Welcome to the 21st century, where part of the world tells you that makeup is fake. The other part doesn't care about it. There's also another part that can't afford makeup.
Here's the thing, if you haven't noticed, most girls think they're ugly. And they spend hours, talking about how ugly they are. If a few dollars could help boost their self esteem, that is ,if wearing makeup made themselves feel better about themselves ... why the hell not? It's their money. Their face. Their life, actually. What the heck is your concern? Wearing makeup makes you fake? In what way?
I don't get it. Sometimes, people end up going out with someone, because they thought that their skin genuinely was flawless, bronzed, blushed and contoured. That their lips were actually a bright red and that their eyelids are actually shiny. And then when you went home and she took off her makeup, turns out she's not Barbie. And you feel deceived and call her fake.
Firstly, what kind of idiot are you? I need to add you to the list.
Secondly, if you had gone out with the person because of their personality, the fact that they look like a sheep's butt after they remove their makeup wouldn't have mattered to you.
Thirdly, if you're looking for someone with a perfect face with zero makeup on, you'll be 'looking' even when you're on your death bed. Those people don't exist.
Not the makeup wearer's fault.
There are a lot of people who don't wear makeup. But it's not because they walk outta their house everyday thinking,'I shall show my raw self body soul and mind to the world and I shall not deceive'
No. It's probably because they didn't have time or they just don't give a shit.
And some people like putting makeup on. They have 50 shades of lipstick, just because they like makeup. These people are not fake.
What might be fake is their personality. Dear society, I will paint my face with colors brighter than your intelligence. You'll have to deal with it.
But to the people who feel obligated to wear makeup everyday cause they're insecure, #HERE'STOYOU. Every person is given a soul that is truly beautiful. We grew up watching commercials showing flawless women with perfect skin. What nobody taught us is how beautiful a real personality, a real idea, can be. To all those people out there who feel naked without makeup on ... for just one day, I dare you to walk out of your house, with nothing on your face. The people who tell you that you look beautiful that day are the ones that actually give a shit about you. Because that day, they will love you for the jokes you crack, the smiles you wear and the things you say.
You have to be brave, not perfect. Perfection is just a perspective. To someone who truly finds your soul beautiful, you will be perfect.
The Teenage Brain
عشوائيHey. This book includes: Why teenagers are frickin deranged ? (The science behind it.) How to get through the deranged years. (Where I pretend that I'm a teenager that has everything under control and gives advice. Emphasis on pretend ... ) Rants o...