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The least the boss could have done was to tell Blackjack where he had been for three weeks. But no. All he did say was that he had not been at camp. And that had not even been directed at Blackjack.

The pegasus stared at Sally and Paul, who only stared back. "Well," Blackjack began, but he did not have the slightest idea of what to say. And so, he settled with "See ya" and ran out of the same door the boss had disappeared through just a few moments earlier.

I know. What a heartfelt farewell, right?

On the roof, Blackjack nursed his front left leg. Some jerk kid kicked it in the hallway. For a kid his size, he had a really strong leg. He was a potential football player. Neither of his parents did anything about it, too. Just walked away with their eyes glued to their phones.

"People like that shouldn't even have kids," Blackjack muttered to himself, standing up slowly, his leg still hurting.

Just as he was about to take off, he spotted a donut on a napkin. He trotted over to it, licking his lips.

"Don't mind if I do," Blackjack said to no one in particular.

It was still warm, so it had obviously been baked and placed there recently. It tasted of the sweet lumps of sugar the boss would often feed him. Probably the best thing he had ever tasted. It felt like his leg was mending itself. Soon, it felt as if it had never been kicked at all.

The napkin had words on it. But they were messy, and many of the words were misspelled. It took Blackjack nearly ten minutes to decipher it.

Hey, Blackjack, sorry I ran off earlier. Here's a donut. It doesn't make up for my disappearing act for the past few weeks, but I hope you like it. Don't ask me where I got it.


Ps. Don't call me boss.

'Don't ask me where I got it'? That sounded suspicious. But the donut was so delicious, Blackjack did not really care all that much.

He took a few running steps, just to test his leg, and took off.

"Where to next?" thought Blackjack, listening to the strangely comforting sound of New York–the honking cars, the televisions turned up to full volume in apartments and, of course, the angry New York drivers shouting at one another to "Move your car, moron!"

Oh, look at that! School's got me drowning in homework again. Haha. Hilarious. Makes me feel as if I'm on the brink of insanity.


Traitor To The Gods; Hero To The Halfbloods [Percy Jackson]Where stories live. Discover now