definitely feeling the nerves. I was most glad that Eleanor would be coming as she was the closest friend I've ever and will have.

I met Eleanor at high school she was in my form and was one of the more popular girls, you know boys would ask her out practically every day and I would kind of just stand there next to her. I never really knew why we were friends really as we were so different, she was pretty and popular and I was quiet and more focussed on doing well. We became close friends in year 7 when we got assigned to do a project together and her being a popular kid I expected her to sit back and let me do all the work. But she didn't she contributed lots and after the project we became really close. The thing I loved about her was that no matter how many boys asked her out she always declined because she said she wanted to spend her free time with me.

Now Eleanor is a model ,which never really surprised me because she was always so pretty, she has a boyfriend from that boy band One Direction,and I never really see her anymore since I moved to London to attend UCL (university college London). So any time I do get to spend with her is so precious.

So I figured I haven't told you much about myself well belief me there is not much to tell. I was born in Northern Ireland, so I am entitled to play for Ireland, but then I moved to England because my parents work. I went to high school in Cheshire, graduated moved to London and now I go to UCL.

I grabbed my sports bag and proceeded to the front door to my apartment. I locked the door and travelled down the lift to the underground parking. I opened the door to my blue mini and headed down the motoway towards the Excel.

Niall's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of shuffling in my room, I open my eyes and see Eleanor trying to pry Louis out of his bed.

"Louis come on your coming with me" Eleanor said attempting to pull Louis out of his bed.

Louis groaned and flipped over, I glanced at the clock and noticed it read 7:00am.

"Come on Louis" She tried again

"Fine" Louis groaned

I flipped over and tried to get back to sleep, I was interrupted by someone shaking me gently.

"Niall?" a soft voice asked me.

"Huhh?" I answered back.

"Do you want to come?" Eleanor asked me

"ermm, where are you going?" I questioned

"We are going to watch my friend compete in the European championships" she answered

"Err, I don't know I'm Kinda tired" I answered truthfully

"oh come on, you need to get out and do something, you haven't done anything in ages!" she said

I thought for a moment, she was technically right I hadn't done anything since the beginning of the tour and it was coming to an end now...

My thoughts were interrupted my Eleanor dragging me out of bed. I sighed and walked over to the wardrobe and quickly pulled something on. I heard someone's phone buzz and I heard Eleanor run to go get it. Before I knew it Eleanor quickly and swiftly ushered us into Louis' car and we were travelling towards London.


Thanks for reading guys xx

Should I post and continue with another chapter???

Please vote and comment but please not hate xxx

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