chapter 1- Mother Dearest

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[and here I am drifting away from everything I once claimed to love]

"Happy birthday dear" my mother told me as I entered the kitchen, "I have to get to work, so I'll see you tognight. Be sure to dress nicely, the Waldorf are comming over." It was always like that with mother, I was simply put after work in her order of priority. But really who could blame her, she had to work to pay the bills and being a single mom wasn't easy. I went and grabbed myself a muffin for breakfast. "You really want to eat that Serena, it isn't good for you. Go grab yourself an apple over there." "Yes mother" I replied. Every time I would speak with her, it was usually her telling me to dress better or to eat less because for her the image you show the world is the most important thing in your life. I went to grab an apple before grabbing my school bag and saying goodbye to my dear mother. I heard her brievly tell me that I needed to go buy myself a pretty dress for tonight before I was out the door and on my way to school.

School was pretty much the most important thing on my mind now that my mother had made it clear she wanted me to become a layer just like her. I arrived to school ten minutes early just how I like it. When I got to my locker, I grab my geography book and went to Blaire's locker. Blaire was my best friend since kindergarten, we'd always been attached by the hip like her mom used to say. "Happy Birthday S" my best friend told me while holding a huge bag "here's you're present, hope you like it". I opened it and saw a gorgeous blue dress. "Oh my god, I love it" I told her " It's just perfect, thank you so much". "Well I figured out you still hadn't bought your dress for tonight, so here you have one" she said leaving to get to her class. I went back to my locker to put away the pretty dress and saw Nate. "Hey Serena" he told me as I made my way towards him" Happy birthday by the way". "thanks" I told him while we were walking towards geography class.

The rest of the day past in a blur and not soon after, I found myself on the bus towards my house. When I arrived, I had a tone of homework, so I got started on them. Geography, math problems and an english essay passed by before the voice of someone brought me out of my trance. "Sweetie, the Waldorf are arriving in 1 hour" my mother told me passing by my room. I had finished a good part of the homework I had due for the day after, so I went and took a shower. After that, I did my hair and my makeup and slid on the dress Blaire had bought me. It looked perfect on me. I thanked her silently in my head and went downstairs to meet the Waldorf whom had just arrived.

"Happy Birthday Serena" Rufus and Lily, Nate's parents told me as we greeted them. We went in the living room to open the presents since it was tradition in our house to open them right before dinner. "Here sweetie" said my mom while putting a white wrapped box on my lap. I opened it and saw a the Michael Kors bag and I been wanting for ages. "Thank you so much mom" I told her. It was exactly what I had wanted this year, she couldn't of got me something better. M. and Ms. Waldorf got me tickets to the Cirque du Soleil. I used to do gymnastic, so I loved watching the circus. "Thank you so much, I really look forward to watching it." "We saw it in London and thought of you immediately, it's a beautiful show" Lily told me. "Mine's for later, got to make the pleasure last" Nate told me with a smile. With no other gifts left, we went to have dinner. Dinner consisted of all my favourite food : We had turkey, sushis, pasta and a lot of other great food Lola, our cook, had prepare.

Not to long after, the cake arrived. It was a simple red velvet with exactly 17 candles. " Make a wish Sweetie" my mom said after they finished singing happy birthday to me. And I did, I wished for liberty, not that I couldn't go anywhere. My mom was pretty okay with me going anywhere I wanted too, I just had to text her if I changed places. But I wish for liberty in making my own decisions. My mom had it stuck in her head that I was going to be a layer just like her and nothing could change her mind. And that was what I was having a hard time with, I wanted to party like all the other kids my age but I couldn't because it would be bad for my image. Also, I could not risk getting arrested because that meant no law school for me. "what did you wish for" said a voice that got me out of my thoughts. "ah it's a secret, if I tell you, it won't happen" I responded to Nate

After dinner, Nate and I excused ourselves and went to my room. I had a simple room, all white walls with grey accessories." Here's your present" Nate told me as he gave me a black box. "I actually have no idea what" I told him stopping halfway true my sentence to look even better at the beautiful necklace he got me. It was an S with an N lock on a silver chain, it was simply breath taking. "Omg, I love it, it's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!" "After me, I hope" "Of course, after you Nate Waldorf" I replied to him joking. He took the necklace and wrapped it around my neck. "It's clearly the best birthday present I have gotten in a long time" I told my boyfriend, truthfully. " Well I am happy to hear that baby, look I have been wanting to tell you for a while, but do you remember my best friend? You know the one that moved to LA?" "First wasn't Dan you're best friend and yes, you once told me about him. Said you knew him since you were born and how you miss him." "Well he moved back in New York and he'll be at school tomorrow" Nate told me. "So I'm gonna finally meet who has my boyfriend's heart?" "Oh come on Serena, you know only you as it" Nate told me. "And know and that's one of the reasons why I love you".

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