chapter 3-Look who came back

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[Her heart was a secret garden and the walls were very high]

Dring, dring. "Mom the phone is ringing" I told my mom because getting waked up on the weekend by the phone at 9h30 was not on my to do list for the day. So that meant I was definitely not going to answer. I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't, really don't ever call someone at 9h30 in the morning. It just kills their sleep right there. I got up an went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Good morning Sweetie, did the phone wake you up? my mom asked. ""Well I had to get up anyways but I guess it just did it earlier" I responded. "I'm really sorry, I forgot to tell your father you sleep in during the weekends now" she said. "Well that's not your fault mom, wait dad called?" I ask. "Yes, I just got off the phone with him, he wants you to call him back" she told me. My dad left us two years ago for a way younger woman and he didn't even give us an explanation. "What, since when does he cares about us?" I told my mom. "Serena don't say that, I think you should call him back, just hear out what he has to say" my mom said to me. "Maybe, I don't know, I need to clear my head, I'm going for a run" I said as the same time I walked up the stairs. I grabbed my earphones, my phone and put my running shoes on and left the house.

I didn't know what to think about my father's call. Should I called him back? Why does he care now, if he couldn't even sent something to say he was alive these past two years. All of the questions were running through my head and I couldn't do anything to stop the storm from coming. With water in my eyes, I looked up to where me feet had brought me. I realized I was actually at Nate's house. I turn off my music and climbed to his room to find him sleeping. So I just did what I knew best and layed beside him crying until I dose off to sleep.

"Serena wake up" a distant voice told me "your phone doesn't stop ringing and it's your mom". And with that my eyes shut open, " Sorry, I probably woke you up I just didn't know where to go and" I got stopped in the middle of my sentence by my ringtone "well I guess I'll pick this up". As I answered the phone, my mom started talking" Serena, Sweetie, where are you? Do you know how worried I was that you never came home from your running. Are you okay?" "Mom I'm alright, I'm at Nate's place, I guessed I just falled asleep when I arrived here and forgot to text you"I responded to her. "Okay, take care of yourself and just call me when you need me to pick you up. I'll be at work" my mother told me. "Alright mommy, I love you"I told her. "I love you to Sweetie" she told me before hanging up.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Nate asked and I nodded my head saying yes "take your time, we have all day" And with those few words of encouragement I told him everything I had kept for myself. " It all started the evening of christmas to years ago, while I was trying to find out what presents I got, I heard my parents fighting. Over the past few weeks, they had started to argue a lot and I could see that my father was not happy with us anymore. We were not the perfect family anymore and my mother could not stand that so she tried acting like there was no problem when there was. I went back to sleep just thinking that it was a fight just like the others but when I woke up on christmas morning, the house was too quiet. I opened all my presents alone with my mom. She looked so sad and I did not know why. I ask her more than once where dad was but all she answered was that he had something to do. But what could he possibly have to do on Christmas morning. My dad never came back and I had not heard from him until this morning. Actually except this one time where I got an invitation to his wedding. He had been seeing an other woman while still being with my mom and the reason the big fight happened is because my mom found out. He married a woman who could old enough be my older sister. Why do that when you have a family? Why tore apart everything you have?  And most importantly why couldn't he bother to call or even send a text message to his daughter to know how she is doing? He called this morning and talked to mom but my mom thought I was asleep so she did not pass me the phone. He wants me to call him back, I don't know what to do Nate. I'm so scarred." And with that I started crying again. "Shhh it's alright Serena. I'm here on okay? You have me." Nate said "If you don't feel like calling him back today, you can call him another day but I think you should call him and hear out what he has to say. Maybe he has a good explanation." " Yeah maybe, but I'm scared." I responded. "Don't be I'll be here with you" Nate said.

I took my phone and dialled  a number I hadn't in two years. "Hello" a woman's voice said. "Could I talk to Dan please" I told the woman. "Of course, I'll pass you to him, Dan there is somebody that wants to talk to you on your phone" I heard the lady say to my father. "Hello" a man's voice said. "Dad" I replied. "Serena, my big girl, how are you doing?" he asked. "I'm alright, I guess" I said. "Look, I miss you a lot and I would love to see you in person to explain things right. I also want you to meet my wife, who you didn't meet yet because you didn't come to the wedding." I stopped him. "Dad, you just left us without no explanation, you really think I was going to go to your wedding. You left us for a woman that could be sister. And now you want me to meet her like nothing happen. Do you know, how hard we work to build up a life without you in it, and now you think you can come back like nothing happened. I don't think so." I said. "I know I made a mistake of not talking to you before I left, but that's why I'm calling. I want to make it up to you." my dad said. "When" I told him knowing that I would have to do it either way. "I don't know yet, your mom told me you had got some ticket to the Cirque du Soleil and my wife and I already have some. You could join us for dinner before the show." he replied. "Alright then I will see you there." I said at the same time I hanged up "Will you come with me to this show, Nate". "Of course Serena" he replied and then he kissed me.

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