Chapter 3

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When I wake up I get into the shower and after I go to my closet .

I'm in a white v-neck,white bra ,Ripped jeans ,Black compat boots ,my many color ring ,a heart neckless,and I stole a beanie from Hunter so I'm also wearing that

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I'm in a white v-neck,white bra ,Ripped jeans ,Black compat boots ,my many color ring ,a heart neckless,and I stole a beanie from Hunter so I'm also wearing that .
I walk down and I go to my car a real car I guess .

My cars are awsomest I go pick up Majia and she is outside and she gets in "So how did last night go ?"Majia asked "Crappy "I said "How ?"Majia asked "One ran into the guys who harassed you and Blake second I lost my phone "I said "Well let's hope...

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My cars are awsomest I go pick up Majia and she is outside and she gets in
"So how did last night go ?"Majia asked
"Crappy "I said
"How ?"Majia asked
"One ran into the guys who harassed you and Blake second I lost my phone "I said
"Well let's hope ass doesn't have it "Majia said
"Yeah I agree "I said and she pulls out her phone and calls someone .
"Who is this ?"Majia asked
"Ok "Majia said and put the phone on speaker
"Hello "I said
"Hi Cassie "Blake said
"You bitch you have my phone again "I said
"Yes I do you dropped it last night oh and check your locker "Blake said and hung up.
I pull into the parking lot and I get out so does Majia I lock my car and I go to my locker seeing the handy work of my brother and his friends and I .
I open it and see Blake's phone I grab it and I turn it on and see a text I look at it and see its from him
"Your not getting your phone back until I find who your brother is"Blake
"You wanna know ?"I ask
"Yeah "Blake said I call him
"You seriously want to know who my sibling is "I ask
"Why the hell not"Blake said
"My brother is Hunter "I said
"Wait the Hunter from the other school ?"Blake asked
"Yeah that Hunter so I recommend you give me my fucking phone "I said
"Sorry I can't princess I'm at football camp with the schools football team getting ready for the giant game "Blake said
"You fucking ass hole !"I yell
"Yeah I know "Blake said I hand up grab Majia and we go to Hunter's school.
I storm inside the school and everyone looks at me I walk up to Hunter
"I need help with my anger right now "I said
"What did he do ?"Hunter asked I hold up the phone
"You have his phone while he's away at football camp with his friends "Hunter asked
"Yes "I said
"Football camp last about 2 weeks "Hunter said
"He did this on perpous "I said
"He what ?"Hunter asked
"Yeah he said I won't get my phone back until I told him who my sibling was so I did and turns out fucking football camp !"I yell and his phone buzzes I look at it and it's my phone number
"What the hell do you want "I ask venom in my words
"Wow someone's mad "Blake said
"I'm more than fucking mad you dick !"I yell
"You need to calm down "Blake said
"Calm down really that's all you can say when you fucking stole my phone !"I yell
"Cass calm down "Hunter said I look at him and he looks back with the eyes that mean he is serious
"Princess you are just as guilty "Blake said
"Oh hell no dropping my phone was a accident you chose to fucking take it and replace it with yours !"I yell no longer looking at Hunter
"Ok fine I admit that but it doesn't mater "Blake said
"Yes it does you stole my phone "I yell beyond pissed
"You can't do anything till I get back "Blake said
"Go screw yourself !"I yell and hang up I call his mom
"Hello "Depra said
"Hi "I said clam voiced
"Oh hey hon you switched phones again ?"Depra asked
"He stole mine I dropped it yesterday and he replaced it with his "I said
"Oh no dear he left for football camp today I'm so sorry "Depra said
"Its ok "I said and I smirk
"I have to go "Depra said
"Ok I have to go as well "I said and hang up I look through his phone and find a group message that said 'football buddies '
I smirk and I go on the text and I start typing
"That sound to mean ?"I ask and show Hunter
"No not really its funny "Hunter said
"Ok"I said and I laugh .
The message said
"Hey guys I think I need help my ass hurts and so does my dick what do I do I really have no clue maybe it was the penis pump "I laugh me ass off as I send it I look at Hunter and he was the same way as me .
The phone rings and its Blake
"Hey "I said innocent
"You ok princess ?"Blake asked
"Yeah I'm fine I have to go bye "I said and I hang up on him in a fit of laughter .
