The Search

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On The Last Bleach- The Adventures of Shao
Sazuraiko: Who are you!
Shao: I'm Shao Kai
Sazuraiko: You are my nephew, Shane and Yuuki's son. Your mother, she has told you of our history?
Shao: Yes.
Sazuraiko: Of course she has. Also, she used to write to me, I only opened those letters recently, that's why Saya was sent off to meet up with you, although she had no knowledge of that.
Shao: I see.

Moeru: You're right, my name is Moeru Hoshi.
Shao: I see. Why is it that my uncle doesn't have any spirit energy here?
Moeru: Because he has lost it fighting to escape this place, he was unable to defeat me, thus, he continues to be trapped here.
Shao: So all we have to do is beat you to escape?
Moeru: That is correct.
*Moeru sends a heatwave towards Shao burning him*
Moeru: This is my Atomikku-en!

*Shao screams out in pain*
Saya: Shao!
Yuuki: Are you okay, tell us what's wrong.
*Shao screams louder*
Shane: He can't hear us.

*Shao's skin starts to get strange patterns all over it as he instantaneously stop screaming*
Yuuki: Blut Vene.

Shao: Faiabureizā!
*Shao is surrounded by fire as he draws all the energy into his sword as it glows red; Shao dashes forwards slicing the zanpakuto but at the same time burning up most of his spiritual energy making him collapse*
Sazuraiko: You did good kid, now it's my turn to finish this. Atomikku kōhai!

Moeru: This was never an intention of betrayal.
Sazuraiko: I understand.

*Sazuraiko coughs as he wakes up*
Saya: Dad!

Yuuki: My baby boy, you're awake!
Shao: Mom! I'm not a baby anymore.

Saya: Yup, hey Adam, are you ready to go find your mom?
Adam: Yeah.

Outskirts of the Rukon District
Saya: Welcome to North Rukon, we'll start looking for your mother here.
Adam: Alright, but look at all of these people, how will we find her through all of these people?
Saya: Don't worry, we will find her even if it takes all day long.
Adam: Are you sure she's here in the Rukon District?
Saya: Almost 100% sure of it.
Adam: Just how sure are you?
Saya: 78% sure.
Adam: That's not almost 100%.
Saya: In this case it is.
Adam: I see.
Saya: I hope Shao has better luck than us.
Adam: Better luck?
Saya: Yeah, he gotta meet our grandfather and let's just say from what I told him, he should be terrified.
Adam: Interesting, shouldn't he wait for you to get back?
Saya: Well....
Adam: Well, he should.
Saya: After we search here, we'll head back if no progress is made. We'll go on to search west Rukon later.
Adam: Sounds like a plan.

Ootanii's Manor
Rick: Hey kid, you ready?
Shao: Honestly yeah, I am ,but, I am waiting until Saya gets back.
Rick: Shouldn't you be out with them?
Shao: I should but Saya told me to stay and mentally prepare myself to meet my grandfather.
Rick: Fair enough.
Shao: So Rick? What was it like growing up with The Ootanii Family.
Rick: Well, I was another kid with many privileges as long as I don't wonder off into the Sereitei alone. Meeting your mom from an early age, I don't remember all the details but she was very special. Your mom took care of me and Saya almost everyday.
Shao: I thought my mom was a captain...
Rick: She was the captain of squad 4 but she always used to finish work early.
Shao: I see.
Rick: Somedays my parents took me out so I spent a lot of time either playing with your mom and Saya or going out getting whatever I wanted. I wasn't really a spoiled kid but yeah, if I wanted 5 toys today, I got them. Suddenly, I got news that said Auntie Yuuki and Uncle Sazuraiko will be leaving for six months and that Saya had to stay with my parents and I. Man, did she cry... she was such a cry baby. She cried most of the hours in the day.
Shao: You probably would have too, if your parents decided to go live for six months somewhere without you.
Rick: Probably, anyway, she got very good at getting me in trouble, if I didn't do what she wanted. If I didn't want her to play with my toys, she'd scream at the top of her lungs and cry and my parents would come rushing to her aide only to punish me.
Shao: I didn't know Saya was such a brat.
Rick: She'd always get a little calmer and fun after I took her out to play with me in the Ootanii Garden. We'd play every day and my oh my, could she hide. She was one of the best hiders. I actually never found her.
Shao: She hid in the garden patch and probably when you got there she was inside the house.
Rick: You may very well be right. Anyway, After Uncle Sazuraiko came back from The World of the Living, Saya was back with her father. Aunt Yuuki came back for a few days but then suddenly vanished. Uncle Sazuraiko told us she was dead which made Saya cry so bad that her spiritual pressure got out of control. She created a powerful earthquake with that but Sazuraiko had a plan to calm her down. Years were going by and Saya's playfulness returned but every year on a certain day she'd cry for Yuuki. I may have cry a certain amount of times too but I wasn't as bad as Saya. We still got what it is that we wanted and a little freedom to roam around certain parts of the Sereitei. Years past and things got better and better, until we joined the academy completing it faster than most people and then we joined the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. Then, I got news that Uncle Sazuraiko had fallen, the day before Saya was scheduled to leave for the World of the Living. Saya had a mental breakdown that was so bad I saw cracks appearing in the ground surrounding her and on the walls. I had to go calm her down and at least get her mind on the mission. Days past and I met you and seeing you as an outsider, I wanted to keep you away from the Ootanii sacred sanctums.
Shao: Wow, that's interesting.
Rick: Yeah it is.

Bleach - The Adventures of Shao Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now