Chapter 4

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Meredith's POV:

I call Zola from the car to make sure she's home. "Zola, honey are you home?"  I ask.

"Yeah, I'm home, what's up. OH and by the way I passed my driver's test!" She replies.

"That's great honey!  Do you mond picking up your brother and sister from Alex and Jo's house?  I need you all to be home this is very important."

"No need, Alex dropped them off earlier.  He and Jo were busy or something, who knows doing what." Zola replies with a giggle.

"Okay thanks, I'll be home in 10 minutes, see you soon." With that I end the call.

"Who was that?"  Derek asks.

"That was your eldest daughter who you are about to meet along with her younger brother and sister.  The eldest is named Zola, she was about 6 when you died, the second oldest child is Bailey, he was just a baby when you died, and then there's Ellis, I only found out I was pregnant with her after you died."

"Wow, I have three kids? Cool!  I bet we make pretty hot babies, do we?  Did my son inherit my beautiful hair?  Please tell me he did, that will do wonders for him."  Derek says.

"They are pretty hot babies if I do say so myself," I say with a chuckle. "Luckily, Bailey did inherit your hair and it HAS done wonders for him, he has a girlfriend."

"That's my boy!"  Derek replies with enthusiasum.

I park the car in the drivway of my home, the one that my mother used to live in.  I unlock the door and let Derek inside.  He looks around the house like this is the first time he's ever seen it. 

Zola walks to the front door, probably wondering what's going on and her jaw just drops.

"Who's this?" Derek asks.  "Is this the cleaning lady or something?"

"Derek! That's your daughter, Zola!"  I say.

"Are you sure she's mine?  I mean are you sure you weren't cheating on me or something?" Derek asks confused.

"Zola is adopted.  We couldn't have children for a while and then my friend Alex, who works at the hospital, brought in a bunch of kids from Africa for us doctors to treat and we both wanted to adopt her because we knew she was just perfect."

"Mom, why doesn't he remeber me?" Zola asks scared.

"It's common for brain injured patients not to remeber, but we are trying to re-gain his memory by continuing his noramal daily routine.  We just have to be patient."  I reply

Hearing all the rucus downstairs, Baily and Ellis come running down the stairs.

"Wait. Woah. Dad?" Bailey looks shocked, taking in Derek's features. "I thought you were dead."

"I'm back in the flesh baby!" Derek says excitingly. "You must be Bailey.  Wow you really do have my gorgeous hair!  How's that working out for you?"

"Just fine." Bailey says cautiously and confused.

"Wait, is this dad?  The one I've heard so many stories about?" Ellis asks.

"Ahh, you must be Ellis.  I heard you've never met me before.  Well, I've never met you either so, nice to meet you." Derek says as he holds out his hand.  Ellis shakes his hand wearily.

"Who's hungry?" I ask, trying to break the awkardness.

"Starving." Derek replies.

I warmup some take-out chicken from the other day and we eat in silence.  It's a really awkard dinner and everyone leaves to get ready for bed.  I show Derek up to our room.  We both get ready for bed and lay awake for a few moments. 

"You know, I'm really trying to remember.  I may seem like a jerk right now to you beacuse I have no idea what's going on, but I do want to remember." Derek breaks the silence.

"It's okay.  I believe that if it's true love, we will have a way finding each other again." I reply.

"So, I was thinking to re-jog my memory, if you could give me the run down of my life.  You know, like everything major that has happened to me."  Derek asks.

"Why don't I just show you tomorrow, instead of me talking for hours?  Plus, both of our lives are pretty crazy, you would probably get nightmares."  I reply with a smile.

"Sure thing, goonight Meredith," Derek says.

"Goodnight Derek."

With that I turn off the lights and go to bed, finally happy to have my husbad sleeping next to me again.

With that I turn off the lights and go to bed, finally happy to have my husbad sleeping next to me again

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