"He had no clue "I said and I go home .
A few hours later its 9 and I get a call from Blake
"Cassie what the hell ?"Blake asked
"What ?"I ask smirking
"Penis pump !?"Blake said
"What do you mean ?"I ask my smirk tuning into a giant smile
"What the hell "Blake asked
"I didn't do anything "I said
"Yes you did you send a text to my friends about my ass hurting and same with my dick "Blake said and I try to hold back laughter
"You did it didn't you ?"Blake asked
"No I didn't "I said
"You fucking liar !"Blake yelled
"Don't ever switch phones with me again "I said and hang up and I burst into a giant fit of laughter .
"Ok "I said and I get up and put on a black tank top and shorts and I go to bed .
When I wake up the next morning I don't wanna be up yet I have to I get into a Black crop top ,Blue jeans with holes all down the legs ,my compat boots and my two rings class and the other one from the other day and my neckless .
I get Majia then we go to school and school sucks for me .
At lunch I get their late and I see something I don't like Majia is in between a group of guys and they are touching her and she looks terrified I go up behind them and I push through them and Majia sees me and runs over and hugs me tight
"I though I warned you "I said my voice low and deadly
" we did this for fun "a dumbass said
"Well you should think before you fucking touch my best friend !"I yell and they all flinch .Blake's phone rings I look at it and see its Blake himself
"What the hell do you want I'm buzzy !?"I ask mad
"I wanted to talk is that bad "Blake asked
"Yes !"I said and I look at the guys they are laughing I put the phone in my pocket and have Majia go off to the side
"I may not be able to kill you now but your not leaving unharmed "I said and I punch them and their jaws break you can hear it
"Like I said you touch her you have to face me "I said and kick the guy who I assume came up with this idea and I spin around and leave I grab the phone
"Now what ?"I ask and I take Majia to the halls and we get our tings
"What happen ?"Blake asked
"Something don't worry about it "I said and we go to my car
"Princess what happen ?"Blake asked
"Something that I took care of "I said and Majia looks at me and she looks scared to all hell
"Majia wait in the truck for me ok lock the doors "I said and hand her my Keyes and I go to the roof
"Princess what happen ?"Blake asked
"Guys touching Majia again "I said
"She ok "Blake asked
"Terrified but yeah she's fine "I said and feel something touch my side and pull me close I elbow them and turn around speedy quick
"Ow that hurt "A creepy boy said
"No shit "I said
"Princess ?"Blake asked
"Your going to get it now "He said and charged at me I doge him and I run as I was running it was obvious
"I need to call Majia "I said and hang up I type in her number
"Hello "Majia asked
"Its me I need you to get out of their now !"I said and I hear her start the car something grabs my foot I hang up on Majia and kick the guy and Blake calls I awsner
"GET OFF!"I yell and he finally let's go and I run into a alley and I hide my breathing heavy
"Princess ?"Blake asked
"I'm good "I whisper and I hear something go by and it comes closer to me I have my eyes open and I don't look away from the sound and something comes on the left side and grabs me . I scream really loud and I try to get free but the grip is strong
"Princess?"Blake asked and the guy behind me grabs my waist and tries to stop me but it doesn't work I keep moving terrified .
He ran his hand up and I scream and his hand goes to my mouth I bite it and he let's me go and I run tears going down my face I go into the forest and I sit down and tears go down my face hard .
"Are you ok ?"Blake asked
"No "I said and tears go down
"Princess do you need me to text your brother ?"Blake asked
"I should be fine "I said absloutly horrified I get up and I start walking home
"Princess what happen ?"Blake asked
"I was on the roof and then someone grabbed me "I start and I tell him everything that just happen .
"What the guy touched you "Blake asked
"Thankfully I got away "I said and tears were going down I get home and Majia,Hunter ,Mom and dad all look at me .
"Thanks for staying on the phone with me "I said
"Your welcome are you at home Princess ?"Blake asked
"Yeah thanks for staying on the phone again "I said
"Hey I'm hear for you ok Princess "Blake said
"Yeah I have to go but thanks "I said
"Welcome "Blake said and hung up I look at my family and they look at me with worried eyes and I start crying Hunter ,mom ,Majia and dad all rush over to hug me .
