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WARNINGS!!! Sexual content and language reader descression is advised lol i know sooo not Canada like

You were walking down the side walk in a small town just to get your little brother from his kindergarden class. Could your Aunt get him nooooo she was in freaking cuba on a 1 year vacation. Your mind was wondering on how pissed you where. As you reached the door, you could feel the water from the wet, slushy ground had seeped through your shoes. Grabbing the door knob you stepped into the lobby. You felt weird and out of place in a building full of little kids and older people in their 50's. You were 15, a humble and sweet age, not too young not too old. Shivering, you walked to the desk, "H-hi I'm here to pick up (brothers/name)." you said with a smile. The elderly lady across from you smiled and moved her shakey hand to the pen on her key board. "Ok deary, just head up thise stairs and through the door on the left thats where he should be." You did as the woman said and quietly waltzed up the stairs, opening the door. You looked around for your little bro when all of a sudden you heard your name being called by a timmed voice,"H-hi ______." It sounded like.... your bestfriend Canada. Turning around, you looked and saw the cute luttle blond playing with his little sister. "Hey Canada!!" you shouted running across the room, tackling him in an imbrace. He was warm so you didn't wanna let go. "_-______, you're so cold!" he said hugging you back, rubbing your back. You blushed a dusty shade of pink, you had always had feelings for your little Canadian friend, but you didn't wanna tell him cause, in your opinion, it would ruin your friendship. As he hugged you, you almost forgot why you were there. Smiling you stepped back alittle, "Hey I have to get my bro but would you wanna hang out today?" you asked smiling slightly. His eyes lit up and he smiled the cutest smile ever, "Yes! I'd love to today, I'll leave with you and your bro and we can head off the my house." he said standing up and taking his sister gently by the hand. "Ok!" You squeaked cheerfuly. The good thing was your siblings got along well, mostly cause your bro had a crush on his sis. You walked around looking for him and found him hiding in the closet, "______! You're gonna blow my cover we're playing hide and se-." "Found you!" he was cut off by the little boy funning across the room. Giggling you picked him up and carried him down the stairs. "PUT ME DOWN!" He yelled flailling his arms around, putting him down you knelt down to his level you grabbed his wrist and stared a wicked glare into his eyes. "Listen you little brat, just bacause Aunty isn't here, doesn't mean you can be a whiney mess. Ok and just cause we're infront of your crush doesn't mean you can act all tuff cause you're not, you're only 5 calm down. I can pick you up if I please. Next time you do that, I'll drop you down on the ground ok." ypu growled now fed up with his baby bullshit. "Yes ma'am." he said looking at the ground. You stood up still holding his hand and walked out with Canada at your side.

