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Blackjack awoke with a distressed whinny, memories of his nightmare still lingering in his mind.

He couldn't remember all of it, having been too much to memorise, but there was no forgetting the way his boss looked and the conversation he had heard.

His raven-black hair had silver streaks in them, reminding Blackjack of when he once had a single grey streak. His normally light sea-green eyes were now dark.

"Everything's going to change," was what he had said, his voice cold.

The wisp around them had moved around as soon as he finished that sentence, forming a large throne room.

A man, his face covered in shadow, sat on the golden throne. The carcass of an eagle hung above the throne.

"Ah, Blaster." The man paused. "What kind of name is that, anyway? It's stupid."

"Uh, sir, you're the one who gave me that name," said the boss, who stood before the man on the throne.

"...Oh. Well, I regret it." said the man.

He drummed his fingers on the armrest of the throne, thinking.

"How is she doing?" he questioned.

"Could be better," answered the boss. "She hasn't woken up yet. I've tended to her wounds, but as you know, my knowledge of healing is...limited."

Who are they talking about? Blackjack remembered wondering.

"The gods will pay for this," the man growled.

"Indeed they will. When the time comes, the gods will fall."

Blackjack had woken up then, surprised by the fact that the boss would betray the gods. His fatal flaw was loyalty, after all.

Everyone else was still asleep. Grover was chewing on the mattress he was lying on in his sleep, bleating quietly every now and then.

Blackjack estimated it had been about eight hours since he first fell asleep. And by 'estimated', he really meant he glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that it had been about eight hours.

Feeling rested enough, the pegasus got up from the bed, freezing whenever he heard a spring creak (A/N Creak?).

His stomach was growling, having not eaten for more than half a day.

There were about three other doors in the corridor. One of them was the one he and Piper had followed Crusty from.

He walked towards the nearest door–the one with a label above it that read 'Kitchen'. Obviously. He didn't really feel like going into the other door, which was labeled 'Room With Deep Dark Secrets That Should Never Be Shared'.

No, really, that's what it literally says, on a metal plaque above the door.

They'd have to explore it later. Who knows what they were going to find. Deep dark secrets that should never be shared probably. Blackjack's heart pounded at the thought of what horrible things could be in there...

But first, a snack.

Ooh~ I wonder what deep dark secrets they're gonna discover. Even I don't know!


Traitor To The Gods; Hero To The Halfbloods [Percy Jackson]Where stories live. Discover now