Chapter 1

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As I walked inside the boring school halls of Lincoln which I hate this school I would rather be at Preston with my twin Hunter but nope my mom and dad both though it would be a good idea to send me to the rival school I hate this school so much .

As I walked inside the boring school halls of Lincoln which I hate this school I would rather be at Preston with my twin Hunter but nope my mom and dad both though it would be a good idea to send me to the rival school I hate this school so much

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I pull out my phone I don't know the color I look at it and see a message from Hunter .
Hey sis -H
Hey bro I hate this school so much ~C
I know but at least its our last year -H
I'm spending it without you :(~C
He decides to call me
"I know sis "Hunter said
"I hate it so much "I said
"I agree but as usual your on our side of the stands "Hunter said
"I route for you but if I don't wanna get called a trader I have to be on the bad side "I said quietly
"I know I hate we are apart "Hunter said
"Maybe we can talk to mom and dad about letting me go back ?"I suggest
"They won't bye "Hunt said
"True "I said and both our bells ring
"Love ya sis "Hunt said
"Love ya bro"I said and I hang up and walk to class which I sadly have math I hate it.
At lunch my best friend Majia comes over we have been friends since we were born she transferred with me .
"Hey "Majia said
"Hey "I said
"So you talk to him?"Majia asked
"Yeah I hate being away from him and mom knows this "I said
"Maybe she has you apart because you cause trouble "Majia said
"I cause trouble hear "I said
"True your the bad ass of the school "Majia said
"Yep and I look awesome while doing it "I wink at her
"Yeah totally "Majia said
"You love me "I said
"I have to "Majia said
"Wow your a bitch "I said
"I follow after you "Majia said
"True "I said
"I hate this school "Majia whispered
"Same "I said and a group of jocks comes over
"You hot ladies looking for a good time "A weird boy said
"Not with you or your friends so fuck off "I said and I fix my class ring .

"Hey "Majia said "Hey "I said "So you talk to him?"Majia asked "Yeah I hate being away from him and mom knows this "I said "Maybe she has you apart because you cause trouble "Majia said "I cause trouble hear "I said "True your the bad ass of the s...

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I also have a middle finger ring that has diamonds on it .
"Well that was funny "BJ the head of them said
"Can I help you ?"I ask I know how to fend off boys unlike Majia
"Yeah you me my bed tonight "A cocky ass said
"Oh sorry I already have a date "I said
"With who ?"the cocky ass asked
"Myself I take care in my body and don't lend it to man whores like you "I said with confidence
"Well listen hear bitch every girl would die to have this happen go her "Ass said
"Oh really well I guess I hate you more than the others "I reply with a smirk
"Oh please no girl hates us "Weird boy said
"Sorry to tell you the truth man but I do "I said and everyone was looking at us and I didn't care sue me .
"Cocky for a girl are we "A dumbass asked
"Yeah because I don't let my ego or sexual desire go before me "I said
"Who does she think she is !?"the school slut Ashley screeched and walk over
"Oh sorry to tell you honey but you put on to much makeup "I said and I know Majia is recording this
"You lier !"She said
"As if you slutty ass bitch !"I said and stand up . She tried to slap me I grab her hand and flip her over I stand over her and everyone gasped
"Listen hear you bitch touch me again and I'll break something "I warn and let go harshly .
"Nice girl "Majia said and high fives me
"Thanks "I said and I feel a tug on my hair I spin around and see the fake ass barbie pulled it .
I look at Majia and she nods I face Ashley in the Bink of an eye and I punch her in the nose I hear a loud crack and I know I broke it .
"Oooowwwww!!"she screamed
"I warned you "I said
"You fucking die you bitch "She screamed and lunged at me I grab her leg and flip her whole body over and she lands on her back I look at her and she glares and gets back up and tried to slap me I punch her in the side and she goes down .
"Never touch me !"I said and I go back to Majia
"You got all that right ?"I ask
"Hell yeah your bros gonna be proud of you "Majia said
"When isn't he ?"I ask
"I have no fucking clue "Majia said and Ashley gets up and throws a punch at my stomach I let it get my stomach but it doesn't hurt she looks at me .
I grab her hand and squeeze and a loud crack is heard she screams and her hand is broken
"I said don't touch me with your fake barbie ass "I said and the jocks look at me wide eyed .
Then dumbass comes over to me and tries to punch me Majia is recording again I doge and I knee his balls he grabs them and falls down
"Same goes for you "I said and the others all charge me I jump over them and they look at me with shock
"The never learn "I said and one punches my side it don't hurt . I grab his hand and twist it behind his back until a crake is herd
"Now if you all want to play Friday in a few weeks don't fucking touch me "I said and they all back up arms up I go back to my table and I look for my phone and I realize I dropped it I look on the floor and see it I grab my phone .
"Ready let's go "I said and the bell rings I but my phone in my back pocket .

Now was it really her phone huh find out next chapter 😇😇😇😇😇
I love everyone who reads my stories thanks by the way for reading .

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