Chapter 1 The adventure begins

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Its been years since Ban had visited the Fountain of Youth. Years since the love of his life died. Maybe King was right. Maybe he did kill her. Elaine died to save him. She let him live.

Ban closed his eyes. He remembered that day so well. It haunted him in his dreams. They were sitting under the beautiful tree. The day the same as always. Until the demon came. He nearly killed them both. But with Elaine's last breath, she gave the water to him. He killed the demon in a matter of seconds.

Ban had lost the girl he loved that day. Now he was going to get her back.

Ban felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see The fairy King, Harlequin(or just King as most people call him) standing at his side.

"Ban, Gowther told me you where going to bring back Elaine."

Ban stood up pushing off Kings' hand.

"Stay out of this. I'm not letting anyone stop me." Ban walked off when Harlequin called back.

"I'm not trying to stop you. Elaine's my sister and I want to get her back as well. Plus you could use the assistance."

Ban thought about it. It would be nice to have some help.

"Alright, but if you get annoying, I'm drop kicking you back to the tavern."

King squealed in delight. God, sometimes King could be such a little kid.

"So what did Gowther tell you exactly?",  Ban asked out of couriousity.

"He said you where going to find a entrance to the spirit world. I didn't know where so I came here and well, you can figure out the rest."

Ban nodded. He feared that Harlequin knew him to well.

"Did you tell the others?" He asked.

"No." King replied.


Ban walked on, King flying behind him. They walked in silence, neither one speaking, for both were locked in thoughts.

Ban X Elaine: Elaine's Return (Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now