Chapter 5: Day One

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Monday was a shitty day. Monday's were always shitty days, this was inevitable.

Stiles' day started off bad, and got worse progressively throughout the day.

It started off like every other Monday, being awoken by his shrill alarm, which he set five times, and hit snooze almost everytime.

Once Stiles finally got up, he realized he hadn't done laundry like he normally does on weekends, so he had to resort to the t-shirts far back in his closet.

His day only got worse. He then proceeded to burn his toast and his hand when he spilt coffee on himself. His jeep took ten minutes to start, and he stepped in gum when he walked on campus. Then, to top his morning off, his professor never showed, no notice, no anything, which just meant that Stiles could have slept in.

The rest of his morning was rather uneventful, he headed to the library and also found out he got a C on one of his papers, which he spent a full week working on, very hard. It wasn't his worse grade, but he wanted better.

He went out to grab a quick lunch at a sandwich shop, and they were out of turkey. Okay, he'll take ham on wheat bread. They're out of wheat bread. How the fuck can you be out of turkey and wheat bread at a damn sandwich shop?!

He left, unapologetically, and headed to Taco Bell, where they gave him a bean burrito instead of a soft taco. He was ready to jump off a bridge.

Stiles went back to the library, which he only stayed at for around ten minutes before he left, due to the rowdy kids talking about foreskin.

Heading home, Stiles just prayed the day would get better, or if not, The Lord would end him.

When he reached home, Cora was gone, and had left a note on the fridge, informing him she would be gone today, and wishing him the best of luck at the club today.

Stiles puffed out his cheeks, and sat down on the couch. He was glad that he only had one class on Monday's, or else he would have lost it today.

He watched television for a while, undisturbed, until he got a text from an unknown number.

'See you tonight Stiles. Ready to serve cocktails?' The text read. He had to assume this was Erica. Just as he was texting back, she notified him, saying it was indeed Erica.

'Ready as I'll ever be.' He typed back.

Glancing at his phone, he saw it was already 4:45.

Time had gone by fast, though the day was slow and boring, and crappy.

Stiles huffed and headed upstairs, where he proceeded to get on his laptop and work on his paper that was due in two days. This didn't hold his interest for long though, and soon he was watching turtle races on YouTube, while snacking on PopTarts.

He closed the tab, and glanced at his unhealthy food choice. He shrugged, and headed to take a shower.

Though he knew he was clean, he wanted to take a shower anyway, making sure he was extra presentable today, though he wouldn't even being wearing a shirt. He laughed at that, he always made himself laugh, which was kind of creepy.

After drying off, he grabbed his black jeans and a red shirt, laying them on his bed. He grabbed a duffle bag that was now full of all of his stripping costumes, and pulled out his tie. His pinky got caught on a black thong, and he pulled it out.

Should he?

He glanced at it, before putting it on. He frowned, definitely not more comfortable than his boxers, but he knew he had to get used to it eventually, so he pulled on his jeans and threw on a shirt.

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