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Mornin', Ja– Woah!

That was Guido, greeting Blackjack when he woke up and saw that the his black-feathered friend was awake, too. Blackjack couldn't see his own face, but judging by the concerned look the other pegasus was giving him, he must look terrible.

He attempted a small smile. "Hey, Guido."

Yeesh, Jack. Ya look as bad as ya did a couple weeks ago, which is to say...terrible! said Guido. Did ya sleep last night?

Blackjack snorted. "'Course I did, buddy. Just had a nightmare."

This wasn't true. He knew it wasn't just a nightmare, but a vision. It was like the empathy link the boss and Grover had.

Before Guido could ask what it was about, Blackjack stood up, told him he was going for a walk, and left the stable, where the rest of the pegasi, save for Guido, slept on.

Blackjack came to Bunker 9, in which he hoped he would find who he was looking for, and was not disappointed, for Chaos stood at the same desk, holding multiple blueprints and studying them. Dicky, along with his pet goat, sat in the middle of the floor, playing.

Blackjack, unsure of how to get the primordial's attention, stood outside of the bunker.

After a few minutes, Chaos spoke. "You may come in, young pegasus." And so Blackjack entered the bunker. Dicky, barely looking up, said, "Hey, Blackjack" and resumed playing with his goat.

Chaos put down the blueprints and turned to Blackjack, who had to restrain himself from bowing his head under the primordial's gaze. He just seemed so much like a king, but without a crown or a royal robe. In fact, all he wore was a simple black tee and jeans, like a regular teenager.

"So, what is it you have come to me for?" asked Chaos.

"I had a vision, I think. I'm not sure," Blackjack tried to explain as best he could.

"About young Percy, I suppose?"

When Blackjack nodded, Chaos sighed. "It is not uncommon," he started, "for someone who cares deeply about someone else to unconsciously create a sort of link with that someone else. I believe young Percy had a link similar to this with one of the satyrs in your camp."

"You mean, Grover?" asked Blackjack.


"But it hasn't been working lately. Why should it work for me and the boss?" inquired the pegasus, completely ignoring the fact that he had been ordered by the boss to stop calling him 'boss'.

"Your link has somehow deleted the link young Percy and Grover had created, allowing you access to the son of Poseidon's mind."

"And this link is the reason why I got a vision of the boss?"

"Mhmm." He turned back to the blueprints.

"How do I find him? And what about that Hazel girl who got kidnapped?"

"I can't tell you that. You'll have to figure it out yourself. Though I will give you a clue. Young Percy is where many demigods dwell and where he is least expected to be. He is closer than you think. Not here at your camp, of course, but elsewhere. With him, you will find Hazel."

"Why can't you just not be so dramatic? It's pretty obvious anyway," said Blackjack.

To this, Chaos gave no answer. Instead, it was Dicky who replied, "He's just like that. Best to just deal with it and move on."

After that, Blackjack returned to camp and looked for Annie. Finally he found her, at the empty dining pavilion with the rest of the seven minus Hazel and the boss, comforting Frank, who was still upset about his girlfriend's disappearance. Nico was there, too, but he stood off to one side, arms crossed and leaning against one of the pillars of the dining pavilion. (A/N Or are there walls there?)

Blackjack couldn't blame the poor kid for being upset. When the boss had disappeared, he'd acted just about the same way, with Porkpie and Guido and a few other pegasi to comfort him.

"Hey, Anniiiiiiiiiie–abeth" called Blackjack, suddenly reminded that the boss's girlfriend disliked being called 'Annie', by her glare.

"Yeah?" she asked, still glaring, as if daring him to call her by the short-form of her name again.

"You know a guy called Chaos, right?" After receiving several nods by the gathered demigods, he continued. "Well, I met him, and he told me that the boss is, and I quote, where many demigods dwell and where he is least expected to be. And Hazel's with him."

Frank's head snapped up at the statement. "'Where many demigods dwell and where he is least expected to be'? So he's here? At Camp Halfblood?"

Blackjack shook his head. "No, Chaos said he isn't here. But you know where else many demigods dwell?"

He let the others think of where it could be, before they all replied, in unison, "Camp Jupiter."

Oh my gods! Percy's been at Camp Jupiter this entire time?! Why, I am absolutely shocked at this totally unexpected news! *whispers* Not really. I've been planning this for ages!


Traitor To The Gods; Hero To The Halfbloods [Percy Jackson]Where stories live. Discover now