"Cass what happen ?"Hunt asked
So I told them everything when I was on the phone with Blake and what happen on the roof ,in the alley and as I walked home
"He really stayed on the phone with you ?"Hunter asked
"Yeah he did "I said
"You ok ?"Majia asked
"I'm fine thanks and thank you for going when I told you "I said
"I knew if I didn't listen who knows what would you say "Majia said and I hug her
"Your the best friend the world "I said
"I know and so are you "Majia said
"Thanks "I said
"Why did he stay on the phone with you ?"Mom asked
"I have no clue "I said
"He doesn't seem like a bad boy right now seeing as he offered to text Hunter for you "Dad said
"I know I only told him no because I would have been fine by that point "I said
"I think he stayed on the phone with you to make sure you were safe "Majia said
"I think so too "Mom said
"I'm happy nothing else happen "I said
"So am I "Mom said
"I am going to shower than bed "I said
"Ok goodnight "They said and I go up and I see my Keyes on my desk I grab PJs and I go take a shower to get the guys grossness off me and after lay down Blake's phone rings I look at it and see its him
"Yeah "I said
"You ok ?"Blake asked
"Yeah I'm fine thanks for asking "I said
"Ok I'm hear if you need to talk "Blake said
"I know "I said
"Hey even with you being his sister I can understand what happen and how you reacted "Blake said
"Yeah it didn't help with what happen to Majia happened then that "I said
"Yeah "Blake said
"Why did you stay on the phone with me ?"I ask
"I wanted to make sure you were safe "Blake said
"Thanks "I said
"Welcome now you should get to bed princess "Blake said
"Yeah I should night Blake "I said
"Night princess "Blake said and hangs up I walk down and I see mom,dad ,Majia and Hunter
"We were right he wanted to make sure I was ok "I said
"At least if anything happen he would text or call one of us "Majia said
"Your right now I'm going to bed Majia you can sleep in my room if you want "I said and yawned and I go to my room .
The phone buzzed as I walked in
"Princess I hope you have a good night sleep "Blake texted
"I will thank you Blake I hope you do as well "I text and I lay in bed and fall asleep.
My phone rings waking me up I look at the phone and see it's Blake
"Hello"I said
"Hey sorry to wake you but your best friend just texted you saying she needs you downstairs "Blake said
"Thanks Blake "I said
"Welcome Princess night "Blake said
"Night "I said and I hang up and get off my ass and I go down .
"He did tell you "Majia said
"Yes he did what's up ?"I ask
"I wanted to know if you knew what this was?"Majia said and held up a picture of Blake and I texts it was his goodnight a few hours ago
"Just a goodnight so what ?"I ask yawing
"His nickname for you "Majia said
"I told him to stop it but he still uses it "I said
"Ok "Majia said
"Night best friend "I said and I go back to my room and I go to bed .
The next time I wake up on my own and my phone buzzes I look at it and see its Blake's friends I take pics of them and send them to Him .
After that I get dressed in shorts and a tank top I go downstairs with Blake's phone and see Majia is the only one hear
"Hey "I said
"Hey sorry to not tell you but your family left for work and school a while ago .
"I know "I said
"You ok hon?"Majia asked
"Yeah I'm fine want me to take you home "I ask
"Sure call me if you need anything "Majia said
"I will "I said and I grab my keys and I take her home .
"Bye "Majia said and hugged me
"Bye "I said and she gets out and I drive home .
When I get inside I go to the kitchen and make some food after I eat I go to my to and lay on my bed .
Sadly Blake's phone rings I look at it and as always it is him .
"Hey "I said
"Why aren't you in school Princess ?"Blake asked
"I don't wanna go back right now "I said and I have a hand on my belly one leg up and the other down .
"You ok ?"Blake asked
"Yeah it's just I don't wanna meet the guy from the other day on the roof "I said and I hear a noise from downstairs I walk down slowly
"I understand that "Blake said
"Yeah "I said and I look over the banister and see a shadow that's not my family's I go in my room lock my door ,windows ,and balcony door
"Why aren't you at practice ?"I ask
"We have today for a break "Blake said
"Ok"I said and I look at my hands .
