Chapter 4

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When I wake up and I go to my closet and I get clothes and I go to my bathroom and shower .

After I get dressed and my rings on I go downstairs and I grab one ok my keys and I go get Majia

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After I get dressed and my rings on I go downstairs and I grab one ok my keys and I go get Majia .
"Hey "Majia said
"Hey "I said
"You ok ?"Majia asked
"I'm fine "I said and I drive to school .
At lunch Majia and I were outside hanging out .
"So why does Blake's phone keep buzzing ?"Majia asked
"I don't know "I said and I look at his phone and see a text and I look at it and see a nasty pic .
I call Blake and I am not looking at the pic.
"Hey "Blake said
"Why do you have a gross picture being sent to you ?"I ask
"One of the girls I met wanted my phone and I had no clue what they would send "Blake said
"Your gross "I said
"So what Princess "Blake said
"I hate football players "I said to Majia
"Isn't your brother one "Blake asked
"You shut up "I said
"I think you only hate the football players at this school "Majia said
"Bingo Majia "I said and we smile
"Your mean princess "Blake said
"Can you shut up ?"I ask
"No you called me "Blake said
"To ask why the grossest thing I've ever seen was being seen by me "I said
"So what princess it's not like you have the same thing the other girls have "Blake said
"What would that be ?"I ask
"Boobs and a v "Blake said
"Blake your nasty as hell "I said
"Maybe but you have to talk with me until I get back "Blake said and I hang up on him
"I hate school "I said .
"I agree "Majia said .
The week later me and Majia are going into the cafeteria and I see Blake .
I pull out his phone and text him
"Give me my phone at the park after school "I text
"Ok "Blake texted I sit at me and Majia's spot
"So how has life been for you ?"Majia asked
"Shitty as hell "I said
"And I feel bad for you "Majia said
"Eh its what it is "I said and we keep talking about random things .
After school I go to the park after I drop Majia off at her house .
I sit on a bench and I wait for Blake he shows up a hour later I get up and I hand him his phone and I grab mine .
"Thanks "I said and I walk away
"Hey princess "Blake said
"What Blake "I said
"What's wrong you seem mad "Blake said
"I'm fine "I said
"Sure you are Princess "Blake said
"Look we have no need to keep in contact so stop "I said and I walk away .
Today at school everyone was so hyped while I was like really I would rather be at Hunters school I roll my eyes at everyone as they pass by me .
"Everyone to the auditorium"Principle said I roll my eyes but go I sit in the back while everyone is at the front other than Majia she is with me .
"Hello everyone welcome to the pep rally for the big game tonight !"Top cheer said everyone cheers I pull out my phone which now has a password on it and I play on my phone .
"Cassie "Majia said
"What "I said and I look next to me and see the cheer leader
"Come down and participate"she said
"How about no "I said and everyone is now looking at us
"Why not "She asked
"If you haven't noticed I hate this school so fuck off "I said and Hunter texts
"Hey sis ready for the game tonight "Hunt text
"Yes I cant wait to see you kick there asses "I text and she walks away
"Sis I love you "Hunt texted
"I know bro you rock remember that ok"I text
"I know and your the best "Hunt texted
"Good luck tonight bro "I text
"Thanks I hope you sit on our side "Hunt texted
"I am "I text .
"YAY!"Hunt texted and I let out a little laugh
"Look I have to go pep rally "I text
"Aw bye sis "Hunt texted
"By big baby "I text and I lock my phone and Majia looks at me I go to her ear
"We are sitting on h's side "I whisper
"Ok"Majia said and I look at the stupid game for spirit going on .
A few moments later I was looking and talking to Majia and she looks behind me with wide eyes and I feel something go all over I stand up and I look at the person who did it and it was of course the football team
"What the hell !"I yell
"Get over it "One said
"You fucking have no clue how lucky you all are that there is a game tonight in fact I hope this school loses !"I yell in pure anger and everyone gasped
"I hate this school and everyone but one person in this school and it's Majia you all are gross and fake dumbass !"I yell and the crap they dumped on me goes down my back more I grab my bag and I storm out and Majia comes with me
"Fuck you all and lose the game !"I yell while walking out I get in the truck and I speed to my house .
When I get home I throw my bag on the couch and I go to my room and take a shower .
When I was done I get into my old schools colors and I go downstairs .
"I hate that school "I said
"I do to "Majia said and my phone rings .
"Hello "I said
"I so agree with the fact of how crappy that school is "Majia said
"I agree "I said
"Princess "Blake said
"Oh great it's you go fuck yourself "I said and hang up
"Hon you ok ?"Majia asked
"No I fucking hate that school "I said
"So do I hon "Majia said and my phone rings again I look at it and its the dick
"What do you want now ?"I ask
"Wow someone's pissy "Blake said
"Try getting gross what ever it was ported on you then well talk "I said
"I had nothing to do with that "Blake said
"As if I hope Hunter wins "I said and I hang up on him .
Hunters whole life has been put into football he always wanted to play and it was also forced on him to play our great×10 grandpa played and before he died he asked our great ×9grandpa to coniute football playing in our family and then a while later it was dads turn to keep playing and it has been
"Cassie !"Hunter yelled I run over to him and hug him
"Hey sis "Hunt said
"I'm going to have so much fun watching you guys beat them "I said
"What did they do ?"Hunter asked
"Pored some kind of liquid on me "I said and my phone rang I look at it and see Blake's number
"What I though I told you to leave me alone "I said
"Oh sorry honey I stole his phone after I seen him I seen what happened its all over YouTube "Depra said
"Oh sorry for snapping at you Depra I though it was you son "I said
"Its ok I should have called you off my phone "Depra said
"No its fine "I said
"Hey Cassie "Depra said
"Yeah "I said
"Bj has a bunch of presser on him to win the game "Depra said
"So does my brother it may be more for my brother "I said and I look at him talking to Majia
"Bj's father played and got far but he broke his ankle and had to stop and now he wants Bj to do what he couldn't "Depra said
"My brothers football thing comes from years and years of our grandfather's wanting the legacy to pass on "I said
"Wow "Depra said
"It was on their death beds they want it to countine "I said
"Oh dear "Depra said
"Look don't worry about it is what happens is what happens "I said
"True I'll be supporting my son and you'll be supporting your brother "Depra said
"I am excited to see what is going to happen "I said
"Same I should go bye Cassie "Depra said
"Bye Depra "I said and hang up
"Who's Depra ?"They ask
"Blake's mom "I said
"How did you get in contact with his mom ?"Hunter asked
"When I had Blake's phone for the first time she called and I Awncer and we talked and yeah "I said
"Oh"they said I roll my eyes game is in one hour
"We have one hour let's get a move on "I said and Majia and I go get ready .

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