First Encounter

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"That was a great concert!" I tell my best friend Alex.

"It really was. Did you see the way Baekhyun was looking at you after each song?"

"Oh yeah right, as if. Either way, you know I have eyes for Chanyeol and only Chanyeol," I answer.

"Hey if you can get any of them to look at you the way Baekhyun was looking then that's all you need, Isabella."

"Okay whatever"

"Want to go grab some drinks? It's still pretty early," suggests Alex.

"I don't know... you always leave me behind after finding a hot guy," I answer honestly.

"No I don't!" I look at her. "Okay maybe I do but I promise this time will be different. Look there's a club right next door, let's check it out." Alex drags me along before I can complain any more.

We enter the club and head our way over to the bar. After a couple of shots we work our way to the dance floor. Since we're in Seoul, there's a ton of Kpop playing which just makes us want to dance more.

"I'm going to take a piss then get some water, do you want any?" I scream to Alex over the music.

"Nah I'm good," she answers and I walk over to the restrooms. After grabbing some water I go over to look for Alex but she is nowhere in sight. I keep looking around until I see her making out with some random guy, typical Alex. I wait around a bit until my head begins to pound. I walk out to get some air and walk around. After a few minutes I realize that I've strayed too far and now I've got no idea where I'm at. Shit. Maybe I can find the bus stop to our apartment? I'm sure it was only a couple of blocks from here... but in which direction? As I continue to look around I see a tall figure standing near the concert building. Maybe they can help me find my way around, I'll ask.

"Excuse me?" I call out as I begin walking towards the figure slowly. No answer.

"Uhm, excuse me!" I wave my arms around to get their attention. They look up and automatically turn and begin running away.

"Hey! That's not very nice! I need some help here. Hey you!" I chase after them for a little while until I trip. "Fuck that hurt," I say as I dust off my hands and knees. "This headache isn't helping either... I just want to get home," I begin tearing up as my frustration builds. I wipe my eyes but as I move my hands away from them I see a hand stretched out to me. I look up and see a tall man with a hat and a mask on.

"Stay away!" I back away and turn to try to get up and run but I can't because of an intense pain in my ankle. The man chuckles under his mask.

"You're only making it worse. Here, take my hand. I'll help you out," he says as he extends his hand out to me once more. I guess he doesn't want to murder me. I take his hand and he helps me up.

"Can you walk on it?" he asks me in a familiar deep voice. I shake my head. "That's fine, I'll just carry you." He lifts me up easily into a bridal position and we begin walking in a direction I'm unfamiliar with. As we continue walking, he makes multiple turns that I lose track of where we've gone. Sometime during the passage I fall asleep against his chest and forget that my life is in the hands of a complete stranger but somehow, I'm comfortable in his arms.

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