"So what are you doing ?"Blake asked
"Nothing really "I said and a loud bang is heard like breaking glass I jump up and go to my laptop and I go into the security cameras and I look around and see 4 guys in all black breaking the window in the kitchen .
"Princess what was that loud sound ?"Blake asked
"I dropped a cup "I mutter and the sound gets louder I look around me and see that I'm still alone in my room they want something downstairs .
"Sure Princess then why is a louder sound going on?"Blake asked
"I am clumsy "I mutter and I look at my laptop and I keep looking at the guys one of them walks up stairs and over to the guest bathroom .
"Hu"I said quietly
"Ok Princess you are scaring me what is going on ?"Blake asked
"Nothing "I said and I see the guy walk out with a few towels .
"Look what I found "One guy yells and I look at the kitchen camera and I have all the keys and important stuff with me right now
"So you found a gross dried pad "A woman voice said
"It could help if we show it to the other blood sample we have maybe we can find if its her "He said
"Cassie ?"Hunter asked three way call damn Blake
"Yeah "I whisper
"You ok ?"Hunter asked
"I'm fine "I whisper
"She won't say anything "Blake said and I hear glass break right next to me I jump and look over and see something was thrown into my room I hide everything and I hide under my bed
"Cassie ?"They both ask
"She has to be hear some wear "The girl said
"Yeah but wear ?"A deep voice asked
"The question is why would she hide "A super deep voice said
"She must have known we would come either that or she's at school "The girl said
"True "The sorta deep said
"Cassie I'm sending mom "Hunter said I quickly go to messages turn the brightness down and text Blake
"Don't if he does I'm dead "I text and send and turn the volume down .I bring the phone to my ear .
"You can't she texted me if you do she is dead "Blake Said
"Wait that means "Hunter said and the footsteps get closer to me .
"She was hear I think all the cars are hear other than the parents and her brothers "She said and Hunter and Blake can hear this
"True so wear could she hide ?"Deeper asked
"I don't know "Girl said and sits on my bed .
"Knowing her she wants to throw us off let's go look at her school ,Hunters school "She said and everyone but her left
"Idiots "She said and walked over to me and pulled me out
"Look I don't have any thing you want "I said
"I know but they think you have a high power hard drive "She said
"If I had it I won't know "I said
"Cassie "They both asked
"I'm fine "I said
"So Cassie why are you home ?"She asked
"I don't really want to say "I said
"I'm Taylor "She said
"Nice to meet you Taylor "I said
"Look take my number the reason you were attacked yesterday was them "Taylor said and hands me a piece of paper
"The guys did that why ?"I ask
"They want that high power hard drive more than anyone"Taylor said
"Wow they would go all that way just to get some stupid Drive ?"I ask
"Yes they would "Taylor said
"They are low "I said
"I agree I have to go before they worry about me "Taylor said
"Thanks I'll text you later if I can "I said
"I know about the phone swap "Taylor said
"Bye Taylor and thanks for saving me "I said
"Welcome "Taylor said and left .
"Princess ?"Blake asked
"I'm fine Blake "I said
"Thank god "Hunter said
"Look I his all the keys and important things in my room "I said
"Ok I'll let mom and dad know and Princess ?"Hunter asked
"Ok one I told him to stop and he won't two he is annoying "I said
"Wow bitchy much "Blake asked
"I know you "I said
"Wow "Blake said
"Too bad "I said
"Cassie "Hunter said
"Yes bro ?"I ask
"I want you to know as of now mom and dad know what happen "Hunter said
"Dude they won't trust me "I said
"Sorry not really "Hunter said
"Your my twin and your not as evil as I am "I said
"Yeah yeah everyone knows this "Hunter said
"look I have to go before mom and dad get home "I said
"Ok"Hunter said and he hung up
"Princess I'm not hanging up "Blake said
"Blake I'm safe trust me and if I need any thing I'll call ok "I said
"Princess "Blake said
"Look Blake it's not really helpful as of right now "I said and I walk down into the living room
"You sure princess "Blake asked
"Yes Blake "I said
"Fine "Blake said and hung up I sit I'm the couch .
After a few long hours of questions I was allowed to go to my room.
I walk up to my room and I relax on my bed and I fall asleep

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