~le time skip cause i lazy xD~

As you reached his house, you were cold and you couldn't feel anything.
"C-Canada, I'm s-s-so cold." you shivered, hugging yourself. Smiling he chuckled softly, "Would you like my sweatshirt I have up stairs?" He asked. Red dusted across your cheeks as you knodded slowly, smiling in an almost childish way. He chuckled mre and motioned you to follow him up the stairs. Smiling you followed. Apon stepping into his, suprisingly big, room, it was red and white everywhere and some maple leaves here and there and one little tiny Canadian flag. He smiled and turned to you with a large, black, pull over in his hands. "Here you go." he bit his lip, a slight red color dusted over his cheeks. You giggled and took it, pulling him into a big hug. "Thank you Canada." You smiled and pecked his cheek. You really liked him and you wanted him to see that. As you pulled away from his cheek, his face went pale and a crimson red dusted his cheeks, a slight smile curled his lips. "H-hey _______, can I tell you something?" he stuttared. "Of course Canada, you can tell me anything." you smiled sweetly. He smiled and kicked the carpet, all the while, playing with his thumbs. "Well um uh ______, um I've kinda um l-like sorta liked you for a while and um I really really like you." he stuttared and hid in his bed. Your cheeks dusted a dark pink, he liked you...he really did like you. Running over to the bed, you pulled the covers up and tilted his face to look at you. "Canada....oh Canada, I like you too, I have forever." He smiled his widest smile and pulled you down onto the bed with him, hugging you as tight as he could. "I love you _____." he said in a cute little voice. "I-I love you too Canada." you smiled and hugged him back. He pulled away smiling the widest he's ever smiled. This made you want to hug him forever, you wanted him the be your other half. As you stared into his beautiful, blue eyes he started to cry alittle as tears streamed down his cheek. "Canada, what's wrong!?" you said kinda worried. He looked you dead in the eyes with an adorable smile on his face, "Yes I'm ok, it's just no one has ever been as nice as you are to me and I really apreciate that to the fullest." he said. Before you could reply, he crashed his lips into yours making your eyes jolt open as wide as they could and a red dust form on your cheeks. After a few seconds you lossened up and kissed him back, his lips were soft and smooth and suprisingly swift against yours. You celt a smirk form on his lips as his tongue traced your bottom lil begging for you to open your lips. Making the decision to tease him you kept your lios shut and smiled. Lowly growling, he took his hands and slowly ran them down your sides and to your back, down your back and to your ass, giving it a nice squease. You jumped slightly and moaned at the motion, giving the cute Canadian a chance to stick his tongue in. He nudged your tongue over and over to try and make you fight back. Smirking you darted your tongue up at his and wrapped it around his making his eyes shoot open and a light pink dust his cheeks. He faught back after a while he obviously won, exploring every inch of your mouth making you warmer and warmer in your southern regions with every flick of his tongue. You both pulled away, a strand of saliva still connecting the two of you. He smiled and moves back in, pecking your lips, to your cheek, down your jaw, and to your neck. Your eyes shot open wide and you opened your mouth into an 'O' shape. He kissed up and down your soft skin looking for that one little weak spot. This is so NOT like him, he was never dirty like this. You liked it. Gasping as he found your sweet spot on your neck, he smirked and latched onto your neck, sucking it at a gentle but agressive pace. Biting your lip, you choked back moan after maon that wanted to come out. He smiled, "Why are you so quiet? Am I not doing it right?" he smirked and rubbed your inner thigh. You couldn't hold it back any longer, you let out a loud moan and hid your face. "There we go now if you just do that from now on we can get along with this." he smiled and kissed your newly formed hickey. Jummping with pleasure, you crossed your legs, trying to calm the heat that has been growing between your legs. He had noticed this and scooted down to your waist level. he placed a had on the zipper and unzipped it as well as the button and pulled them off. You crossed your legs to cover your exposed panties. "Awe nooo don't be shy, open your legs please." he pleaded giving you puppy eyes, you couldn't say no to that. Spreading you legs, you felt the heat rise to your face and burn on your cheeks. He smiled and poked you clothed opening, "Wow thats wet down there." he smiled and pulled your panties off. You whined and used your hands to cover up. "Awe but I really wanna see your beautiful body." he gave a warming smile. "But I'm not beautiful Canada." you said and frowned. "Yes you are ______, you're a goddess." he said and leaned down, pecking your lips. You smiled and moved your hand for the Canadian man kneeling beside you now, "Now for the shirt." he smirked and stole your shirt, tossing it off to the side. "C-Canada a-are you ok?" you said blushing madly. "Of course I am." he smiles and unclipped your bra, throwing it across the room. "Hey hey hey, you have to take something off too!" you smirked and tugged at his shirt hem. He smiled and took the button up shirt off tossing it with your clothes and did the same to his jeans. Now he was only in his maple leaf boxers, a tent rising in them as you staired. "W-what?" Canada blushed, smiling and cover his clothed member. You got up and kneeled infront of him, taking his hands and moving them. "It's ok Canada, you can show me." you smiled and slid his boxers off. His member bounced out sticking strait up, he was HUGE. Your eyes went wide and bit your lip, "It won't bite, I promise." he smirked. You giggled and gently kissed the tip, making him whine from teasing, "Don't tease me please!" he yelped. Giggling, you took some of him into your mouth and started sucking. "Uh god ______." you whimpered and bucked his hugs alittle. You sucked harder and rubbed what ever you couldn't suck. It was driving the Canadian crazy, he couldn't stand being teased, he grabbed the back of your head and bucked his hips into your mouth. "I'm g-g-gonna cum!" he yelped and released into your mouth. Like the good girl that you were you swallowed it all and pulled away with just alittle on the corner of your mouth. "You have alittle there." he laughed and pointed at your mouth. Blushing you wiped the totally wrong place, "Haha no, here." He said wiping it off and puting it on the edge of your lips. Licking it off your lips, you smiled at him, this was the closest you too have ever gotten. You crawled into his lap and tugged the little curl that had always made you confused why it was there. He shivered and closed one eyes all the way the other only half. Giggling you licked it, making him let out a loud growl. "You shouldn't do that ______." he chuckled darkly. "Or else what." you whispered into his ear, gently licking the shell of his ear. With that you moved up to his curl again and stated licking the end while rubbing some of it between your fingers. Hus hips bucked under the weight of you and his lips curled into a smirk. He grabbed your hips and threw you down onto the bed gently. "I told you to stop, now your done." He smirked and tied your hands and legs to the bed. Eyes wide and face red you looked away not wanting to see what happens next. He gently tilted your head so you looked at him, "I want you too see your punishment." he growled seductivly. You were dripping more and more by the minute. Trying to rub your legs to relax the heat in your lower regions, he smirked and placed his face a few inches away from your sticky hot area. He blew cool air at the area making you squeak and arch your back off the bed. He chuckled darkly and licked gently, and dreadfuly slowly, between your folds and slid his tongue inside. You yelped in pain and tugged up the cloth that was holding your hands. You wanted to tangle your fingures in his silky blond hair. "Canada, please....please untie me. I've learned my lesson!" you yelled at the top of your lungs. He just chuckled and started to eat you out roughly, sucking on your clit and slipping two fingure into you. The room was filled with your yells and screams for mercy. "CANADA!" you screamed as you came all over his face. Your back fell back flat against the bed and your hands and legs relaxed. Canada licked his face clean and untied your hands and feet. "There I think someone has learned to be a good girl now." he smirked and tapped your pussy lip lightly making you twitch and moan lightly. After you had caught your breath, you sat up next to Canada and looked deep into eachothers eyes. "______, do you want to go any further than this?" he asked sweetly. You thought for moments on end over and over the question ringing in your head, "Yes, yes I want to. I really like you and I think we should go all the way." You smiled and hugged him tightly. He smiled wide and hugged you back tight. After a few moments, he laid you down and positioned himself infront for your pussy. "Are you ready?" he asked with a gental smile. You knodded and took a deep breath, knowing this was gonna hurt. he slid himself all the way in and waited for you to ajust. You screamed in pain as tears began to stream down your face. He leaned over and whispered sweet nothings into your ear. After a few moments the pain became a river of pleasure and you gave a gental soft moan. He took this as a signal to move so he thrusted out and crashed into you and repeated this over and over again. With each thrust he made you moaned louder and louder, it was your first time feeling anything like this and you loved it oh so much. "Canada... Faster!" you yelped and bit your lip. He listened and took his speed up a little. You begged over and over again yelling his name. Eventually you bothe came screaming eachothers name. he laid down beside you and took the last bit of energy to drag both of you under the covers to fall asleep. You mumbled in your sleep "I love you Canada." he smiled "I love you too _____."

Ok plz no hate im not very good eith these lol plz dont kill me thx for reading lovlys i love you all byeeeee.

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